SBI PO Prelims 2022-Successful Revision Planner for the last 10 Days
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Getting a job in the SBI is a dream for countless bank aspirants. Candidates who are determined to crack the exam need to boost their SBI PO revision now to achieve the desired results as there are only few days left for the D-Day. SBI PO Prelims exam will be conducted on December 17, 18, 19 and 20, 2022. Today, we’ll quickly learn the tried and tested way of quickly and successfully revising the SBI PO syllabus quickly and staying ahead of other aspirants.


How? By smartly making the most of the left days and checking your preparation via Mock Test by boosting your revision process 10x.

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SBI PO Syllabus 2022

The preliminary examination of the SBI PO 2022 exam will comprise of Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language. Here is the detailed syllabus of the SBI PO Prelims exam:

SBI PO Prelims Exam Pattern

S.No.Name of SubjectsNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Quantitative Aptitude353520 minutes
3Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total1001001 hour

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SBI PO Prelims 2022-Successful Revision Planner for the last 10 Days

DaysReasoning AbilityQuantitative AptitudeEnglish Language
Day – 01Blood Relation and Direction SenseSimplification and ApproximationReading Comprehension
Take mock test 1 & Analyse it properly!
(Learn 10 new words from Daily Editorial)
Day – 02Inequality and SyllogismNumber SeriesCloze Test
Take mock test 2 & Analyse it properly!
Day – 03Input and Output and Coding DecodingQuadratic Equation and Quantity I and IIError Spotting
Take mock test 3 & Analyse it properly!
(Learn 10 new words from Daily Editorial)
Day – 04First Revision Revise All topics (Section wise) & Analyze the weaker areas
Take mock test 4 & Analyse it properly!
(Learn 10 new words from Daily Editorial)
Day – 05PuzzlesApplication Sums – Part 1Phrasal Verbs
Take mock test 5 & Analyse it properly!
(Learn 10 new words from Daily Editorial)
Day – 06Alphanumeric and Order and RankingApplication Sums – Part 2Sentence Completion and Sentence Correction
Take mock test 1 & Analyse it properly!(Learn 10 new words from Daily Editorial)
Day – 07Seating ArrangementData Interpretation – Part 1Jumbled Sentence and Sentence Connector
Take mock test 1 & Analyse it properly!
(Learn 10 new words from Daily Editorial)
Day – 08Second Revision Revise All topics (Section wise) & Analyze the weaker areas
Day – 09Data SufficiencyData Interpretation – Part 2Match the column and Sentence Improvement
Day – 10MiscellaneousData SufficiencyFillers and Usage of words
Revise All topics (Section wise) & Analyze the weaker areas

👩‍💻 यह अंतिम IBPS SBI PO Prelims 2022 Mock Tests लेने और actual exam में गलतियाँ करने से बचने का आदर्श समय है! 🏃‍♀️

How to make the most of this revision process and clear the exam in the first attempt?

All the candidates, including you want to clear the SBI PO Mains 2022 Exam in the very first attempt. But the ones who’ll cover each and every topic that makes up the entire syllabus and including all the Important Topics and as many exam-like questions as they can, will win this competitive race. And this becomes easily possible when you go for revision SBI PO Prelims 2022 Mock Tests. The latest last Mock Tests are designed to help you successfully face the upcoming Exam with the full confidence.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleep lover, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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