SSC CGL Last Minute Revision
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Those preparing for SSC CGL Tier I 2022 exam, it’s time for them roll up their sleeves and perform their best. The SSC CGL Tier I exam is scheduled on 11th April 2022 leaving just 4 days in hand to wind up your last-minute revision. We are here to help you with some last minute revision tactics for SSC CGL Tier I 2022 exam. The SSC CGL 2022 admit cards are out. Check yours and don’t forget to carry the same with you on the examination day as it is one of the most important documents.

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Let’s look at the exam pattern first as it may give you a glimpse of your last-minute revision strategy better.

SSC CGL Tier I 2022 Exam Pattern

Sr. No.Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMax MarksDuration
1General Intelligence & Reasoning255060 mins
2General Awareness2550
3Quantitative Aptitude2550
4English Language and Comprehension2550

There is a total of 4 sections and by now we are assuming that aspirants have prepared well and revised all the important topics in each section. Given below are last minute tips for SSC CGL 2022 exam.

SSC CGL Tier I 2022 Last Minute Revision Tactics

Solve Mock Tests and Previous Year Papers

The last few days before the exam are to be completely dedicated to mock tests. During this time practice as many mock tests as possible. Moreover, if you have the access to SSC CGL previous year papers then it is probably the best thing to practice. PracticeMock has previous year papers live for the aspirants to practice.

Solving SSC CGL mocks will help candidates to understand the type of the questions better and the same benefit is of solving the previous year question papers.

Refer Past Cut Offs if Possible

Knowing the previous year cut offs will give aspirants an idea of good attempts in the exam. it is important to know previous year cut offs so that a candidate must be able to estimate the cut off to be higher only. Aspirants can refer to SSC CGL previous year cut offs here.

Practice SSC CGL Tier I free mock test

Maintain Speed & Accuracy

SSC CGL Tier I 2022 exam is all about maintaining a balance between speed and accuracy. Candidates should try and solve mocks within the actual time frame of the real exam. this way they will get to know exactly as how much time they have to devote on each type of question and what should be the exam attempt strategy etc. keep yourself calm while solving the paper and do read the questions carefully. First, try and solve questions that you know well and then move onto the ones you don’t. Both speed and accuracy should go hand in hand.

Revise Important Topics

Though, by now this process of revising important topics should have been done, however those who are still lacking in it must revise all important topics as the questions coming from these topics is higher in comparison to the topics that are less important. If cracked this, aspirants will be able to score better.

Its time to revise all basic formulas and short tricks if any. This tip proves to be helpful during your last-minute revision tips. this is something that a candidate must revise when it comes to last minute tips for any exam.

Attempt SSC CGL Tier I free mock test

Order of Attempting Questions

As far as order of attempting questions in the actual exam is concerned, though there is no set pattern but aspirants can either attempt the section that may be lengthy and then move onto the easiest or vice-versa can be done. However, those who have practiced mock tests well must have analysed by now as what could be their exam attempt strategy. This is yet another benefit of attempting mock tests that candidates can try out different strategies and can finally select one which according them is the best one.

Attempt Quant SSC CGL Tier I Mini Mocks

Reading Question First

Reading incomplete question in the first go may land you at the incorrect answer eventually. Thus, it is very important to read the complete question first and then carefully read and answer the question. Moreover, if you are not able to solve any question then sitting on it for long will land you up in a mess as you will be losing lot of time because of that. So, if you are not able to solve a question then don’t keep sitting on it, rather move onto the next one.

Don’t forget your Admit Card

This is something really important and aspirants will have to be very particular about this one. Check the exam date and shift timings carefully mentioned on the Admit Card and keep it at a place where you will not forget picking up this. Downloading and printing of the admit cards can be done from their respective regional websites.

Practice SSC CGL Tier 1 Reasoning Mini Mock 14

Download SSC CGL Admit Card 2022 (Region Wise)

SSC CGL Tier 1 Admit Card 2022
Region NamesDownload Admit CardState NamesZonal Websites
North Eastern RegionClick to DownloadAssam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, and
Western RegionClick to DownloadMaharashtra, Gujarat, and
MP Sub-RegionClick to DownloadMadhya Pradesh (MP), and
Central RegionClick to DownloadUttar Pradesh (UP) and
North Western RegionClick to DownloadJ&K, Haryana, Punjab, and Himachal Pradesh (HP)
Southern RegionClick to DownloadAndhra Pradesh (AP), Puducherry, and
Eastern RegionClick to DownloadWest Bengal (WB), Orrisa, Sikkim, and A&N
North RegionClick to DownloadDelhi, Rajasthan, and
KKR Region  Click to DownloadKarnataka Kerala

This brings us to the end of the article, make sure that you revise well before the SSC CGL Tier I exam by following these last minute revision tactics. Wish you all the best!

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