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The exam is coming up in just a few days! November 19th, 2022 Are you totally prepared to ace the exam? Are you confident that you will pass the exam the first time? Do you intend to apply for one of the 5,008 positions SBI will fill? In today’s revision blog, we’ve provided you with a revision approach and revision Mock Tests and quizzes to help you get the quick review and clever, engaging, or enthusiastic practice you need to pass the SBI Clerk Prelims exam on your first try.


Give SBI Clerk 2022 Mock Test 1 & Analyze Your Performance

Free Mini Mocks & Free Quizzes

S. No.Name of Tests (Objective)No. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Quantitative Aptitude353520 minutes
3Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes

Attempt Mock Test- Based on the previous year’s question paper

SBI Clerk 2022 Mock Test Based On 12th November Shift

SBI Clerk Preparation 2022: Section-Wise Mock Test Challenge

🙅‍♂️SBI Clerk 2022 Mock Tests लें और पहले से परीक्षा का सामना करने की तैयारी करें!

SBI Clerk 3 Days Revision Plan

DayTopics to be covered
Day 11St Half:-
Quant: Practice Quadratic Equation questions
Reasoning: Practice Inequality
Attempt at least 1 mock test. Check your strong and weak areas. Work more on your calculation speed by revising percentage conversion, squares, and cubes.

2nd Half:-
English: Practice para jumble.
Quant: Practice ratio proportion and age-related questions.
Reasoning: Practice blood relation questions.
Attempt 1 mock test and analyze properly.
Day 21ST Half
Quant: Practice number series Questions
Reasoning: Practice syllogism Questions.
Practice questions from your weak areas. Attempt 1 mock test and analyze it.

2nd Half
English: Practise cloze test.
Quant: Start with time and work and partnership.
Reasoning: Practice order and ranking questions.
Practice 1 mock test and analyze your performance
Day 31ST half
Quant: Practice simplification and approximation questions and probability questions.
Reasoning: Practice coding-decoding.Spend some time on your strong areas.
Attempt 1 mock test and analyze your performance.

2nd Half
Quant: Practice percentage and average questions.
Reasoning: Practice direction distance questions.
Attempt 1 mock test and analyze.
English: Revise grammar rules.
SBI Clerk Preparation 2022: Section-Wise Mock Test Challenge

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

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