SBI Clerk 2023-24 Study Plan
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SBI Clerk Study Plan: The State Bank of India has released the SBI Clerk 2023-24 notification. If you are aiming to crack the exam on the first attempt, it’s time to get yourself prepared for the first phase of the examination, today we bring to you the 50 Days SBI Clerk Study Plan 2023-24 for the Prelims Exam. This plan will help you prepare for the exam in a systematic and structured way, ensuring you don’t miss any important topics and score well in the exam.

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Preparation Strategy for the English Language

The English section of the SBI Clerk exam evaluates candidates based on their understanding of the subject and their grammatical proficiency. Success in this section requires a solid grasp of vocabulary and grammar. To facilitate preparation, we have provided a free PDF containing essential Grammar Rules. Additionally, aspirants can benefit from our daily wordlists and root word series to enhance their vocabulary. Devoting a minimum of 2 hours daily to practice and comprehend the English section is crucial.

To further improve language skills, regular newspaper reading is essential. The study notes and practice links provided below cover important topics in the English section, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the syllabus. Given the increasing difficulty level of the English section, it is advised not to underestimate its importance. Familiarize yourself with grammar rules from Wren & Martin’s book, focusing on understanding rather than rote memorization. These preparation tips aim to help aspirants smoothly navigate and excel in the SBI Clerk exam’s English section.

Daily reading of English articles, preferably from sources like The Hindu or the Economic Times, is recommended. Aspirants should make a habit of noting down new words for later revision, continually expanding their vocabulary and reinforcing learned words. By following these strategies, candidates can confidently tackle the English section of the SBI Clerk exam.

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Preparation Strategy for Reasoning Ability

The Reasoning Ability section poses challenges that require effective skills for consistent success. Unlike other sections, there are no shortcuts or formulas for aspirants to memorize. Logical thinking and a thorough understanding of essential topics and concepts are prerequisites for excelling in this section.

A reliable approach to scoring well in the Reasoning section involves practicing various topics. Our experts have outlined a preparation strategy for reasoning that, if followed, enhances performance in this section. Unlike Quantitative Aptitude, there are no quick fixes for scoring better; understanding basic concepts is paramount. Candidates should underline and thoroughly practice concepts, including solving 2-3 puzzles daily. In the exam, prioritize puzzles with fewer variables. Focus on chapters like syllogism, inequality, order & ranking, coding-decoding, direction distance, and blood relation, as they are comparatively easier to solve under exam conditions than time-consuming puzzles.

Mastering the Reasoning section requires initial comprehension of basic concepts, followed by extensive practice. Devote time to topics such as syllogism, inequality, order & ranking, coding-decoding, direction distance, and blood relations. With regular practice and a solid understanding of concepts, candidates can easily achieve a score of 30+ in this section.

To gain a better understanding of the syllabus, aspirants are encouraged to read the Important Topics To Be Asked in the Reasoning Ability section of the SBI Clerk exam. Study notes and practice links for topic-wise questions are provided for comprehensive preparation.

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Preparation Strategy for Numerical Ability

Consistent practice of Numerical Ability questions is essential for obtaining high scores in this section. The Numerical Ability section evaluates candidates on their basic knowledge of numerical concepts, requiring accuracy and speed to achieve desired results.

Aspirants can enhance their calculative skills and solve questions efficiently by utilizing a free PDF of shortcut tricks for the Quantitative Aptitude Section. Topic-wise study notes are crucial for strengthening all concepts, with special attention to weaker areas. Identifying time-consuming topics is vital to developing effective problem-solving methods within the allocated time.

The scoring potential of this section can be realized by following expert preparation tips for SBI Clerk. In the initial stages, focus on memorizing squares up to 40, cubes up to 20, tables up to 30, and mastering fraction-to-percentage and percentage-to-fraction conversions up to 1/25. Acquiring knowledge of Vedic tricks and rules for faster calculation is also recommended to save time for more challenging questions.

Subsequently, covers fundamental chapters such as number series, quadratic equations, averages, ratio proportions, and percentages. These foundational chapters are applied in almost every arithmetic chapter. Delve deep into their concepts before progressing to topics like time & work, partnership, time speed distance, and mixture allegation. Practice different data interpretation sets, including bar graphs and tabular DI, to round off comprehensive preparation for the Numerical Ability section in the SBI Clerk exam.

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SBI Clerk 2023-24 Study Plan

Day1st slot2nd slot3rd slot
Day 1InequalityNumber seriesNoun pronoun
Day 2Simplification and approximationOrder & RankingAdjective & Adverb
Day 3SyllogismAlphanumeric SeriesTense
Day 4Subject-Verb agreementMock TestInequality
Day 5AverageDirection distanceCoding decoding
Day 6PercentageBlood relationSubject-verb agreement
Day 7Ratio proportionMock TestPara jumble
Day 8Time & workMensurationPermutation & Combination
Day 9Fill In The BlanksError SpottingPara jumble
Day 10PartnershipMock testCloze test
Day 11Time speed distanceTabulationAce Reading Comprehension
Day 12Sequence & SeriesMock TestFill in the blanks
Day 13Seating ArrangementSentence ImprovementAlphabet Test
Day 14squaresMock TestRanking
Day 15ProbabilityAlphanumeric SeriesStatements & Assumptions
Day 16Profit loss & DiscountMock TestAce Reading Comprehension
Day 17Simple interest & Compound InterestOrder & RankingPara jumble
Day 18Mixture & AlligationMock TestFill in the blanks
Day 19Sitting ArrangementMultiple MeaningRevise Ace Reading Comprehension
Day 20Profit loss & DiscountMock TestNoun Pronoun
Day 21AgeSynonyms and AntonymsCloze test
Day 22simple interest & Compound InterestMock TestStatements & Assumptions
Day 23PartnershipInequalityMultiple Meaning
Day 24Profit loss & DiscountMock TestRevise the covered topics
Day 25simple interest & Compound InterestRevise direction sense & blood relationSentence Completion
Day 26Time speed distanceMock TestSentence Improvement
Day 27Permutation & CombinationRankingFill in the blanks
Day 28Time & WorkTabulationRevise Subject-verb agreement
Day 29ProbabilityStatements & AssumptionsAdjective & Adverb
Day 30Mixture & AlligationSitting ArrangementNoun Pronoun
Day 31Permutation & CombinationMock TestAce Reading Comprehension
Day 32Time speed distanceInequalityFill in the blanks
Day 33Sequence & SeriesDirection distanceMultiple Meaning
Day 34Seating ArrangementBlood relationRevise Sentence Completion
Day 35Time & WorkOrder & RankingError Spotting
Day 36PartnershipMock TestRevise Subject-verb agreement
Day 37Mixture & AlligationDirection distanceAdjective & Adverb
Day 38Sequence & SeriesSitting ArrangementAce Reading Comprehension
Day 39Seating ArrangementRankingFill in the blanks
Day 40MensurationInequalityCloze test
Day 41Quadratic EquationMock TestError Spotting
Day 42Number seriesBlood relationAdjective & Adverb
Day 43Tables up to 20 Squares up to 30 Cubes up to 15Sitting ArrangementAce Reading Comprehension
Day 44Square Root Cube RootDirection distanceSynonyms and Antonyms
Day 45MensurationSyllogismTense
Day 46Subject-Verb agreementOrder & RankingRevision
Day 47AverageMock TestFill in the blanks
Day 48PercentageInequalityCloze test
Day 49Ratio proportionBlood relationError Spotting
Day 50Time & workSitting ArrangementAce Reading Comprehension

SBI Clerk 2023 – Strategies for Effective Preparation

Ahead of delving into the study plan, let’s navigate through pivotal preparation tips for the SBI Clerk exam that should be adhered to in the remaining time frame. Embrace the following guidelines wholeheartedly to pave your way to success in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam.


  • Strategically plan your time for the remaining days, ensuring an exclusive focus on your studies throughout the month.
  • Allocate breaks, sleep cycles, and study sessions meticulously within the confines of your timetable, and steadfastly adhere to it.
  • Thoroughly cover the entire SBI Clerk syllabus, with heightened attention to key topics. Annotate important points for subsequent revision during available time slots.
  • Implement structured study sessions; for instance, engage in at least three daily study sessions, each lasting three hours. Customize your approach by covering three subjects in a day, dedicating a day to a single subject, or structuring it on a weekly basis.

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Mock Tests

  • Participation in mock tests stands as the paramount method to assess your preparation level. It also aids in refining time management skills and managing exam pressure during the actual examination. In essence, attempting mock tests is the most effective means of evaluating your proficiency.
  • Mock tests unveil areas for improvement in each section, allowing you to discern your strengths and weaknesses. Subsequently, you can focus on enhancing those areas.
  • Consistent practice of mock tests contributes significantly to enhancing both speed and accuracy.

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Regular Practice

  • Consistent practice, complemented by a clear comprehension of concepts, is essential for achieving a high score. Following the age-old adage, “Practice makes a man perfect,” daily practice is indispensable.
  • Systematically practice concepts from each section. Allocate specific days for practicing two sections, such as reasoning and English on one day, followed by quantitative aptitude on the next, interspersed with daily mock tests for holistic preparation.
  • As the exams draw near, intensify your practice with regular quizzes and mini mock tests available on platforms like Gradeup. Evaluate your performance meticulously.

Speed and Accuracy

  • Given the introduction of sectional time, emphasis on speed and accuracy is pivotal for candidate selection. Strive for excellence in all three sections by prioritizing speed and accuracy.
  • Opt for a strategic approach by tackling easier questions first and deferring tougher ones. Once you navigate through the easy-to-moderate questions, address challenging ones, time permitting.
  • Avoid dedicating excessive time to a single question, as this could squander precious time. If a question proves challenging and surpasses the one-minute mark, swiftly transition to the next.

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