The Quantitative Aptitude section is one of the most time-consuming and solving sections among all the sections. Solving the SSC CGL quant previous year questions can help you to improve your score in SSC CGL exam. Solving the previous year questions can help you to know which topics are most important, what types of questions SSC asks, the pattern of the questions, and much more. This blog has provided the SSC CGL quant previous year questions, free topic-wise tests for all sections, a complete free SSC CGL mock test, and SSC CGL previous year question paper. You are advised to use all these resources for free and boost your quant preparation for SSC CGL 2025 exam.
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SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Questions, Download Free PDF
Here we have provided the SSC CGL quant previous year questions in Hindi and English for your convenience. We have provided a link to the PDF that contains more questions of quant for SSC CGL and also it contains the answers for detailed solutions. So you are advised to first solve these questions provided in this blog, then solve more questions provided in the PDF, and then access the answer and solution section to check your answers.
SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Question 1:
Q 1. The difference between the compound interest and simple interest on Rs.x at 9% per annum for 2 years is Rs.20.25. What is the value of x?
Q 1: Rs.x की एक राषि पर 9% प्रतिषत की दर से दो वर्श के लिए चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज का अंतर Rs.20.25 है। x का मान क्या होगा?
(a) Rs.2,800
(b) Rs.2,400
(c) Rs.2,200
(d) Rs.2,500
SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Question 2:
Q 2. In a circle with centre O, AB is diameter and CD is a chord such that ABCD is a trapezium. If ∠BAC = 15°, then ∠CAD is equal to:
Q 2: यदि O केन्द्र वाले वृत्त का व्यास AB है और CD इस तरह की जीवा (chord) है जिसमें ABCD समलंब बनता है। यदि ∠BAC = 15° है, तो ∠CAD किसके बराबर होगा?
(a) 30°
(b) 60°
(c) 75°
(d) 45°
SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Question 3:
Q 3. An article is sold for Rs.642.60 after successive discounts of 15% and 10%. What is the marked price of the article?
Q 3: किसी वस्तु को 15% और 10% के क्रमिक छूट के बाद Rs.642.60 में बेचा जाता है। वस्तु का अंकित मूल्य क्या है?
(a) Rs.840
(b) Rs.820
(c) Rs.800
(d) Rs.880
SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Question 4:
Q 4. The price of sugar is increased by 18%. A person wants to increase the expenditure by 12% only. By what percent, correct to one decimal place, should he decrease his consumption?
Q 4: यदि चीनी के मूल्य में 18% की वृद्धि हो जाती है और कोर्इ व्यक्ति अपने खर्च में केवल 12% की ही वृद्धि करना चाहता है तो उसे अपनी खपत में कितने प्रतिशत की कमी करनी होगी? (दषमलव के एक स्थान तक सही)
(a) 6%
(b) 5.1%
(c) 5.3%
(d) 5.6%
SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Question 5:
Q 5. If the six digit number 6x2904 is divisible by 88, then the value of x is:
Q 5: यदि छह-अंकों की संख्या 6x2904, संख्या 88 से विभाज्य है तो x का मान होगा:
(a) 5
(b) 6
(c) 7
(d) 8
SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Question 6:
Q 6. In a △ABC, the sides are AB = 16 cm, AC = 63 cm, BC = 65 cm. From A. a straight line AM is drawn up to the midpoint M of side BC. Then the length of AM is equal to:
Q 6: △ABC की भुजाएं AB = 16 cm, AC = 63 cm, BC = 65 cm हैं। A से भुजा BC के मध्य बिंदु M तक एक सरल रेखा AM खींची जाती है। AM की लम्बार्इ बराबर है:
(a) 32.5 cm
(b) 24.5 cm
(c) 23.5 cm
(d) 31.5 cm
SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Question 7:
Q 7. In △ABC, AD is median and G is the point on AD Such that AG : GD = 2 : 1. Then ar (△ABG) : ar (△ABC) is equal to
Q 7: △ABC में, AD माध्यिका है। AD पर G इस तरह से बिंदु है कि AG : GD = 2 : 1 तो ar (△ABG) : ar (△ABC) किसके बराबर होगा?
(a) 1 : 5
(b) 1 : 4
(c) 1 : 6
(d) 1 : 3
SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Question 8:
Q 8. Two articles are sold for Rs.10,384 each. On one, the seller gains 18% and on the other, he loses 12%. What is his overall gain or loss?
Q 8: दो वस्तुओं में से प्रत्येक को Rs.10,384 की कीमत पर बेचा जाता है। उनमें से एक वस्तु पर विक्रेता को 18% लाभ होता है और दूसरी वस्तु पर 12% की हानि होती है। विक्रेता को कुल मिलाकर कितने रुपए का लाभ अथवा हानि हुर्इ?
(a) Rs.178 loss
(b) Rs.168 loss
(c) Rs.178 gain
(d) Rs.168 gain
SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Question 9:
Q 9. The value of 3.8 – (4.2 ÷ 0.7 × 3) + 5 × 2 ÷ 0.5 is:
Q 9: 3.8 – (4.2 ÷ 0.7 × 3) + 5 × 2 ÷ 0.5 का मान है:
(a) 5.8
(b) 18.4
(c) 21.8
(d) 15.6
SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Question 10:
Q 10. If a : b = 4 : 5, then (2a + 3b) : (3a + 2b) is equal to:
Q 10: यदि a : b = 4 : 5 है, तो (2a + 3b) : (3a + 2b) बराबर है:
(a) 22 : 23
(b) 23 : 22
(c) 10 : 9
(d) 9 : 10
SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Question 11:
Q 11. The radius of a sphere is increased by 140%. By what percent will its volume increase?
Q 11: एक गोले के व्यास को 140% अधिक कर दिया गया है। उसका आयतन कितने प्रतिषत अधिक हो जाएगा?
(a) 174.4%
(b) 1382.4%
(c) 274.4%
(d) 1282.4%
SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Question 12:
Q 12. The average marks of 50 students in a class was found to be 64. If the marks of two students were incorrectly entered as 38 and 42 instead of 83 and 24, respectively, then what is the correct average?
Q 12: किसी कक्षा में 50 विद्यार्थियों के औसत अंक 64 रहा। यदि दो विद्यार्थियों के अंक 83 और 24 के स्थान पर गलती से क्रमष: 38 और 42 दर्ज हो गए हैं, तो सही औसत क्या होगी?
(a) 64.54
(b) 62.32
(c) 61.24
(d) 61.86
SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Question 13:
Q 13. A train without stoppage travels with an average speed of 70 km/h, and with stoppage, it travels with the average speed of 56kh/h. How many minutes, does the train stop on an average per hour?
Q 13: एक रेलगाड़ी बिना रुके (स्टॉपेज) 70km/h की औसत गति से और रुकने के साथ 56km/h की औसत गति से चलती है। रेलगाड़ी, औसतन प्रति घंटा कितने मिनट रुकती है?
(a) 12
(b) 14
(c) 16
(d) 15
SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Question 14:
Q 14. The table below shows the percentage of students and the ratio of boys and girls in different colleges. Total students = 1800
College | % Students | Boys : Girls |
A | 20 | 4 : 5 |
B | 18 | 1 : 2 |
C | 14 | 4 : 3 |
D | 22 | 6 : 5 |
E | 10 | 2 : 3 |
F | 16 | 9 : 7 |
What is the percentage of girls in college D, E and F taken together, (nearest to one decimal place)?
Q 14: निम्नलिखित तालिका में विभिन्न कॉलेजों में विद्यार्थियों की संख्या के प्रतिषत और लड़कों एवं लड़कियों के अनुपात को दर्शाया गया है। विद्यार्थियों की कुल संख्या 1,800 है।
कॉलेज | % विद्याथ्री | लड़के : लड़कियाँ |
A | 20 | 4 : 5 |
B | 18 | 1 : 2 |
C | 14 | 4 : 3 |
D | 22 | 6 : 5 |
E | 10 | 2 : 3 |
F | 16 | 9 : 7 |
कॉलेज D, E और F में लड़कियों की कुल संख्या का प्रतिशत कितना है? (दषमलव के एक स्थान तक सही)
(a) 47.9%
(b) 48.1%
(c) 48.5%
(d) 48.3%
SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Question 15:
Q 15. The table below shows the percentage of students and the ratio of boys and girls in different colleges. Total students = 1800
College | % Students | Boys : Girls |
A | 20 | 4 : 5 |
B | 18 | 1 : 2 |
C | 14 | 4 : 3 |
D | 22 | 6 : 5 |
E | 10 | 2 : 3 |
F | 16 | 9 : 7 |
What is the ratio of boys and girls in the colleges A and B taken together?
Q 15: निम्नलिखित तालिका में विभिन्न कॉलेजों में विद्यार्थियों की संख्या के प्रतिषत और लड़कों एवं लड़कियों के अनुपात को दर्शाया गया है। विद्यार्थियों की कुल संख्या 1,800 है।
कॉलेज | % विध्यार्थी | लड़के : लड़कियाँ |
A | 20 | 4 : 5 |
B | 18 | 1 : 2 |
C | 14 | 4 : 3 |
D | 22 | 6 : 5 |
E | 10 | 2 : 3 |
F | 16 | 9 : 7 |
कॉलेज A और B में लड़कों और लड़कियों की कुल संख्या का अनुपात क्या है?
(a) 45 : 71
(b) 37 : 52
(c) 43 : 67
(d) 67 : 104
Practice Free SSC CGL Quant Topic-Wise Tests
The PDF we have provided above contains SSC CGL quant previous year questions with answers and solutions that you can solve without any time boundation. However, the SSC will ask questions under time conditions. So practicing under time conditions is important if you want to boost your speed and manage your time during the exam. For that here we have provided the SSC CGL quant topic-wise tests. The questions on these tests match the level of questions that SSC asked in the SSC CGL exam.
Benefits of Solving SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Questions
Below we have mentioned some important benefits of solving the SSC CGL quant previous year questions. Read these benefits and start your quant preparation.
- Improvement in Accuracy: Solving the SSC CGL quant previous year question papers improves your accuracy because this is not a time-bound exam so you have a lot of time to solve the questions. In this way you have time to solve the questions correctly and increase your accuracy.
- Identify Important Topics: When you solve quant SSC CGL previous year question paper you can analyze which topic’s questions are most asked in the exam and you can categorize them as important topics.
- Enhance Problem-Solving Skills: Problem-solving skills can be improved by practicing, as much as you can. Solving different types of questions from previous papers provides you a chance to solve the questions using different strategies. In this way, you become able to enhance your problem-solving skills.
- Know Exam Trends: When you solve the SSC CGL quant previous year questions, you become able to know the types of questions asked in the previous year’s exams. In this way, you can analyze the previous year’s exam trends.
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SSC CGL Previous Year Question Papers |
SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Questions FAQs
You can get the SSC CGL quant previous year questions in this blog.
Topic-wise tests give you an in-depth understanding of each individual topic, helping you focus on areas that need improvement.
Yes, you can download the SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Questions PDF for free.
The benefits of solving the SSC CGL Quant Previous Year Questions are improvement in accuracy, enhanced problem-solving skills, knowledge of exam trends, etc.
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