SBI Clerk Syllabus 2022-Detailed Prelims & Mains Syllabus

SBI Clerk Syllabus 2022-Detailed Prelims & Mains Syllabus

A complete syllabus and preparation are needed for good results, just like complete ingredients are required for a good dish. A bad preparation with an incomplete syllabus always leads to failure and a waste of time and energy. You need to have a good overview of the SBI Clerk exam to help yourself figure out how to properly start your preparation for the State Bank of India Clerk exam.

And, for that, you need to keep in mind all the little things that make a big difference in formulating a plan to beat the SBI Clerk exam.

Have you taken SBI Clerk 2021 Mock Tests? Hurry up! Expiring on 30th April 2022!

Stages3 (Preliminary, Main, and Test of Opted Local Language)
Mode of Exam Online
Level of DifficultyEasy to moderate
Negative Marking0.25 marks
Time Duration1 hour for Prelims and 2 hours 40 minutes for Mains (Both separately timed)
Maximum Marks100 for Prelims and 200 for Mains

SBI Clerk 2021 Mock Tests for a better revision!

Exam pattern for SBI Clerk Exam-Prelims and the Mains

Given below are exam patterns of both Prelims and Mains exams. Pay heed to the distribution of marks amongst all the different sections of the exam to get a better idea about how much time you need to invest in each section of the exam:

SBI Clerk Exam Pattern for Prelims

Sections Number of Questions Maximum MarksDuration
English Language303020 min.
Numerical Ability353520 min.
Reasoning Ability353520 min.
Total1001001 Hour

Note: As per the latest official SBI notification, you must take care of the following points before accelerating your preparation for the Prelims:

  • Each test will have separate timing as mentioned above.
  • There will be negative marks for wrong answers in the Objective tests. 1/4th of the mark assigned for the question will be deducted for every wrong answer
  • No minimum qualifying marks are prescribed for an individual test or for an aggregate score. Section-wise marks will not be maintained
  • An adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by the Bank (approximately 10 times the number of vacancies. subject to availability) will be shortlisted for the Main Exam from the list of all candidates arranged in descending order of aggregate marks scored.

SBI Clerk Exam Pattern for Mains

Sections Number of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
General/ Financial Awareness505035 min.
General English404035 min.
Quantitative Aptitude505045 min.
Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude506045 min.
Total1902002 Hr. 40 min.

Note: Each test will have separate timing as mentioned above. Candidates should retain about 8 copies of the same photo to be uploaded at the time of Application as these would be needed for further stages of this selection process.

SBI Clerk 2022-Syllabus for Prelims

As the notification for SBI Clerk 2022 is not released yet, the information about the prelims exam will be released along with the notification. SBI Clerk Syllabus for Prelims will have questions from aptitude in order to check a candidate’s knowledge and rationale.

The topics included are:

  1. Reasoning
  2. Numerical Ability
  3. English Language

1. SBI Clerk 2022 Syllabus-Reasoning Section

Alphanumeric Series
Ranking/ Direction/ Alphabet Test
Data Sufficiency
Coded Inequalities
Seating Arrangement
Blood Relations

2. SBI Clerk 2022 Syllabus for Prelims- Numerical Ability

Profit & Loss
Mixtures & Alligations
Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices
Work & Time
Time & Distance
Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere
Data Interpretation
Ratio & Proportion
Number Systems
Sequence & Series
Permutation Combination

3. SBI Clerk 2022 Syllabus for Prelims-English Language

Cloze Test
Para jumbles
Fill in the blanks
Multiple Meaning /Error Spotting
Paragraph Completion

SBI Clerk 2022 Syllabus for Mains Exam

The SBI Clerk Mains Syllabus Topics are:

  1. General English
  2. Quantitative Aptitude
  3. Reasoning Ability & Computer Awareness
  4. General/Financial Awareness

1. SBI Clerk 2022-General English

Reading Comprehension
New Pattern Cloze Test
Phrase Rearrangement
Old Sentence out cum Para Jumbles
Sentence Completion
Paragraph Conclusion
Phrasal Verb Related Questions
Error Detection
Word Usage/Vocab Based Questions

2. SBI Clerk 2022-Quantitative Aptitude

Data Interpretation (Bar Graph, Line Chart, Tabular, Caselet, Radar/Web, Pie Chart
Inequalities (Quadratic Equations, Quantity 1, Quantity 2)
Number Series
Approximation & Simplification
Data Sufficiency
Miscellaneous Arithmetic Problems (HCF, LCM, Profit-Loss, SI & CI, Problem on Ages, Word & Time, Speed Distance & time, Probability, Mensuration, Permutation & Combination, Average, Ratio and Proportion, Partnership, Problems on Boats and Stream, Problems on Trains, Mixture and Allegation, Pipes and Cisterns)

3. SBI Clerk 2022-General/Financial Awareness Syllabus

Current Affairs: news on the banking industry, awards, and honours, books, and authors, latest appointments, obituaries, new schemes of central and state governments, sports, etc.
Static GK: country-capital, country-currency, headquarters of financial organizations (of insurance companies), constituencies of ministers, dance forms, nuclear and thermal power stations
Banking/Financial terms
Static Awareness
Banking and Financial Awareness

4. SBI Clerk 2022-Reasoning Ability Syllabus

Machine Input/Output
Blood Relation
Direction Sense
Statement & Assumptions

SBI Clerk 2022-Computer Awareness Syllabus

Generation of Computers
MS Office
Input-Output Devices
Important Abbreviations

Best Preparation Tips and Tricks to crack SBI Clerk Exam 2021

Preparing for SBI Clerk Exam without a good preparation plan is like planning to hinder one’s success. Lakhs of aspirants, including you, will be appearing in the Clerk exam this year. With such a high level of competition, only the best candidates will be able to beat the exam. If you want to be one of them you need to prepare well by following the latest SBI Clerk syllabus and exam pattern. Plus, you need to pay heed to some important tips and tricks that will surely accelerate your preparation.

Check out these top 5 major tips and tricks to crack the exam:

1.      Analyze the SBI Clerk Exam syllabus and Exam pattern

As said earlier, the first and foremost thing to beat the SBI Clerk exam is to analyze the exam pattern and marking scheme. You need to analyze every topic included in each section of the exam. Decide which topics or areas need more time to study and make a plan to invest proper time in each section. Don’t forget that certain topics are more important than others. Once you get a clear idea about the syllabus, you can smartly plan your SBI Clerk exam preparation accordingly.

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2.      Create a realistic timetable

You need to create a realistic timetable as per the latest SBI Clerk Exam syllabus. Stick to that timetable.  If you feel you’re weak in any subject or topic, spend more time on it. It always makes your preparation easy and increases your concentration levels.

3.      Understand the concepts, theories, and shortcuts properly

All you need to do is understand all the theories and concepts to answer confidently in the SBI Clerk Exam. You can apply shortcuts and techniques to questions on Numerical Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, or Reasoning Ability to solve them quickly and easily. So, after understanding the concepts and getting to know all the related theories, you can quickly learn the shortcuts. For example, the knowledge of basic grammatical rules, structures, and other useful tricks can help you quickly answer the questions from the English Language section.

4.      Read regularly

Regularly reading the newspapers and magazines can be rewarding in SBI Clerk Exam. You need to allot a two-hour daily time slot for this task in your timetable. Allotting two hours daily for reading newspapers will pay you heavily. Then, you should also maintain a notebook and note down all the new words to add to your vocabulary, for better reading comprehension. This will not just help to solve the English Language section, but also cater to the questions from the General Awareness and Computer Aptitude Section of the SBI Clerk Exam.

Get success in SBI Clerk Exam by taking Mock tests!

5.      Improve your time management skills

To get good results in the SBI Clerk Exam, you need to practice to try to attempt more questions within a short time duration. This exam demands not just accuracy but also speed. You need to take care of your time management skills with accuracy to answer. A good balance between accuracy and time always results in gaining a high score. Hence, try to solve the practice questions in a time-bound manner.

6.      Take SBI Clerk mock tests

Take full-length SBI Clerk mock tests and try to assess your performance after completing the whole SBI Clerk Exam syllabus. You need to identify your weak areas and try to improve. 

7.      Go through the previous year’s question papers

Solve as many as previous year’s question papers as you to get an idea of the actual SBI Clerk exam.


Now that you’ve got the complete syllabus for the SBI Clerk 2022 exam, you must have got an idea of how to speed up your exam preparation.  With all the general tricks, tips, and exam patterns mentioned above, you can now easily plan your daily study schedule more systematically. It will surely help you invest proper time and energy in different concepts and sections that are part of the exam.

Try to motivate yourself to study and start your preparation well in advance. It will save you from getting overwhelmed with the robust syllabus. And do not get demotivated if you procrastinate for a day or two. When you have a vast syllabus ahead of you, getting started may seem like a mammoth task. Break up your big study goals into many tiny ones and achieve all your big study goals.

Lastly, get into the right frame of mind before you start studying every day, and you will surely succeed. Nobody is asking you to follow a study system that you dislike, just think logically and creatively about what works best for you and approach the study material accordingly.

Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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