Section-Wise Important Topics-RRB PO Mains 2021
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Very recently, IBPS successfully conducted IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam 2021 on 01st August & 07th August 2021, and lakhs of candidates who have appeared in the IBPS RRB 2021 Officer Scale-I (PO) Prelims Exam are now waiting for the result announcement.

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The IBPS RRB PO Result 2021 will be released tentatively in the last week of August 2021 and then you will have to gear up for the Mains Exam as well to beat the RRB PO Exam 2021. This Exam is going to be tough, as millions of candidates will compete for a few vacancies.

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However, if you will prepare for the Exam in a systematic and disciplined manner covering section-wise Important Topics, achieving success will be easier than you actually think.

In this article, we will discuss all the important topics that you need to master in order to beat the RRB PO Exam 2021.

IBPS RRB PO 2021 syllabus is based on 5 topics:

  1. Reasoning Ability
  2. Numerical Ability/Quantitative Aptitude*
  3. English/Hindi language
  4. Computer Awareness
  5. General knowledge.

*Note: The minor difference between the syllabus of Officer Scale-I and Office Assistant is that in the former QA (Quantitative Aptitude) is asked, while in the latter NA (Numerical Ability) comes. Quantitative Aptitude is an advanced and tougher version of Numerical Ability.

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IBPS RRB 2021 Section-Wise Syllabus

Questions in IBPS RRB PO are set from a total of 5 sections-Reasoning, Numerical Ability/Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, Computer Knowledge, English Language/ Hindi Language, mentioned above. It depends upon the candidate whether he/she can attempt all the sections either in English or Hindi, except English and Hindi language papers.

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IBPS RRB 2021 Numerical Ability Syllabus

In the following table, Numerical Ability Syllabus is mentioned:

Numerical Ability TopicsNumerical Ability TopicsNumerical Ability Topics
LCM and HCFRatiosPercentage
Missing NumbersAverageMensuration
FactoringAgePrices and Expenditure Problems
Simple and Compound InterestTime and WorkProfit and Loss
VolumeTime and DistanceFractions
Series Completion
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IBPS RRB 2021 Reasoning Ability Syllabus

The Reasoning Ability section is a tricky section. But as you practice daily it becomes a lot easier to tackle. You need to master all the topics given below to score maximum marks in this section:

Reasoning Topics 
Seating ArrangementInput-OutputAssertion and reason
InequalitiesAlphanumeric SeriesWord Formation
Tabulation PuzzlesAlphabet TestFigure Series
Blood RelationsData InsufficiencyStatement and Conclusion
Logical ReasoningRankingStatement and assumption
Coding-DecodingDirectionStatement and Argument
SyllogismOdd one outStatement and action’s courses
Venn DiagramAnalogyPassage and conclusions
Decision making
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IBPS RRB 2021 Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus

The quantitative Aptitude section can be trickier than the reasoning section because of the calculations it demands, but it can also be very scoring. You need to daily practice QA questions on the topics given below to master this section and grab maximum marks:

Quantitative Aptitude Topics 
Data interpretationPercentageSimple and Compound Interest
Permutations and combinationsAverageSequence and Series
ProbabilityProfit and LossBar Graphs
Sequence and seriesWork and TimeLine Graphs
SimplificationTime and DistanceMixed Graphs
Number SystemMixtures and AllegationsCase Study
Ration and ProportionSurds and IndicesPie Charts
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IBPS RRB 2020 English/ Hindi Language Syllabus

A candidate can choose only one language from the English or Hindi Language section in the IBPS RRB exam. In the following table, the syllabus for English Language and Hindi Language is represented:

English Language TopicsEnglish Language TopicsHindi Language Topics
Cloze TestAntonymsGadyansh (Paragraph)
Reading ComprehensionMultiple MeaningsVartani
Fill in the blanksError SpottingAlankar
Paragraph CompletionDouble blanks in a sentenceMuhavre
Sentence CorrectionPhrase substitutionVyakaran
Para JumblesFill in the blanks with suitable wordsVipritarthak Shabd
MiscellaneousMistakesSamanarthak Shabd

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General Awareness

General Awareness is also a scoring section that needs no mathematical calculations. You can score maximum marks in it by covering all the topics given below:

General Awareness Topics 
Current affairs (Last 6 months)Roles of RBIMicro Finance
Banking AwarenessBudget BasicsBase Rate
Indian Financial SystemCurrent Union BudgetNegotiable Instruments
History and Structure of Indian BankingInternational OrganizationsCredit Rating Agencies
Indian EconomyFinancial InstitutionsTeaser Rates and Current Bank Rates
Regulatory BodiesIndian ConstitutionGAAR and UNO
RBI, SEBI, IRDA, PFRDA, FSDC, FMCGovernment SchemesImportant Dates and Abbreviation
History of RBIMonetary and Credit policiesMarketing
Functions of RBIConcepts like BASELAwards and Honors Sports

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Computer Knowledge

Computer Knowledge can be an easy and scoring section if you can master all the general information about all the topics given below in the table:

Computer Knowledge Topics 
Concept of InternetCommunication (Basic Intro)MS Windows and MS Office
History of ComputersOperating SystemNetworking
Database Management SystemSecurity ToolsLAN and WAN
History and working of the InternetHackersComputer Abbreviations
ApplicationsNumber System

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You need to cover all the topics given above in the tables, to maximize your chances of easily beating the RRB PO or Clerk Exam 2021. You also need to keep in mind a few important section-wise points to make a good Exam strategy. The difficulty level of the Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude sections is equivalent to that of the higher secondary level. You can choose any language from English and Hindi as per your choice. Choose the subject you think you can score well in. Then, computer Awareness tests your basic operational ability required in a banking job. So, you need not be an expert in computers, you just have to be well aware of the basic knowledge of computers referring to the syllabus given above. In addition, General knowledge includes current affairs and static General Knowledge pertaining to the banking and finance sector.

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You must attempt Mock Tests and solve IBPS RRB Practice Papers regularly to check your abilities and preparation level. The only difference in Officer Scale-I and Office Assistant syllabus is that in RRB PO Quantitative Aptitude is asked, whereas in RRB Clerk Numerical Ability is asked. Quantitative Aptitude is an advanced and tougher version of Numerical Ability.

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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