Today is the 2nd day when SBI PO Prelims is being conducted. Have a look at its analysis.
Practice A Free Mock Test of SBI PO Prelims
Shift 4 Analysis
English Language Analysis
Reading Comprehension (Study on Diet) | 10 |
Error Detection | 4 |
Para Jumble | 5 |
Word Swap | 4 |
Meaningful Words | 2 |
Fillers | 3-4 |
Miscellaneous | 1 |
Quantitative Aptitude Analysis
Quadratic Equation | 5 |
Wrong Number Series | 6 |
Arithmetic | 7-8 |
Caselet | 3 |
DI (Pie Chart +Table) | 5 |
Data Sufficiency | 3 |
DI Table Chart | 5 |
Reasoning Ability Analysis
Puzzle & Seating Arrangement | 5 |
Circular Seating Arrangement | 5 |
Uncertain no of persons Linear | 4 |
Floor and Flat | 5 |
Syllogism | 3 |
Inequality | 3 |
Direction and distance | 3 |
Pair Formation | 1 |
Number Formation | 1 |
Miscellaneous | 5 |
Shift 3 Analysis
English Language Analysis
Reading Comprehension (Therapy) | 9 |
Error Detection | 5 |
Word Swap | 5 |
Sentence Rearrangement | 5 |
Cloze Test | 6 |
Quantitative Aptitude Analysis
Table DI | 5 |
Line Graph DI | 5 |
Caselet DI | 5 |
Missing Number Series | 5 |
Quadratic Equation | 6 |
Arithmetic | 9 |
Reasoning Analysis
Floor+Flat Puzzle | 5 |
Circular Seating | 5 |
Arrangement Puzzle | 5 |
Stack Puzzle | 5 |
Uncertain Linear Seating | 5 |
Blood Relation | 3 |
Syllogism | 3 |
Inequality | 3 |
Miscellaneous | 1 |
Shift 2 Analysis
Reasoning Analysis
Syllogism | 3 |
Inequalities | 3 |
Direction & Distance | 3 |
Word Formation | 1 |
Pair Formation | 1 |
Misc. | 1 |
Puzzles & Seating Arrangement -Uncertain no. of people (3 Q) -Post-based (9 people) (5 Q) -Floor + Flat + Variable (5 Q) -Parallel Row of 12 people (5 Q) | 23 |
Quantitative Aptitude Analysis
Approximation | 5-6 |
Missing Number Series | 5-6 |
Data Interpretation -Double Pie Chart of 500 students of Arts & Science (6 Q) -Table with 3 Columns (5 Q) -Caselet (3 Q) | 14 |
Word Problems | 10 |
English Analysis
Reading Comprehension- Plantation Research -2 Synonyms, 1 Filler, 1 Phrase Replacement | 9 |
Cloze Test | 6 |
Error Correction | 4 |
Word Swap (3 Words) | 4 |
Phrase Replacement | 5 |
Misc. | 2 |
Shift 1 Analysis
Reasoning Analysis
Coding-decoding | 4 |
Syllogism | 3 |
Odd One Out (Word) | 1 |
Pair Formation | 1 |
Puzzles & Seating Arrangement -Year-based (Base Year) -Square-based (4 In/ Out) -Single Row (North-facing) -Certain No. of People (North) -Month + Date based | 26 |
Quantitative Aptitude Analysis
Approximation | 5 |
Wrong No. Series | 6 |
Data Interpretation -Bar + Table (6 Q) -Table | 11 |
Word Problems | 13 |
English Analysis
Reading Comprehension (History/ Farming/ Research) -2/3 questions on vocab | 9 |
Single Fillers | 4 |
Error Detection | 4 |
Sentence Rearrangement | 4 |
Word Replacement | 3 |
Misc. | 6 |
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