SBI Clerk Local language Test FAQs
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SBI Clerk- Local Language Test- FAQs

  1. What is SBI Local Language Test? Is it the same as the Test of Specified Opted Local Language?Yes! ‘Local Language Test’ and ‘Test of Specified Opted Local Language’ are one and the same. The local language test is the third and final stage of the SBI Clerk Recruitment and will follow after SBI Clerk Prelims & Mains have been conducted.
  2. Is there any exemption for this test or is the local language test mandatory for all aspirants who are appearing for SBI Clerk 2021?The local language test is mandatory for all. However, candidates who have proof that they have studied the local language in 10th & 12th standard shall not need to appear for this stage of recruitment.
  3. Can the details of ‘state and the local language they will be appearing for’ be changed later?No, once these details are filled and the application form is approved, candidates cannot change/alter the details of the local language test.
  4. Who is eligible to take the Test of Specified Opted Local Language?Only those candidates who have cleared Mains are eligible to take this Test.
  5. I have a certificate where it is mentioned that I have studied the opted local language in 10th & 12th standard. Would I still have to take this test?No! Only candidates who don’t have a ‘certificate where it is mentioned that they have studied the opted local language in 10th & 12th standard’ will have to take the Test of Specified Opted Local Language.
  6. If I clear Prelims and Mains but I’m unable to qualify this local language test, will I be disqualified from the recruitment process?Yes! Regardless of the marks obtained in SBI Clerk Prelims & Mains, if you’re unable to clear the local language test, you will be disqualified.
  7. What is the purpose & importance of the Test of Specified Opted Local Language?The purpose of this test is to ensure that candidates are fully aware of the different aspects of the local language in which they are going to deal with their customers.

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By Sweta Singh

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