SEBI Grade A

SEBI Grade A Exam Day Guidelines, Check Details

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SEBI Grade A Exam Day Guidelines: The Securities and Exchange Board of India has scheduled SEBI Grade A Phase 1 exam for 27th July 2024. This exam will recruit officers in multiple streams like General, Legal, Information Technology, and more. There are only a few days left for the Exam. Therefore, candidates must keep in mind some important guidelines for the exam day to make sure they don’t get into any kind of problem that may affect their exam performance or results. The SEBI Grade A exam is one of the most prestigious, coveted, and competitive regulatory exams in India. In this article, we will discuss some very important instructions that the candidates must understand to avoid any trouble at SEBI Grade A Exam 2024 exam centre.

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SEBI Grade A Exam Day Guidelines

Candidates should be extremely alert to the SEBI Grade A exam day guidelines to avoid any last-minute hassles or other misfortunes. The SEBI Grade A Exam Day Guidelines hold vital importance for candidates who want to succeed in the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Grade A Officer recruitment exam. It includes safety Measures, which came into effect with the advent of Covid-19. For instance, candidates need to wear face masks and maintain social distancing while standing in queues. Therefore, candidates must follow all the instructions as mentioned in the SEBI Grade A 2024 notification and other protocols. Here are some of the most important SEBI Grade A exam day Guidelines mentioned in the SEBI Grade A official notification:

1. Center Instructions

The SEBI Grade A exam will be conducted online at different venues specified in the call letters. Candidates, therefore, indicate their preferred test center in the application form. SEBI reserves the right to cancel or add examination centers depending on the response and administrative feasibility. SEBI makes efforts to allocate candidates to their preferred centers, whereas, as mentioned in the notification, it reserves the right to assign any center to any student, within or outside the state, So, the center for a candidate can be different from the one he or she opted for the exam. It will not entertain the requests for changes to the center, venue, date, or session. In short, candidates must note that the choice of center once made is final. SEBI may also allocate an adjacent center in case the preferred center lacks sufficient candidates or has excess or more candidates than the center can hold. Also, the notification further says, candidates are responsible for their own expenses and risks when appearing for the exam.

2. Identity Verification

Candidates must bring the call letter along with an original and a photocopy of a valid photo identity proof to the exam hall. It will accept ID proofs like PAN Card, Passport, Driving License, Voter’s Card, Bank Passbook with photograph, Photo identity proof issued by a Gazetted Officer, and others as specified in the guidelines in the official notification. Also, the ID must match the name on the call letter exactly. Candidates must not forget that the Ration Card and Learner’s Driving License are not valid ID proofs. They must, therefore, bring these documents at both the exam and interview stages. In addition, female candidates who have changed their name after marriage must ensure the names match. They must not forget to bring an original Gazette notification, marriage certificate, or affidavit. Latecomers, keep in mind, will not be permitted to take the exam.

3. Biometric Data and IRIS Capturing and Verification

Biometric data (thumb impression) and photographs of candidates will be captured on the day of the Online Exam (SEBI Grade A Phase II). Candidates must ensure their appearance matches the photo they uploaded in their application forms. Biometric verification, they should be mindful of the fact, is ‘final and binding.’ They should ensure their fingers are clean, dry, and free from any coatings, like mehndi, in case of females. If the primary finger, that is thumb, is injured, they must notify the test center authority about it. On the other hand, SEBI may use IRIS scanning to avoid infection risks. IRIS scanning will involve capturing the left eye and require candidates to remove their contact lenses and other spectacles.

4. Photograph and IRIS Capturing

Photograph and IRIS will be captured at the exam venue. The photo captured will be matched with the photo uploaded by the candidate in the application. Candidates must not change their appearance from the photo uploaded. SEBI uses an IRIS scan instead of a Biometric thumb impression to avoid infection risks. The decision of the IRIS data verification authority regarding its status, matched or mismatched, is final. Candidates who refuse to participate in IRIS scanning may face the cancellation of their candidature. The left eye (IRIS) will be captured for all candidates. Candidates will have to remove contact lenses and spectacles while capturing IRIS. There is no touch involved in IRIS scanning.  A half-foot distance between the scanner and the eye will be maintained during this process.

5. Misconduct and Penalties

Candidates should not provide false information. They should also not suppress material information in their application. Candidates who show misconduct, as per the official notification, like using unfair means, impersonation, misbehavior, or misuse of electronic devices, will face severe penalties. Such penalties include disqualification from the exam, debarment from future SEBI exams, and possible criminal prosecution. Candidates who will be found guilty of any such misconduct may also face termination of service in case already employed by SEBI.


These are the SEBI Grade A exam day guidelines, as issued via SEBI notification, and any candidates who wish to take this exam should familiarize themselves with these instructions and be prepared to follow them. Candidates must now be aware of the penalties they may face for not remaining true to these exam day instructions. In case of ignorance of these, candidates may lose their candidature. Even after securing a job in SEBI, they may lose their job for violating these guidelines. Therefore, prepare thoroughly and with complete preparation and confidence, take the exam on the 27th July 2024.

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SEBI Grade A Exam Day Guidelines FAQs

When is the SEBI Grade A Phase 1 exam scheduled?

The SEBI Grade A Phase 1 exam is scheduled for 27th July 2024.

What documents are required for identity verification on exam day?

Candidates must bring the call letter, an original, and a photocopy of a valid photo ID proof.

What should candidates do if their appearance has changed since uploading their application photo?

Candidates should make sure their appearance matches the photo uploaded by them in their application form during the application process.

What happens if a candidate engages in misconduct during the exam?

A candidate’s Misconduct can result in his/her disqualification, debarment from future SEBI exams, and also potential criminal prosecution.

Can candidates request changes to their exam center, date, or session?

No. Requests for changes to the center, venue, date, or session are not entertained by SEBI.

Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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