SSC CGL 2023- Reasoning and General Intelligence Preparation Tips
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SSC CGL Tier 2 exam will be taking place shortly. The exam consists of four tiers, each with different subjects and difficulty levels. One of the most important and challenging sections in the exam is the Reasoning and General Intelligence section, which tests the candidates’ logical, analytical and problem-solving skills.

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The Reasoning and General Intelligence section is there in Tier I as well as Tier II of the exam. The section has 30 questions in Tier-II, each carrying three marks. The total marks for this section are 180 (after including Mathematical Abilities). The questions are based on topics such as analogy, classification, coding-decoding, series, syllogism, blood relations, direction sense, ranking, puzzles, non-verbal reasoning and more.

To ace this section, candidates need to have a clear understanding of the concepts and practice a lot of questions from different sources. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the Reasoning and General Intelligence section of the SSC CGL exam:

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Review the syllabus and exam pattern

Before you start your preparation, you should familiarize yourself with the syllabus and exam pattern of the Reasoning and General Intelligence section. This will help you identify the topics that are important and allocate your time accordingly. You can also refer to the previous year question papers and mock tests to get an idea of the type and level of questions asked in the exam.

Strengthen your basics

The Reasoning and General Intelligence section requires you to apply your logic and common sense to solve the questions. Therefore, you should have a strong grasp of the basic concepts and rules of reasoning. You can use books, online courses or videos to learn the fundamentals of reasoning and general intelligence. You should also revise the concepts regularly to avoid forgetting them.

Practice a lot of questions

The best way to improve your speed and accuracy in the Reasoning and General Intelligence section is to practice as many questions as possible from different sources. You can use books, online platforms or apps to access a variety of questions on different topics. You should also solve previous year question papers and mock tests to simulate the exam environment and assess your performance. You should analyze your mistakes and work on your weak areas.

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Develop a strategy

To score well in the Reasoning and General Intelligence section, you need to have a smart strategy that suits your strengths and weaknesses. You should decide which topics you are good at and which ones you need to improve. You should also prioritize the questions based on their difficulty level and time required. You should attempt the easy and less time-consuming questions first and leave the difficult and lengthy ones for later. You should also avoid guessing or skipping too many questions as there is negative marking in the exam.

Stay calm and focused

The Reasoning and General Intelligence section can be tricky and confusing at times. Therefore, you need to stay calm and focused while solving the questions. You should read the questions carefully and understand what is being asked before attempting them. You should also check your answers before moving on to the next question. You should not get stuck on one question for too long or lose your confidence if you encounter a difficult question.

The Reasoning and General Intelligence section is a crucial part of the SSC CGL exam that can make or break your chances of selection. By following these tips, you can prepare well for this section and boost your overall score in the exam. Don’t forget to keep taking mock tests so that you can keep a check on your performance. All the best! Follow us on Insta.

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