SSC CGL Tier 2 exam dates are yet to be released. But it’s high time right now that you get started with your preparation and stay ahead of the majority of your competitors. In this article, we have come up with how can you score high in mathematical abilities of SSC CGL Tier 2. SSC CGL exam consists of four tiers, out of which Tier 2 is the most important one as it carries the maximum weightage of marks. Tier 2 has four papers, out of which Paper 1 is on Quantitative Abilities (Mathematics).
Cleared Tier 1? Don’t take any chance and use Mock Tests for SSC CGL Tier 2
Mathematics is a subject that requires a lot of practice, logic and conceptual clarity. Many candidates find it difficult to score well in this paper, as it covers a wide range of topics and has a high level of difficulty. However, with proper planning, strategy and revision, one can ace this paper and boost their overall score in Tier 2. Here are some tips on how to prepare for the Mathematical Abilities paper of SSC CGL Tier 2.

1. Know the syllabus and exam pattern: The first step to prepare for any exam is to know the syllabus and exam pattern thoroughly. The syllabus of Mathematics for SSC CGL Tier 2 covers topics such as Number System, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Mensuration, Data Interpretation, etc. The exam pattern is as follows:
- Paper 1: Quantitative Abilities
- Number of questions: 100
- Maximum marks: 200
- Duration: 2 hours
- Negative marking: 0.5 marks for each wrong answer
2. Make a study plan: After knowing the syllabus and exam pattern, the next step is to make a study plan that suits your learning style and schedule. You should allocate sufficient time for each topic, keeping in mind your strengths and weaknesses. You should also include regular revision and mock tests in your plan, as they are essential for improving your speed, accuracy and confidence.
3. Clear your concepts: Mathematics is a subject that requires a strong conceptual understanding of the topics. You should not rely on memorizing formulas or shortcuts, as they may not work in every situation. You should focus on clearing your basics and learning the concepts from reliable sources such as NCERT books, standard reference books or online courses. You should also practice solving different types of questions from each topic, as they will help you in applying the concepts and enhancing your problem-solving skills.
4. Revise regularly: Revision is the key to success in any exam, especially Mathematics. You should revise the topics that you have studied at regular intervals, as it will help you in retaining the information and avoiding confusion. You should also revise the formulas, tricks and shortcuts that you have learned, as they will save your time and increase your efficiency in the exam.
5. Solve mock tests and previous year papers: Solving mock tests and previous year papers is one of the best ways to prepare for the Mathematical Abilities paper of SSC CGL Tier 2. They will help you in getting familiar with the exam pattern, difficulty level, question types and marking scheme. They will also help you in assessing your performance, identifying your mistakes, improving your weak areas and enhancing your time management skills. You should solve at least one mock test or previous year paper every week and analyze your score and feedback.
6. Work on your speed and accuracy: Speed and accuracy are two crucial factors that determine your score in Mathematics. You should work on improving both these aspects by practicing more questions, using shortcuts and tricks wherever possible, avoiding silly mistakes and skipping difficult or lengthy questions. You should also keep track of your time while solving questions and try to finish each section within the allotted time limit.
7. Stay positive and confident: Last but not the least, you should stay positive and confident throughout your preparation and during the exam. You should not get demotivated by your low scores or tough questions, as they are part of the learning process. You should believe in yourself and your hard work, as they will surely pay off in the end.
Cleared Tier 1? Don’t take any chance and use Mock Tests for SSC CGL Tier 2

By following these tips, you can score high in Mathematical Abilities of SSC CGL Tier 2 and secure your dream job in the central government. All the best! Follow us on Insta.
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