IBPS RRB PO Secret Study Plan- 1 Month: RRB PO 2022 Notification is released. If you are serious about clearing the RRB PO Prelims exam, you are at the right place. We are providing you with RRB PO Secret Study Plan which contains all the possible topics which can be asked in the exam. Sticking to this study plan will not ensure that you don’t miss any topic in your preparation for the RRB PO exam, it will also help you to learn, revise and practice on a systematic basis. Besides the study plan, we will also be sharing the tips & tricks you can use to improve your preparation.

Quick Facts on RRB PO
- Don’t Ignore English Section- Unlike other banking exams, the RRB PO exam doesn’t have English Section in Prelims. But English will be there in the Mains exam. So don’t ignore this section. Despite the fact that it’s not there in Prelims exam, you should start its preparation now only (as mentioned in the study plan); though your main focus should be on Quant & Reasoning.
- Time Management in RRB PO– In the RRB PO exam, you only get 45 minutes to answer 80 questions. This time is extremely less and your time management has to be very efficient. This is why we have included mock tests at several places in the study plan. When you will take a mock test, you will go through a simulation where you will have to solve 80 questions in 45 minutes. This will definitely provide you with a perspective on how to strategize your moves.
- Speed up but with caution- While taking RRB PO mock tests, you will try to answer as many questions as possible. And there is nothing wrong with that. The only thing is that you need to keep your accuracy in check. To make the most of the study plan, ensure that you do the analysis after solving the mock tests and focus on those questions that you answered incorrectly.
- Current Affairs will be there in Mains; Not Prelims- Going by the past banking exams, we can safely conclude that current affairs (General Awareness section) is asked from the past 6-7 months. Now obviously, this can’t be prepared once the prelims ends. It’s better to start giving this section the designated time as per the study plan.
- Start giving 15 minutes/day to the Computer Knowledge section as well- This section is not there in Prelims but it’s going to be an extremely easy section in the Mains exam. There are a limited number of topics in this section and if you properly revise those (as mentioned in the study plan), your overall score will be considerably boosted.
- Start your preparation now with a Free Mock Test of RRB PO Prelims- The First Mock Test will not cost you anything but it will give you instant feedback of your preparation level. That is the level where you will know which areas still need to be worked on. You can also monitor your All India Rank as you keep taking mock tests. Ensure to be in the top 10 percentile by the time you finish taking 20 mocks. If this happens, you are very likely to get selected.

RRB PO Study Plan
Day | Task 1 | Task 2 | Task 3 |
1 | Free RRB PO Prelims Mock Test | Preparation for English (Mains) | |
2 | Data Interpretation (Charts and Graphs: Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart; Tabular; Caselet; Mixed DI) | Inequalities and Number Series | |
3 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 1 | ||
4 | RRB PO Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | ||
5 | Seating Arrangements | Inequalities and Number Series | |
6 | HCF, LCM and Profit & Loss | Syllogism | |
7 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 2 | Preparation for Current Affairs (Mains) | |
8 | Logical Reasoning | Direction Sense | |
9 | Approximation, Simplification & Data Sufficiency | Seating Arrangements | |
10 | Number Series | Probability, Permutation and Combination | |
11 | SI & CI and Problems on Ages | Number Series | |
12 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 3 | ||
13 | RRB PO Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | ||
14 | Data Sufficiency & Number System | Data Interpretation (Charts and Graphs: Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart; Tabular; Caselet; Mixed DI) | Preparation for Current Affairs (Mains) |
15 | Data Interpretation (Charts and Graphs: Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart; Tabular; Caselet; Mixed DI) | Syllogism | |
16 | Inequalities and Number Series | Seating Arrangements | |
17 | Mensuration and Average, Ratio & Proportion | Mensuration and Average, Ratio & Proportion | |
18 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 4 | ||
19 | RRB PO Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | ||
20 | Data Sufficiency & Number System | Data Interpretation (Charts and Graphs: Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Chart; Tabular; Caselet; Mixed DI) | |
21 | SI & CI and Problems on Ages | Inequalities | Preparation for English (Mains) |
22 | Blood Relations | Direction Sense | |
23 | Coding-decoding and Machine Input-Output | SI & CI and Problems on Ages | |
24 | IBPS RRB PO Prelims Mock Test 5 | ||
25 | Approximation, Simplification & Data Sufficiency | SI & CI and Problems on Ages | |
26 | RRB PO Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks | ||
27 | Direction Sense | Probability, Permutation and Combination | |
28 | HCF, LCM and Profit & Loss | Syllogism | Preparation for Computer Knowledge (Mains) |
29 | HCF, LCM and Profit & Loss | Work and Time & Speed, Distance and Time | |
30 | Mensuration and Average, Ratio & Proportion | Work and Time & Speed, Distance and Time |

How to Use RRB PO Study Plan
- Take the 1st Mock test which is free of cost. It will give you a clear picture of where do you stand right now which includes your weak areas as well as your All India Rank.
- You may now have an idea as in which section do you need to work more. Get started with that. Start having an understanding of the concepts and start practising profusely.
- Pick the 1st topic from the study plan which is Data Interpretation. Get acquainted with all the aspects of this topic.
- Study different kinds of charts & graphs. Take the help of blogs & videos for a better understanding.
- Practise at least 50 sets of data interpretation.
- Move on to the next topic. Keep following the study plan on a religious basis.
- Keep taking quizzes & mini mocks on a regular basis. It will only improve your performance.
- Last but not least, keep analyzing your attempts; especially those questions which you have answered incorrectly.
- Learn from your mistakes and ensure that it’s not repeated in the actual exam.
- Take mock tests as per the schedule mentioned in the study plan.
- Take proper time to review your attempts. Highlight the areas which are time-taking & feel difficult to you.
- Work on those topics. Practise more questions.
- Keep an eye on your AIR as well.
- By acting on the above steps on a regular basis, you will surely be able to clear RRB PO.

So, this is the study plan for RRB PO. We are sure that if you follow this study plan, you have definitely done more practice than most of the other aspirants. And it will start showing up in your RRB PO All India Rank. Now is a good time to get started with your preparation, when the exam is around 60 days away and most of the aspirants wouldn’t have started their preparation.
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