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Those who have passed matriculation and are vying for a position in the central government will find a rewarding career with SSC CHSL. The Tier I exam was postponed due to technical issues according to the most recent notification for the Staff Selection Commissions’ Combined Higher Secondary Level exam, which was published on February 1, 2022. LDC, JSA, PA/SA, and DEO are among the CHSL positions, and each of them has a unique job function within the relevant departments. Interested candidates can review the contents of the SSC CHSL job profile and the SSC CHSL career perspectives in this article.

Holi Sale

Candidates are chosen for a variety of positions within the Ministries, Departments, and Offices of the Government of India through the CHSL test. The selection process is mostly for the following positions:

SSC CHSL Career Growth

The promotion opportunities that candidates can obtain through the service or through departmental exams are part of the SSC CHSL career advancement. Let’s examine the potential for professional progression for each CHSL post and the subsequent higher posts:

PA/SA career growth

Lower Selection Grade (LSG) Supervisor, Higher Selection Grade (HSG) II Senior Supervisor, Higher Selection Grade (HSG) II Chief Supervisor, and Postal Assistant

SSC CHSL Salary Structure 

As was previously mentioned, information on the SSC CHSL remuneration is now accessible. Basic pay, HRA, TA, and gross compensation are all included in the SSC CHSL’s varied post salaries. Also, candidates will be paid a wage according to the city to which they are being sent following the implementation of the 7th CPC. Cities classified as X cities have a population of more than 50 lakh. Likewise, cities having a population between 5 and 50 lakhs are referred to as Y cities, and those with a population under 5 lakhs are referred to as Z cities. The SSC CHSL salary structure for lower division clerks, postal assistants, data entry operators, and other positions is detailed below.

Salary Structure of SSC CHSL 
Post NameBasic PayCityHRATAGross
Lower Division Clerk / Junior Secretariat AssistantRs. 19900XRs. 4776Rs. 1350Rs. 26026
Rs. 19900YRs. 3184Rs. 900Rs. 23984
Rs. 19900ZRs. 1592Rs. 900Rs. 22392
For the post of Data Entry Operator, Sorting Assistant & Postal AssistantRs. 25500XRs. 6120Rs. 3600Rs. 35220
Rs. 25500YRs. 4080Rs. 1800Rs. 31380
Rs. 25500ZRs. 2040Rs. 1800Rs. 29340

SSC CHSL Pay Scale

Name of PostsPay LevelSalary Range
Lower Division Clerk (LDC) or Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA)Level 219,900-63,200
Postal Assistant (PA) or Sorting Assistant (SA)Level 425,500-81,100
Data Entry Operator (DEO)Level 4 & 5(Rs. 25,500-81,100) and (Rs. 29,200-92,300)
Data Entry Operator (DEO – Grade “A”)Level 425,500-81,100

SSC CHSL Allowances & Other Benefits

The hired individuals will also receive a variety of incentives in the form of allowances in addition to a lucrative package. The basic income is increased by these allowances, which are also shown on the monthly pay stub. It is crucial to understand all of the perks associated with the positions of LDC, JSA, PA, SA, and DEO.  

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