SSC CHSL Exam Preparation
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The SSC CHSL 2021 examination is scheduled for April 12, 2021  which is approaching soon now. Starting today, it leaves 24 days in hand for the exam to commence, thus those who haven’t started preparing for it yet must do the same now as not much time is left for the exam to take place. Moreover, an early start of the preparation is always good as it gives you more time to learn, practice and revise. Here in this article we given you a section-wise exam preparation tips for the SSC CHSL exam, however first let’s take a quick glance at the exam pattern.


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SSC CHSL 2021 Tier I Exam Pattern

SectionsSection nameTotal questions/ Total marks
1General Awareness25 Question (50 marks)
2English Language(Basic Knowledge)25 Question (50 marks)
3General Intelligence25 Question (50 marks)
4Quantitative Aptitude(Basic Arithmetic Skill)25 Question (50 marks)

SSC CHSL 2021 Section Wise Exam Preparation Tips

SSC CHSL 2021 English Language Preparation

Tip 1: Make reading newspaper a daily habit. Also, candidates must read daily Hindu editorial articles in order to make their vocabulary strong.

Tip 2: Candidates should be well versed with all the grammar basics and all grammatical rules should be at your finger tips.

Tip 3: Solving word games and puzzles also enhances your vocabulary which is quite an important part as far as English language preparation is concerned.

Important topics such as Reading Comprehension, Active/Passive voice, Error spotting, Cloze Passage and Idioms & Phrases etc are to be prepared thoroughly in this section. The best way however, to ace well in the English language section is by preparing grammar well.

Books Recommended:

  • Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
  • High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren and Martin

SSC CHSL Tier I Free Mock Test

SSC CHSL 2021 Quant Preparation

Tip 1: Multiplication tables up to 25 are to be memorized

Tip 2: List of square and cube roots from 1 to 25 is to be remembered.

Tip 3: Learn all shortcut tricks and important formulas

Tip 4: Practice different types of questions as much as you can.

Tip 5: Practice Quant quizzes from PracticeMock app

Important topics such as Percentages, Arithmetic, Ratio and Proportion and Number system are to be prepared well for the exam.

Books Recommended:

  • Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma
  • NCERT 7th to 10th Standard books

SSC CHSL Tier I Free Mock Test

SSC CHSL 2021 General Intelligence Preparation

General Intelligence includes both verbal and non-verbal and this section is a little time consuming. It is very important in here to categorize the question types based on their difficulty levels and this can be only done if the candidate has practiced all kinds of questions well. While you are attempting mock tests make sure that you practice it this way only by categorization of the questions so that you get the hang of it. This is the best way to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Tip 1 : Practice all sorts of different questions. Attempt as many mock tests as possible and you will be able to gather knowledge around different kinds of questions.

Tip 2: One must always focus on topics which are high scoring.

Tips 3: Practice a lot of different puzzles.

Books Recommended:

  • A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning by R. S. Aggarwal
  • Analytical Reasoning by M.K. Pandey

SSC CHSL Tier I Free Mock Test

SSC CHSL 2021 General Awareness Preparation

Questions in this section are designed to test the general awareness of the candidate and its application. One must have a sound knowledge about current affairs and of similar matters.

Tip 1: Analyze previous year SSC CHSL question papers.

Tip 2: Make newspaper reading a regular habit to know what all current events are happening around.

Tip 3: Practice current affairs quizzes on a regular basis from PracticeMock app.

Tip 4: Learn past 6 months current affairs.

Books Recommended:

  • Lucent’s GK Book
  • Manorama Yearbook 2020-21

SSC CHSL Tier I Free Mock Test

These are some of the section-wise important tips for the upcoming SSC CHSL Tier I 2021 exam. It is always important to practice mock tests a lot as this will give you an idea as how and well you are prepared for the actual exam. Moreover, the exam analysis is to be done right as it will further guide you through your exam preparation and planning.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

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