SBI Clerk Salary & Job Profile
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SBI Clerk 2021 recruitment notification can be expected anytime soon now, however those who have already started their exam preparation for SBI Clerk 2021 exam must know this information which we are going to provide in this article. As far as SBI Clerk 2020 notification was concerned there were 8000 vacancies for Junior Associates and last year notification was released on 2nd Jan, 2020. However, SBI Clerk 2021 notification is still pending. SBI is a reputed bank to work with. Those sincerely want to apply for SBI Clerk 2021 must not wait for the notification and should start focusing on the preparation. In this article we will be giving an insightful knowledge related to the SBI Clerk 2021 job profile and salary etc.


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Since the notification for this year is not out yet we will be giving you a complete information on the basis of previous year SBI Clerk notification including SBI Clerk 2021 syllabus and detailed SBI Clerk 2021 exam pattern. A free mock test of SBI Clerk Prelims 2021 can help you formulating a perfect study plan as by taking the test you will get to know your strong and weak areas so that you can create one accordingly.

SBI Clerk 2021 Vacancies

Since the SBI Clerk 2021 notification is not released yet, therefore vacancies are not known right now. However, we are updating here the vacancies of the past years just to give candidates an idea.

YearNumber of Vacancies
SBI Clerk 2021 NotificationTo be Updated Soon
SBI Clerk 2020 Notification8,000
SBI Clerk 2019 Notification8,653
SBI Clerk 2018 Notification7,200

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SBI Clerk Prelims 2021 Exam Pattern

S. No.Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMax. MarksDuration
1English Language303020 mins
2Numerical Ability353520 mins
3Reasoning Ability353520 mins
Total1001001 hour


  • Negative marking of 0.25 mark will be there.
  • No minimum qualifying marks are prescribed for individual test OR for aggregate score.
  • Approximately 10 times the number of vacancies will be shortlisted for the Mains exam (in each category).

SBI Clerk Prelims 2021 free mock test

Aspirants those who are applying for SBI Clerk 2021 must be wondering about clerk’s job profile, salary structure and career growth. So, here we are to guide you regarding these.

SBI Clerk 2021 Salary

Salary of an SBI Clerk depends upon the posting and it nay vary from state to state. Generally, the salary amount is different in urban and rural locations, however the difference between the two is not that much. As far as the SBI Clerk 2021 Salary Structure is concerned, mentioned below is the pay scale for the same.

The SBI Clerk Salary Structure is as follows: 11765-655/3-13730-815/3-16175-980/4-20095-1145/7-28110- 2120/1- 30230-1310/1-31450. According to this salary structure the starting salary of an SBI Clerk is Rs 11,765/- with a year-on-year increment of Rs 655/- with the Basic pay while the Maximum Basic Salary of an SBI Clerk- Rs 31,450/-.

After serving for 3 years the basic salary of an SBI Clerk will be Rs 13730/- and Rs 815/- will be the amount of annual increment. Maximum basic salary of SBI Clerk is 31450/-

If lured by the above-mentioned pay scale of an SBI Clerk then don’t wait any further and start preparing for SBI Clerk 2021 today. Take first mock test free for SBI Clerk 2021 and get started with your preparation.

SBI Clerk 2021 Job Profile

Just like other bank exams, SBI Clerk has a sorted job profile. A bank clerk is the first point of contact regarding any customer queries etc. Let’s check out the job profile of an SBI Clerk:

  • SBI Clerk will be on a probation period of minimum 6 months. A set of 15 prescribed e-lessons are to be completed which will help you in confirming your employment.
  • Dealing with customers and their queries. Clarifying their doubts and provide them proper guidance is a major responsibility of an SBI Clerk.
  • Handling activities at the deposit counter related to cash withdrawal. If required an SBI Clerk may have to work as a cashier.
  • Taking care of customer’s accounts by signing and verifying documents, countersigning and clearing drafts, cheques etc.
  • Back-office work such as balance tallying, ledger maintenance and data entry etc. and working on documentation also comes under the job profile of an SBI Clerk.
  • A candidate will also be responsible for marketing financial products including schemes, loans, deposits and funds to potential customers.
  • Scrutiny of applications for their completeness and authenticity is a part of SBI Clerk job responsibility.
  • To sell bank services and other advisory services by calling up customers and also cross-selling products of the bank inside and outside.

These are few job responsibilities which an SBI Clerk would have to take up.

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SBI Clerk 2021 Other Perks and Allowances

Apart from the salary the SBI Clerk profile is jeweled up with many more benefits and perks as per the SBI guidelines. Mentioned below are the details of the SBI Clerk and other allowances.

  • Dearness Allowance

This is revised after every 4 years and is based on the consumer price index. The DA increases as and when the inflation is high.

  • House Rent Allowance

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The HRA depends upon the city in which an SBI Clerk is being posted. The HRA is higher in a metro city, however in case of posting is being done in a rural area, the HRA will be less.

  • Telephone Bills
  • Travel and Furniture Allowance
  • Transport Allowance
  • Newspaper Allowance
  • Medical Allowance
  • City Allowance

The amount of these allowances vary according to the location of your posting. Just like other bank jobs, SBI Clerk also gives you stability, medical insurance, financial security etc. Thus, those who are inclined towards getting all this then one must start preparing for SBI Clerk 2021 exam with full swing.

SBI Clerk Prelims free mock test

This is all from us for SBI Clerk 2021 job profile, salary and other perks and allowances etc. Stay tuned for more updates related to SBI Clerk 2021 examination.

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