SIDBI Grade A 2023-Reasoning Strategy
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Want to crack the SEBI Grade A 2023 exam? If you want good results then you should start your preparation today to stay ahead of all those candidates who start their exam preparations when the notification comes. Similar is the case with Reasoning Ability section preparation. This section is one of the most scoring sections in the exam. It can help you maximize your overall score and crack the exam.

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Today, we’ll discuss how you can make the most of the Reasoning section through some valuable tips accompanied by daily SEDBI Grade A Mock Test practice.

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SIDBI Grade A 2022-Revised Online Written Examination Pattern

In the online written exam, SIDBI Grade A has a General awareness section that consists of 50 questions. Given below is the changed exam pattern of the SEDBI Grade A 2022-23 exam:

Name of the TestType of TestNumber of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime 
English Language Objective 303020 Minutes
General Awareness (with special reference to the Banking and Financial sector and Economic & Social Issues)Objective 505030 Minutes
ReasoningObjective 406040 Minutes
Quantitative AptitudeObjective 406030 Minutes
Total  160200120 Minutes
Online Descriptive Test (English)- Comprising of two Essays on Financial/Banking/Economic/Social issues in India (20 Marks each) and one on Business Letter Writing (10 Marks) Note: It is essential to attempt all three questionsDescriptive35060 Minutes
Total 163250180 Minutes


  • The online written exam will consist of 163 questions. It will be out of 250 marks, which will also include 50 marks in the Descriptive English section.
  • 1/4th mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
  • Descriptive papers of those candidates will be evaluated who clear the Objective type of tests.

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SIDBI Grade A Preparation Tips for Reasoning Ability

  • Reasoning Ability is, without doubt, one of the most important sections of the SIDBI Grade A exam 2023. This section offers you 60 marks.
  • Start this section by covering easy and scoring topics like coding-decoding, blood relation, inequality, syllogism, direction sense, etc.
  • Cover chapters such as puzzles, seating arrangement, input-output, data sufficiency, etc.
  • Practice is the key to success. Practice as much as you can. In it, you are required to remember any formula. Just regular practice is needed.
  • During exam time, you should first approach the scoring chapters to boost your confidence.
  • Know the syllabus well including key chapters. Make sure all the most scoring topics are covered.
  • Take as many Mock Tests as you can. So practice different types of questions by taking Mock Tests and sectional tests.

Important Topics

Here are some of the most important topics that you need to prepare in the reasoning section for the SIDBI Grade A exam 2023 success:

Sr. No.Name of Topic

Take Mock Tests to Master Syllogism

Take Mock Tests to Master Inequility
3Blood relation

Take Mock Tests to Master Blood Relations

Take Mock Tests to Master Coding-Decoding
5Order & Ranking

Take Mock Tests to Master Order & Ranking

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SIDBI Grade A Exam Preparation Tips

Here are some of the most effective tips that will help you ease your Reasoning Section:

  1. Go through the Previous Year Cut off Analysis. It is very important in making the best SIDBI Grade A preparation strategy. You should go through the SIDBI Grade A cut-off before starting the preparation.
  2. After covering around 70% of the syllabus, you can go for the SIDBI Grade A Mock Tests 2023 to check your preparation level.
  3. Mock tests analysis is the crucial step in the SIDBI Grade A preparation as it will let you understand the gap in your preparation.
  4. Do not neglect English Language and GA sections as most of the students neglect these sections and perform abysmally in the actual exam.
  5. You should create a habit of making notes while preparing, This will assist you in the last-minute revision.
  6. Please keep in mind that consistency is the Key to Success. So keep practicing and revising regularly.


Now that you know the importance of the Reasoning Section in maximizing your overall score, you should formulate the best study you can by taking as many Mock Tests as you can and learning from the Mock Tests analysis. Compare the Mock Tests and improve your speed and accuracy in solving the exams. And, only in a few days, you’ll experience exponential improvement.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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