SBI Clerk 2022 Mains Exam: Perfect 4 Days Mock Test Challenge for Revision
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Are you ready to take on SBI Clerk Mains 2022 on Jan 15, 2023? Have you revised the complete syllabus? Have you revised all the scoring topics? Now you have only 4 days to revise and test your speed and accuracy and work on your exam strategy. Practically you have 24 (6 hours a day) to 32 (8 hours a day) hours of Practice time to prepare. Therefore, it’s time to best utilize the time in hand by taking as many SBI Clerk Mains Mock Tests as possible and committing and avoiding committing mistakes in the actual exam.

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In this blog, we’ve supplied you with the Perfect 4 Days SBI Clerk 2022 Mains Mock Test Challenge for Revision to score better and better on 15th January 2023.

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SBI Clerk Exam Pattern 2022 Mains: Phase II

The exam pattern of the SBI Clerk mains exam consists of 4 sections: General/ Financial Awareness, General English, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude. The test paper will have a total of 190 questions. The total marks for the test are 200. Candidates will be given 2 hours and 40 minutes to solve the question paper. There are sectional timings for each section. Candidates can check below the SBI Clerk exam pattern 2022 for the mains exam. 

Name of testNo of QuestionsMarksDuration
General/ Financial Awareness505035 Minutes
General English404035 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude505045 Minutes
Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude506045 Minutes
Total1902002 Hours 40 minutes

Perfect 4 Days SBI Clerk 2022 Mains Mock Test Challenge for Revision

DateReasoning AbilityQuantitative AptitudeEnglish Language
Day 1Floor puzzle, coding-decoding

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Pie chart DI, quadratic equations, data sufficiency, wrong number seriesColumns, cloze, reading comprehension, Caselet DI, miscellaneous, problems on trains
Day 2Circular puzzle, direction, Input-output, Month-based puzzle, logical

Take SBI Clerk Mains 2022 Mock Test 1 + Analysis
Table DI, average, Problems on age, ratio and proportion, Line graph DI, pipe and cistern, time and work, Funnel DI, miscellaneous, average, number seriesError correction, para jumble, cloze
Day 3Mix puzzle, blood relation, direction,  Circular puzzle, input-output, direction  

Take SBI Clerk Mains 2022 Mock Test 2 + Analysis
Bar graph DI, boat and stream, 
mixture and allegation, percentage
Inferences, error correction, para jumble
Day 4Floor puzzle, short puzzle miscellaneous, Square puzzle, blood relation,
short puzzle  

Take SBI Clerk Mains 2022 Mock Test 3 + Analysis
Radar DI, percentage, SI & CI, profit and loss, mensuration, Quantity comparison, permutation and combination, probability, Mixed DIError, word usage, conjunction, Sentence breaks, inferences, error

Time Management

You have limited time for a quick yet complete revision, so you must make perfect use of it. Spend time on topics that need improvement while avoiding paying unnecessary attention to the concepts that you have already completed or mastered. Logically, by giving more time to revising your strong areas, you will minimize the time to be given to topics you feel you are weak in and need quick improvement in.

To avoid wasting time, you should always move on quickly with the deadline in mind. The main purpose of a revision strategy is to implement time management to eliminate time wastage. Therefore, you need to quickly decide the topics that need your maximum attention and the topics or areas you only need to practice swiftly.

Steps to take on the day before the actual SBI Clerk 2022 Mains Exam

  1. Trust your preparation and revision
  2. Relax and do anything that relaxes your mind
  3. Eat healthy food and sleep well  
  4. Enter the exam hall with the confidence to win

Mock Tests are the keys to perfect revision

Half of your success lies in testing your skills from time to time. And that can only be done via taking regular tests. Mock Tests are the test that best suits your Exam, as they are specially designed for it. SBI Clerk 2022 Mains Mock Test injects a feel of the actual SBI Clerk 2022 Mains Exam and the skills needed to beat it. So, you can make quick improvements. It is also a tool that acts as the quickest source in terms of timely revision.  It goes without saying now, that Mock Tests can quickly enhance your accuracy and calculation speed. Hence, you must attempt as many SBI Clerk 2022 Mains Mock Tests as you can to taste different types of questions just before witnessing the initial phase of the exam.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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