SBI PO 2023 Revision Strategy
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How to Get Ready for the SBI PO Exam 2023: The State Bank Of India (SBI) conducts an annual recruitment process for the Probationary Officer position. The SBI PO Notification 2023 outlines a selection process comprising three distinct stages: Prelims, Mains, and GD/Interview rounds, with each phase acting as a standalone qualifying round necessitating candidates to meet the minimum SBI PO Cut-off marks.


By implementing a sound SBI PO preparation strategy and adhering to a subject-specific preparation plan, you can navigate the SBI PO exam with confidence. This SBI PO exam preparation strategy proves invaluable by offering insights into the requirements for each exam section. Combining this SBI Preparation Strategy Plan with your personalized approach will undoubtedly help you overcome the challenges posed by the exam. This article aims to assist you in your SBI PO Exam Preparation.

SBI PO Preliminary Exam Pattern 2023

SL.Name of testNo. of QuestionsNo. of MarksDuration
1.English Language30 Total Maximum Marks 10020 minutes
2.Quantitative Aptitude3520 minutes
3.Reasoning Ability3520 minutes
 Total1001 hour

SBI PO Mains Exam Pattern 2023

Name of the testNo. of QuestionNo. of Marks Duration
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude405050 minutes
Data Analysis & Interpretation305045 minutes
General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness506045 minutes
English Language354040 minutes
Total1552003 hours
  • SBI PO Mains Descriptive Paper
Name of the TestNo. of QuestionNo. of MarksDuration
English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)25030 minutes
Grand Total50

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SBI PO 2023 Study Plan

PercentageInequalitiesVocabulary Based/Antonyms/Synonyms
Numerical Ability Sectional Test
Day 2Important Basics of SimplificationPuzzle and Seating ArrangementGrammar RulesReasoning Ability Sectional Test
Day 3Ratio and Proportion of BasicsBlood RelationIdioms and Phrases NotesEnglish Language Sectional Test
Day 4Basics – Tables up to 30, Squares up to 50, cubes up to 20InequalitiesPara jumbleMini Mock
Day 5Average BasicsPuzzle and Seating ArrangementGrammar Rules and Common ErrorsMini Mock
Day 6Attempt Full-Length Mock Test
Day 7Number SeriesOrder, Raking, and DirectionFillers & Sentence Improvement
Day 8Quadratic Equation & Line DIOrder, Raking, and DirectionIdioms and Phrases NotesMini Mock
Day 9Number Series & Speed and distanceCoding-decoding (Old and New Patterns)Idioms and Phrases NotesMini Mock
Day 10Approximation/SimplificationCoding-decoding (Old and New Patterns)Phrase Replacement
Day 11Attempt Full-Length Mock Test
Day 12Line Graph Data InterpretationData Flow DiagramCloze TestMini Mock
Day 13Bar Graph Data InterpretationAlphanumeric SeriesVocabulary New PatternMini Mock
Day 14Pie Chart Data InterpretationSyllogism Reading Comprehension Notes
Day 15Tabular Data InterpretationSyllogism Reading Comprehension NotesMini Mock
Day 16Mixed DIDifferent Types of PuzzlesCloze TestMini Mock
Day 17Attempt Full-Length Mock Test
Day 18Simple InterestDifferent Types of PuzzlesError Spotting Notes
Day 19Profit, Loss & DiscountInput-OutputSelect the sentences that do not have an errorMini Mock
Day 20Time, work, and wagesMachine Input-OutputError Spotting NotesMini Mock
Day 21PercentagePuzzle and Seating ArrangementSentence Improvement
Day 22AverageBlood RelationSentence CorrectionMini Mock
Day 23Attempt Full-Length Mock Test
Day 24Pipes and cisternPuzzle and Seating ArrangementFillers NotesMini Mock
Day 25Boats and StreamsLogical ReasoningPara Summary
Day 26Mixture and AllegationData SufficiencyOdd one outMini Mock
Day 27Compound InterestLogical ReasoningJumbled Paragraph(Odd one out)Mini Mock
Day 28Time and Distance & MiscellaneousData SufficiencyParagraph Completion
Day 29Attempt Full-Length Mock Test
Day 30Problem with age averageInequalitiesError Spotting (New Pattern)Mini Mock
Day 31Mixed DIBlood RelationReading Comprehension
  • Utilize SBI PO Previous Year Papers for Practice:
    Devoting a significant amount of daily practice time is essential. There exist numerous ways to reinforce your conceptual understanding. Solve past SBI PO question papers and engage with various sample papers to familiarize yourself with the paper’s format.
  • Take Advantage of SBI PO Mock Tests:
    Imagine dedicating extensive effort to your preparation, only to falter when actually writing the exam in the examination hall! To mitigate this, we recommend attempting the free SBI PO mock test series here to acclimate yourself to the exam environment. Furthermore, SBI PO mock tests facilitate the identification of weak areas, enabling you to focus more on them.
  • Emphasize the Importance of Revision:
    Revision stands as a critical component in securing success on your initial attempt at the SBI PO exam. Consistent revision and practice play a pivotal role in gaining mastery over the subject matter. Ensure that you thoroughly revisit all essential topics.

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