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SBI Clerk Study Plan 2022: The SBI Clerk Study Plan is provided here to assist you for study and crack the exam. You can focus your preparation and cover all of the topics in a meaningful way with the help of a study plan. Refer to the 45-day SBI clerk study plan 2022 for the prelim exam. Many candidates are still looking for a good SBI clerk study plan 2022 to use as a preparation for their studies. You should start studying for the SBI clerk test with the best study plan possible for an exam.

Holi Sale

A 45-day study schedule for the SBI clerk will suffice to cover all areas, from the fundamentals to the advanced.
Also, for the Prelims and Mains exams, this will be the ideal SBI clerk preparation approach 2022. So, for 45 days, follow our SBI Clerk prelims study plan 2022 to pass the Prelims test on the first try. We also have a 45-day study schedule for SBI clerk mains. It will be really beneficial in your preparation for the mains.

SBI Clerk Study Plan 2022- 45 Days

Day 1Tables upto 20Squares upto 30Cubes upto 15Percentage to fraction conversion upto 1/20InequalityNoun pronounSBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock 
Day 2Simplification and approximationRevise the previous day math taskSquare RootCube RootOrder & RankingAdjective & AdverbSBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock 
Day 3Quadratic EquationTables upto 30Squares upto 50SyllogismTenseSBI Clerk Prelims Mini MockSBI Clerks Prelims Full Test 1
Day 4Number seriesAlphanumeric SeriesSubject veb agreementSBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock 
Day 5AverageRevise inequality, Order and rankingRevise Adjective adverbRevise Previous SBI Clerk Prelims Mini MockSBI Clerk Prelims Full Test 2
Day 6PercentageRevise syllogismSubject verb agreementSBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock 
Day 7Ratio proportionDirection distanceParajumbleSBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock 
Day 8Revise previously covered topicsBlood relationRevise Subject verb agreementSBI Clerk Prelims Mini MockSBI Clerk Prelims Full Test 3
Day 9Time & workCoding decodingParajumbleSBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock
Day 10PartnershipRevise direction sense & blood relationCloze testSBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock 
Day 11Time speed distanceNotes on Input & Output DevicesRevise Cloze Test & ParajumbleSBI Clerk Prelims Mini MockSBI Clerk Prelims Full Test 4
Day 12Revise previous topicsTabulationFill in the blanksSBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock 
Day 13MensurationRankingError SpottingSBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock 
Day 14Sequence & SeriesAlphabet TestMultiple MeaningSBI Clerk Prelims Mini MockSBI Clerk Prelims Full Test 5
Day 15squaresSitting ArrangementSentence ImprovementSBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock 
Day 16Permutation & CombinationStatements & AssumptionsSynonyms and AntonymsSBI Clerk Prelims Mini MockSBI Clerk Prelims Full Test 6
Day 17ProbabilityRevise the covered topicsRevise the covered topicsSBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock 
Day 18Revise Covered TopicsAlphanumeric SeriesAce Reading ComprehensionSBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock 
Day 19Revise Sequence & SeriesRevise Alphanumeric SeriesRevise Ace Reading ComprehensionSBI Clerk Prelims Mini MockSBI Clerk Prelims Full Test 7
Day 20Revise Time & WorkOrder & RankingNoun PronounSBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock 
Day 21Profit loss & DiscountRevise Inequality Cloze test SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock  
Day 22Simple interest & Compound Interest InequalityAce Reading ComprehensionSBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock 
Day 23simple interest & Compound Interest   InequalityAce Reading Comprehension SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock    
Day 24Revise Probability Sitting Arrangement Revise Synonyms and Antonyms  SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock     
Day 25 Profit loss & Discount  Statements & AssumptionsPara jumble SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock      
Day 26simple interest & Compound Interest   Revise direction sense & blood relation Fill in the blanks SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock  SBI Clerk Prelim Full Test 9
Day 27Revise PartnershipRankingMultiple MeaningSBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock  
Day 28Mixture & AlligationTabulation Revise the covered topics SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock   
Day 29 Revise MensurationRevise Blood relationRevise ParajumbleSBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock    
Day 30Age Statements & AssumptionsSentence Completion SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock     SBI Clerk Prelim Full test 10
Day 31Mixture & Alligation  Direction distance   Fill in the blanks  SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock      
Day 32Partnership  Syllogism Noun Pronoun  SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock       
Day 33Permutation & Combination  Order & Ranking   Cloze test   SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock     SBI Clerk Prelim FullTest 11
Day 34 Age  Inequality  Error Spotting  SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock      
Day 35 Time speed distance  Blood relation   Adjective & Adverb  SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock       
Day 36Time & Work  Sitting Arrangement   Multiple Meaning  SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock        
Day 37Partnership   Direction distance   Ace Reading Comprehension    SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock SBI Clerk Prelim Full Test 12
Day 38Mixture & Alligation    Statements & Assumptions  Synonyms and Antonyms   SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock         
Day 39 Sequence & SeriesTabulation  Tense SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock          
Day 40 RevisionRevision Revision SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock          
Day 41Mensuration Alphanumeric Series  Fill in the blanks SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock          SBI Clerk Prelims Full Test 13
Quadratic EquationOrder & Ranking    Cloze test    SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock     
Day 43Number series Sitting Arrangement Error Spotting   SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock            
Day 44Tables upto 20Squares upto 30Cubes upto 15 Syllogism  Ace Reading Comprehension     SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock             
Day 45Square RootCube Root Tabulation   Cloze test    SBI Clerk Prelims Mini Mock             

Take the Best SBI Clerk 2022 Mock tests 

Take full-length SBI Clerk 2022 Mock Tests and evaluate your performance after you’ve gone over the entire SBI Clerk Exam syllabus. You must recognise your weak points and work to improve them. To succeed in the SBI Clerk Exam 2022, it is recommended that you take one mock test per day. Starting on the first day of your preparation, you should begin giving mock tests. It will not only offer you a good understanding of the types of questions that will be asked on the exam, but it will also show you how the exam will be structured. If you earn low grades on pre-clerk mock tests, don’t get discouraged. Take SBI Clerk Mock Tests on a regular basis to keep improving. Concentrate solely on understanding the fundamental concepts of all disciplines. And also, keep a check on your performance tallying it with the past performances.

Speed and Accuracy – The Important Parameter

(i) With the introduction of sectional time, speed and accuracy will play a major role in the selection of candidates. To score well in all three sections focus on speed and accuracy.

(ii) As a smart approach, solve the easier question at first and leave the tough ones. Once you are done with easy to moderate questions, you can switch on to tough questions, if time allows.

(iii) Spending too much time on a single question will waste your precious time, so if you are not able to solve it within 1 minute then you should move on to the next question.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

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