SEBI Grade A Phase 2
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The Securities & Exchange Board Of India (SEBI) has scheduled its Phase 2 examination on the 20th March 2022 which is just 19 days away from today. In this article we will be discussing the SEBI Grade A Phase 2 exam attempt strategy along with the SEBI Grade A Phase 2 exam pattern. Let’s first study the SEBI Grade A phase 2 exam pattern and then we will move further accordingly.


SEBI Grade A Phase 2 Exam Pattern

SEBI Grade A phase 2 comprises of two papers including Paper I and Paper II of 100 marks each. Paper I and General Stream will be common to all. Scoring more marks in phase 2 is essential as this would be taken into consideration for the final selection.  

PaperStream/SubjectsMaximum MarksDurationCut-Off
Paper IAll streams: English (Descriptive Test) to
test the drafting skills
10060 minutes30%
Paper-IIGeneral Stream: MCQ’s on
Commerce, Accountancy,
Management, Finance, Costing, Companies
Act & Economics
10040 minutes40%
Legal, Engineering Stream (Civil &
Electrical) and Official Language stream:
MCQ’s on Specialized
subject related to the stream.
10040 minutes40%
Research Stream: MCQ’s on Economics, Econometrics,
Statistics, Finance and Commerce.
Aggregate Cut off40%

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Candidates those who have applied in multiple streams their Paper II will be conducted in various shifts.

  • There shall be negative marking of 1/4th of marks assigned to the question for Paper 2 in Phase II
    (except IT stream for which details shall be informed in due course).
  • There shall be a cut-off of a minimum of 30% for Paper 1 and a cut-off of a minimum of 40% for Paper 2 in
    Phase II.
  •  Candidates would need to secure separate cut-off in each paper as mentioned above as well as
    aggregate cut-off marks of 40% in Phase II exam (weightage of 1/3rd for Paper 1 and 2/3rd for Paper 2)
    to be shortlisted for Phase III.

SEBI Grade A Phase 2 Paper I

This is common for all the candidates appearing for the SEBI Grade A Phase II exam. It is an English Descriptive Test and the test will be of total 100 marks with a time limit of 60 minutes. This english descriptive test basically tests the writing skills of the candidate and it includes the following:

  • Essay Writing
  • Precis Writing
  • Reading Comprehension

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SEBI Grade A Phase 2 Paper I Important Points

Since Paper I will be common to all the aspirants appearing for SEBI Grade A Paper II mentioned below are some important pointers to have a look:

  • The total amount of time duration of the test is 60 minutes, thus it is important to divide the time carefully. So, it can be said that allocate 20 minutes to essay, 20 minutes to precis and 20 minutes to the Reading Comprehension.
  • Essay can be somewhere between 200 to 400 words and it would be mentioned in the question.
  • A quick reading is required as there would be separate paragraphs for precis and reading comprehension.

SEBI Grade A Phase 2 Mocks

Important Points – Essay Writing

Essay writing is one of the crucial parts of Paper I of the SEBI Grade A Phase 2 exam which is falling on the 27th Feb, 2021. We are here guiding the aspirants with the below mentioned essay writing tips and important pointers to follow:

  • No matter if you select the easiest topic in the exam. You should select that topic in which you are comfortable to write on irrespective of whether that is easy or difficult.
  • Structuring of the essay is quite important. Writing meaninglessly long essay will not fetch you marks. However, it should be structured in a proper way with a very good start and conclusion.
  • Include data points if any wherever necessary in the essay.
  • Don’t write vague points, however it should be related to the question and the topic.
  • Avoid any spelling and grammatical errors.

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Important Points – Precis Writing

It is one of the easiest thing that can be done. Mentioned below are few important points which one should be careful about the precis writing.

  • Giving a title to the paragraph is essential.
  • While rephrasing the already given paragraph if you are adding your own opinions or some extra points then that is incorrect. Avoid adding any extra points.
  • As soon as you get onto precis writing, quickly scan through the paragraph and jott down the key points somewhere.  Identify and write keywords on which you will rephrase the paragraph.
  • Compress the passage only in a paragraph format and within the number of words given.

Important Points – Reading Comprehension

This is the last section of the SEBI Grade A Phase 2 Paper I which is the reading comprehension. It is quite an important section and must be practiced very well in advance. Below mentioned are few pointers:

  • Read the questions carefully and quickly and given answers to the point.
  • Every question has different marks allotted and while you are answering questions it is important to check the marks awarded to each question carefully.
  • Avoid copying exact lines from the paragraph itself.

SEBI Grade A Phase 2 Mocks

SEBI Grade A Phase 2 Study Plan

WeekPaper 2 Mock Tests Schedule Paper-2 Subjects CoverageCurrent Affairs Coverage
SEBI Grade A Phase 2 Free Test + Exam AnalysisManagement & FinanceEconomic Survey Union Budget
Week 2Phase 2 Mock Tests 1, 2 & 3Commerce & AccountancyOct, Nov, Dec 2021
Week 3Phase 2 Mock Tests 4, 5 & 6Companies ActJan & Feb 2022
Week 4Phase 2 Mock Tests 7, 8 & 9Economics & CostingMarch 2022

This brings us to the end of the article. We hope that these key pointers for the SEBI Grade A Phase 2 will be helpful for the aspirants preparing for it.

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