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The State Bank of India has published the SBI Clerk 2022 announcement. It’s time to start preparing for the prelims part of the exam, which will take place in November 2022, if your goal is to pass the exam on your first try. We are presenting to you today the 50 Days SBI Clerk Study Plan 2022 for the Prelims Exam for your help. This strategy will assist you in systematic and organized exam preparation, ensuring you don’t miss any crucial material and achieving high exam scores. Let’s first take a quick look at the SBI Clerk Mains exam structure before moving on to the SBI Clerk Study Plan 2022. This will help you to become a beginner to a pro level.

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SBI Clerk Preparation
SBI Clerk Preparation

Sign up for SBI Clerk 2022 Free Preparation

Make Effective Strategy

Make your study schedule more effective. Planning should be one of your strong suits as a candidate. Consult coaching institutes for assistance, but be astute enough to find out what works best for you. Here, you are the best judge. Give and subject equal weight and stick to the schedule you’ve developed. Get ideas for how to prepare for the exam from exam toppers, and then tweak it to your taste.

Start Early & Follow The Study Plan

Start the process as early as possible. This will give you a lot of good time to study and go through the syllabus before the exam. By getting a good start, you will have plenty of time to thoroughly go over the full curriculum, then revise it before practicing mock Tests to see how far along in your preparation you are. If you have a strategy, you’ll be more likely to stay on task and strive to complete one task at a time rather than allowing too many to compete for your attention and cause confusion. You must follow the study plan below.

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SBI Clerk 2022 Study Plan

Day1st slot2nd slot3rd slot
Day 1Attempt Full Free Mock Test + Analyze Yourself
Day 2Simplification and approximationOrder & RankingAdjective & Adverb
Day 3SyllogismAlphanumeric SeriesTense
Day 4Subject-Verb agreementNumber seriesInequality
Day 5AverageDirection distanceCoding decoding
Day 6PercentageBlood relationSubject-verb agreement
Day 7Attempt Full Mock Test 1 + Analyze YourselfRatio proportionPara jumble
Day 8Time & work + InequalityMensurationPermutation & Combination
Day 9Fill In The BlanksError SpottingPara jumble + Noun pronoun
Day 10PartnershipSeating ArrangementCloze test
Day 11Time speed distanceTabulationAce Reading Comprehension
Day 12Sequence & SeriesSentence ImprovementFill in the blanks
Day 13Attempt Full Mock Test 2 + Analyze Yourself
Day 14squaresAlphabet TestRanking
Day 15ProbabilityAlphanumeric SeriesStatements & Assumptions
Day 16Profit loss & DiscountNoun PronounAce Reading Comprehension
Day 17Simple interest & Compound InterestOrder & RankingPara jumble
Day 18Mixture & AlligationProfit loss & DiscountFill in the blanks
Day 19Seating ArrangementMultiple MeaningRevise Ace Reading Comprehension
Day 20Attempt Full Mock Test 3 + Analyze Yourself
Day 21Age + Seating ArrangementSynonyms and AntonymsCloze test
Day 22simple interest & Compound InterestPermutation & CombinationStatements & Assumptions
Day 23PartnershipInequalityMultiple Meaning
Day 24Profit loss & DiscountFill in the blanksRevise the covered topics
Day 25simple interest & Compound InterestRevise direction sense & blood relationSentence Completion
Day 26Time speed distanceRankingSentence Improvement
Day 27Attempt Full Mock Test 4 + Analyze Yourself
Day 28Time & WorkTabulationRevise Subject-verb agreement
Day 29ProbabilityStatements & AssumptionsAdjective & Adverb
Day 30Mixture & AlligationSeating ArrangementNoun Pronoun
Day 31Permutation & CombinationOrder & RankingAce Reading Comprehension
Day 32Time speed distanceInequality +  Cloze testFill in the blanks
Day 33Sequence & SeriesDirection distance + Ace Reading ComprehensionMultiple Meaning
Day 34Seating ArrangementBlood relationRevise Sentence Completion
Day 35Attempt Full Mock Test 5 + Analyze Yourself
Day 36PartnershipError SpottingRevise Subject-verb agreement
Day 37Mixture & AlligationDirection distanceAdjective & Adverb
Day 38Sequence & SeriesSeating ArrangementAce Reading Comprehension
Day 39Seating ArrangementRankingFill in the blanks + Blood relation
Day 40Mensuration + Error SpottingInequality +  Blood relationCloze test +  Adjective & Adverb
Day 41Quadratic EquationTime & WorkError Spotting + Percentage
Day 42Attempt Full Mock Test 6 + Analyze Yourself
Day 43Tables up to 20 Squares up to 30 Cubes up to 15seating Arrangement +  Time & work Ace Reading Comprehension
Day 44Square Root Cube RootDirection distanceSynonyms and Antonyms
Day 45Mensuration +  InequalitySyllogismTense
Day 46Subject-Verb agreementOrder & RankingRevision
Day 47AverageNumber series + Ratio proportion Fill in the blanks
Day 48Attempt Full Mock Test 7 + Analyze Yourself
Day 49Attempt Full Mock Test 8 + Analyze Yourself
Day 50Attempt Full Mock Test 9 + Analyze Yourself
SBI Clerk Preparation

Attempt Many Mock Tests As You Can

Mock Test is One of the oldest techniques that work brilliantly for almost any entrance exam. You can use it to score in subjects and find important ones. Regular practice will improve your time management abilities and help you perform well on the test. By doing so, you’ll not only have a better understanding of the types of questions that will be asked, but you’ll also make sure that you remain relatively composed and confident on the day of the exam.

These free mock tests from PracticeMock can help you improve your preparation and move closer to passing the exam. They are available for a variety of Banking & government examinations and positions.

SBI Clerk Preparation
SBI Clerk Preparation

Use Best Online Preparation Website/ Books

To prepare, select only the best books or websites online. Because there are so many options available on the market, candidates could be unsure of what they want. Choose what will benefit you the most and make an effort to remain with it. Switching to too many books or websites will leave you perplexed.

Effective Management Of Time 

Avoid spending an excessive number of minutes on any one question in order to succeed in any competitive exam. Instead, manage your time efficiently in terms of speed and accuracy. The majority of the exam’s time must be spent on a few areas. In order to avoid the paper being incomplete, applicants who struggle with calculation procedures are encouraged to attempt those portions last. The secret is practice.

Previous Year Question Paper

This will give you an exact idea of real exam pattern. Practicing previous years’ question papers will help you to get idea of  the types of questions asked in the exam and familiarise you with the exam pattern.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

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