SSC CGL 2023-51 Days Mock Test Challenge for Success
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Do you want to ace the SSC CGL 2023 Tier-1 Exam? Then you need a smart and effective study plan that covers all the topics and subtopics of the syllabus in a systematic way. And we have just the thing for you a 51-day study plan that will help you master all the concepts and skills required for the exam. The plan also includes regular revision sessions to reinforce your learning and boost your confidence. And the best part is, you get a Free Mock Test to kickstart your preparation and assess your level. Don’t miss this opportunity to prepare for the exam that will be held from July 14th to July 27th, 2023.

Holi Sale

Grab your 51-day study plan and Free Mock Test today!

Take 1 Free SSC CGL 2023 Mock Test & Know Your AIR Quickly!👈🧑‍💻

Also read: SSC CGL Tier 1 2023-How to Score 40+ Marks in English Comprehension?

How to crack SSC CGL 2023 exam in just 50 days?

Given below is a 51-day SSC CGL study plan packed with topics from all sections and practice mock tests that will help you in cracking SSC CGL 2023.

DayTopics to Study
Day 1Start by Taking 1 Free Mock Test & Analyze Your Performance

Mirror – Images (Reasoning)
Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)
Day 2Number System + H.C.F & L.C.M (Mathematics)
Basic grammar (English) Indian History

Take Mock Test 2 & Analyze Your AIR
Day 3Embedded Figures (Reasoning)
Basic grammar (English) Indian History
Square roots & Cube Roots (Mathematics)
Day 4Paper Cutting (Reasoning) Problem on Ages (Mathematics)
Verb (English) World History

Take Mock Test 3 & Analyze Your Performance
Day 5Paper Cutting (Reasoning)
Problem on Ages (Mathematics)
Verb (English)
World History
Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)
Day 6Indian Art & Culture
Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)

Take Mock Test 4 & Analyze Your Performance
Day 7Completion of Incomplete pattern (Reasoning)
Percentage (Mathematics)
Tense (English)
Day 8Ratio- Proportion (Mathematics)
Subject- Verb Agreement (English)

Take Mock Test 5 & Analyze Your Performance
Day 9Puzzle (Reasoning)
Indian Polity & Constitution
Day 10Puzzle (Reasoning)
Chain rules (Mathematics)
Subject- Verb Agreement (English)
Day 11Ranking Arrangement (Reasoning)
Time & Work (Mathematics)
Noun (English)
Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)
Day 12Take Mock Test 6 & Analyze Your Performance
Day 13Ranking Arrangement (Reasoning)
Pipe & Cisterns (Mathematics)
Questions on Noun (English) Economics 
Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)
Day 14Sitting Arrangement (Reasoning)
Time and Distance (Mathematics)
Pronoun (English) Physical Geography
Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)
Day 15Problem on Trains (Mathematics)
Verb (English)
Geography of India

Take Mock Test 7 & Analyze Your Performance
Day 16Direction (Reasoning)
Boat and Stream (Mathematics)
Adjective (English) Geography of India
Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)
Day 17Statements and Conclusion (Reasoning)
Mixture and Alligations (Mathematics)
Adjective (English)
World Geography
Day 18Computer & IT
Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)

Take Mock Test 8 & Analyze Your Performance
Day 19Simple Interest (Mathematics)
Conjunction (English)
Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)
Day 20Blood Relations (Reasoning)
Compound Interest (Mathematics)
Conjunction (English)
Day 21Blood Relations (Reasoning)
Stack and Shares (Mathematics)
Article (English) Biology
Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)

Take Mock Test 9 & Analyze Your Performance
Day 22Article practice questions (English)
Assumption (Reasoning)
Permutation & Combination (Mathematics)
Day 23Statements and Arguments (Reasoning)
Probability (Mathematics)
Preposition (English)
Discoveries & Inventions
Day 24Science & Technology
Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)

Take Mock Test 10 & Analyze Your Performance
Day 25Syllogism (Reasoning)
Profit and Loss (Mathematics)
Preposition Practice Questions (English)
Day 26Adverb (English)
Syllogism (Reasoning)
Profit and Loss (Mathematics)
Day 27Alphabet Test (Reasoning)
Simple Interest (Mathematics)
Adverb (English)
Important Dates (National Events and International Events)

Take Mock Test 11 & Analyze Your Performance
Day 28Calendar (Reasoning)
UNO, International & National Organizations
Day 29Clock (Reasoning)
\Compound Interest (Mathematics)
Synonyms (English) Sports + Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)
Day 30Discount (Mathematics)
Synonyms (English)

Take Mock Test 12 & Analyze Your Performance
Day 31Mathematical Operations (Reasoning)
Day 32Logical sequence of words (Reasoning)
Partnership (Mathematics)
Antonyms (English) Biology + Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)
Day 33Time and Work (Mathematics)
Antonyms (English)

Take Mock Test 13 & Analyze Your Performance
Day 34Odd one out (Reasoning)
Books & Authors
Day 35Number Series (Reasoning)
Time and Work (Mathematics)
One-word substitution (English)
Day 36Problem on Ages (Mathematics)
One-word substitution (English)

Take Mock Test 14 & Analyze Your Performance
Day 37Paper Cutting (Reasoning)
Current Affairs of last 6 months (General Awareness)
Day 38Paper Cutting (Reasoning)
Current Affairs of last 6 months (General Awareness)
Day 39Problem on Ages (Mathematics)
Idioms & Phrases (English)

Take Mock Test 15 & Analyze Your Performance
Day 40Paper Cutting (Reasoning)
Problem on Ages (Mathematics)
Para Jumbles (English)
Day 41Missing Character (Reasoning)
Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)
Day 42Number System (Mathematics)
Active and Positive Voice (English) Revision

Take Mock Test 16 & Analyze Your Performance
Day 43Coding-Decoding (Reasoning)
Test of Divisibility (Mathematics)
Direct and Indirect Speech (English)
Revision + Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)
Day 44Coding-Decoding (Reasoning)
LCM and HCF (Mathematics)
Cloze test (English) Revision + Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)
Day 45Venn Diagram (Reasoning)
Square and square root (Mathematics)
Cloze test (English) Revision + Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)

Take Mock Test 17 & Analyze Your Performance
Day 46Eligibility Test (Reasoning)
Cube and cube root (Mathematics)
Cloze test (English) Revision
Day 47Analogy (Reasoning)
Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness)
Day 48Simplification (Mathematics)
Cloze test (English) Revision

Take Mock Test 18 & Analyze Your Performance
Day 49Data Sufficiency (Reasoning)
Average (Mathematics)
Reading Comprehension (English)
Day 50 & 51Dice (Reasoning)
Problem on Ages (Mathematics)
Verb (English) Revision

Take Mock Test 19 & Analyze Your Performance

Take 1 Free SSC CGL 2023 Mock Test Speed Up Your Preparation!👈🧑‍💻

How to crack SSC CGL 2023 exam in just 50 days?

SSC CGL 2023 Study Plan for 51 Days-How to Prepare?

Preparing for SSC CGL exam in 51 days is achievable with daily dedication and practice. Here are some tips and strategies for SSC CGL exam preparation:

  1. Craft a suitable study routine and be consistent with your studies.
  2. Check the syllabus thoroughly and note down some points which may help you while applying.
  3. Attempt as many SSC CGL mock tests and sample papers as possible to manage the accuracy and speed well during the exam. Solving mock tests can also help you identify your weak areas and work on them before the actual SSC CGL 2023 exam.
  4. Thoroughly revise what you study for effective SSC CGL Tier 1 2023 preparation.
  5. Focus on improving your reading and comprehension skills, understanding the meaning of words accurately, practicing sentence construction, and working on your weak areas.

Best of Luck With Your Preparation!

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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