Sentence Completion Questions SBI Clerk
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Candidates who find difficulty in solving sentence completion questions, this article is for them as we are giving few Sentence Completion Questions & Answers for SBI Clerk Exam. The SBI Clerk prelims examination is quite an important exam which many aspirants prepare for. Sentence Completion is a topic in the English language section in which a candidate’s grammatical skills are analyzed and their vocabulary knowledge is tested as well. These questions and answers will be helpful for the upcoming SBI Clerk prelims examination. Mentioned below are the sentence completion types:

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Sentence Completion Types

Contextual Meaning

Read and understand the context first and then try to visualize and answer the question by filling in the word that does not change the meaning of the underlying context. 

Order of Words

Order of words is very important in the English language as it is important to maintain a structure. This is related to the Parts of Speech.

Check Number of Blanks

If a single blank is to be filled then look for any hints and if more than one blank is to be filled then backtracking works best as it helps in easy elimination and answering.

Correct Grammar

Grammar is very important especially when it comes to sentence and phrase based questions.

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Sentence Completion Questions & Answers for SBI Clerk Exam

Question 1: In the question given below, a sentence is given with one blank, followed by five options, each having a word which may or may not fit in the blank. From the given options, choose the one that gives the correct word that fits in the blank.

Uncontrolled growth of cities at the expense of the environment will severely __________ the impacts of climate change.

A) exemplify

B) extol

C) experience

D) exacerbate

E) exude

Question 2: In the question given below, a sentence is given with one blank, followed by five options, each having a word which may or may not fit in the blank. From the given options, choose the one that gives the correct word that fits in the blank.

Nairobi is in the midst of an _________ demolition drive, uprooting thousands of buildings built on land that chokes the flow of water and contributes to severe annual floods.

A) extensive

B) exposure

C) comprehend

D) exhausting

E) conduct

Question 3: In the question given below, a sentence is given with one blank, followed by five options, each having a word which may or may not fit in the blank. From the given options, choose the one that gives the correct word that fits in the blank.

As local climate becomes hotter and drier, with fires becoming more likely, new homes are being built in areas that are highly __________ to fire instead of less exposed locations.

A) suggestive

B) suspecting

C) vulnerability

D) voluminous

E) susceptible

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Question 4: In the question given below, a sentence is given with one blank, followed by five options, each having a word which may or may not fit in the blank. From the given options, choose the one that gives the correct word that fits in the blank.

In the mountainous Coorg or Kodagu district in the neighbouring state of Karnataka, thousands of people have been ___________ because of torrential rains.

A) isolate

B) seclusion

C) stranding

D) marooned

E) abandonment

Question 5: In the given sentence, a blank is given indicating that something is missing. From the given four options a combination of words would fit the blank thereby making it grammatically and contextually correct.

Recognition and acceptance of __________ replaces and defeats false ideas.

1. minority

2. reality

3. appreciation

4. truth

A) 1 and 2

B) 2 and 3

C) 3 and 4

D) 2 and 4

E) All fit

Question 6: In the given sentence, a blank is given indicating that something is missing. From the given four options a combination of words would fit the blank thereby making it grammatically and contextually correct.

After the operation, due to the effect of medicines, the patient stayed in a stage that was in and out of consciousness until she fully __________ sometime between five and six in the morning.

1. awoke

2. recovered

3. concealed

4. excluded

A) 1 and 2

B) 2 and 3

C) 3 and 4

D) 2 and 4

E) All fit

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Question 7: In the question given below, a sentence is given with two blanks. Choose the correct combination of words that fit in the corresponding blanks.

Despite the attack on oil fields, the country is well ________ to tide over any supply ___________.

1. Suppressed, Surplus

2. Positioned,Disruption

3. Obsessed, Retrieve

A) Only 1 and 3

B) Only 2

C) Only 3

D) Only 1 and 3

E) All 1,2 and 3

Question 8: In the question given below, a sentence is given with two blanks. Choose the correct combination of words that fit in the corresponding blanks.

In the recent monetary policy meeting, the Reserve Bank of India has __________ that there is still a room for another round of rate cuts given the ________ inflation level.

1. Transformed, Abyss

2. Claimed, Stagnant

3. Indicated, Benign

A) Only 1 and 2

B) Only 2

C) Only 1

D) Only 2 and 3

E) All 1, 2 and 3

Question 9: In the question below, a sentence is given which has a blank, meaning something has been omitted. From the options below, choose the correct combination of phrases that can fit in the blank to make the sentence grammatically and meaningfully correct.

Landscape degradation, climate change and rapidly increasing populations over the past 50 years are often ___________global conflict.

1. the underlying reasons of

2. major drivers of

3. significant sources of

A) Only 2

B) Only 1 and 2

C) Only 1 and 3

D) Only 2 and 3

E) All 1, 2 and 3

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Question 10: In the question below, a sentence is given which has a blank, meaning something has been omitted. From the options below, choose the correct combination of phrases that can fit in the blank to make the sentence grammatically and meaningfully correct.

We must ___________ this crisis to strengthen our commitment to implement our environment conservation goals.

1. make haste to

2. seize the opportunity of

3. leverage the situation presented by

A) Only 2

B) Only 1 and 2

C) Only 1 and 3

D) Only 2 and 3

E) All 1, 2 and 3

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1) – D)2) – A)3) – E)4) – D)5) – D)6) – A)
7) – B)8) – D)9) – E)10) – D)  

Solution 1: D)

We need a verb in the base form to follow the modal verb WILL. The sentence talks about how growth of cities at the expense of the environment will worsen the impact of climate change. EXACERBATE means to worsen and will fit here. Thus, (d) is the right answer.

Exemplify – to be a typical example of something. Extol – praise. Experience – undergo or witness something. Exude – release.

Solution 2: A)

We need an adjective here to modify the noun DEMOLITION DRIVE. The sentence talks about how Nairobi is carrying out a demolition drive. EXTENSIVE means wide-ranging and will fit here, which makes (a) the right answer.

Exposure (noun) – the state of having no protection from something harmful. Comprehend (verb) – understand. Exhausting – tiring. Conduct (verb) – supervise; execute.

Solution 3: E)

We need an adjective here to modify the noun AREAS. The sentence talks about how new homes are being built in areas that are likely to experience fires. SUSCEPTIBLE means likely to suffer from, and will fit here. Thus, (e) is the right answer.

Suggestive – advisory. Suspecting – doubtful. VULNERABILITY (noun) – weakness. Voluminous – occupying a lot of space or volume.

Solution 4: D)

We need a verb in the past participle form to fit in the passive voice construction HAVE + BEEN + VERB. The sentence talks about how thousands of people have been stranded in the mountainous region of Coorg due to torrential rainfall. MAROONED will fit here, which makes (d) the right answer.

ISOLATE is a base form verb. SECLUSION (isolation) and ABANDONMENT (desertion) are nouns. STRANDING is a continuous form verb.

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Solution 5: D)

The blank would be filled with a noun which would be governed by the preposition ‘of’. The sentence conveys that false ideas are defeated by recognition and acceptance of what is real and true.

Reality (noun)- The state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. TRUTH is its synonym. 2 and 4 provide the correct context. Hence, (d) is the correct answer.

Minority (noun)- A small group of people within a community or country, differing from the main population in some aspect. Appreciation (noun)- Recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.

Solution 6: A)

The blank would be filled with a verb which would agree with the pronoun ‘she’ which is its subject. The sentence conveys that a patient, after the operation, stayed in a stage that was alternating between consciousness and unconsciousness due to the effect of medicines until she fully regained consciousness sometime between five and six in the morning.

Awoke (verb)- regained consciousness. Recovered (verb) – improved in health or from a sickness. 1 and 2 provide the correct context. Hence, (a) is the correct answer.

Concealed (verb)- hidden. Excluded (verb)- Removed from consideration.

Solution 7: B)

In the first blank, we need an adjective to modify the noun COUNTRY, and a noun in the second blank to be modified by the adjective ANY. The sentence talks about how the country is well equipped to manage the decrease in supply due to attacks on oilfields. POSITIONED means ‘placed’ and Disruption means ‘turmoil’ and fits contextually. (b) is the correct answer.

1 – Suppressed — Subdued; Surplus — Excess.

3 – Obsessed — preoccupied; Retrieve (verb) — Recover.

Solution 8: D)

For the first blank, we need a verb in the verb in the past participle to fit in the present perfect tense construction HAS + VERB, and for the second blank, we need an adjective to modify the noun LEVEL. The sentence talks about how the RBI has shown that there is room for a round of rate cuts given the harmless level of inflation. INDICATED (shown) and benign (harmless) can fit here. CLAIMED (asserted) and stagnant (unchanging) can also convey the requisite meaning. Thus, (d) is the right answer.

1 – transformed – changed; abyss (noun)- gorge.

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Solution 9: E)

(e) is the right answer. The sentence names three factors that are related to conflicts. Landscape degradation, climate change and population explosion contribute to conflicts at all levels. Thus, all the three phrases can fit in the blank. They would imply that the three factors play a role in conflicts.

Solution 10: D)

(d) is the right answer. The sentence seeks to convey that the speaker wants to do something about the ongoing crisis. He intends to resolve the crisis in a way that facilitates the implementation of environment conservation goals. TO SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY means to take advantage of an opportunity when it is offered. TO LEVERAGE THE SITUATION means to use the situation to one’s advantage. Both (2) and (3) fit contextually. They would imply that the speaker wants to make the best use of the circumstances during the crisis. (1) is incorrect. TO MAKE HASTE means to hurry. It does not render any meaning to the sentence.

This brings us to the end of the article. Practice these Sentence Completion questions for the upcoming SBI Clerk prelims exam.

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