SBI CBO 2022-Best Exam Strategy for General Awareness/Economy
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Worried about the SBI CBO 2022 General Awareness/Economy section? Yes, the exams are at the gates! Wondering about how you can maximize your score to help you clear the exam? If that’s the case, you’d like to leave no topic behind and revise every corner that forms that General Awareness/Economy section for the upcoming SBI CBO 2022 Exam. But for that, you’ll have to craft the best exam strategy! Then come, let’s discuss all those tips that you can follow and Mock Tests that you can take to achieve your goal in just 2-days’ time!

Holi Sale

In this article, we’ll discuss the best tips to make the best strategy to clear the General Awareness/Economy section by revising the entire syllabus as quickly as possible via the last of the SBI CBO 2022 Mock Tests for best revision.

Revise every topic from the General Awareness/Economy section, test your Banking Knowledge via the latest & the best SBI CBO 2021-22 Mock Tests & make quick improvements & clear the actual exam.

SBI CBO 2022 Exam Pattern

The SBI CBO 2021-22 exam will have Online Written Tests (Objective and Descriptive Papers), a Screening, and an Interview. The total duration of Online Written Tests will be 2 hours and 30 minutes. The total time duration for the Objective paper will be 2 hours and 30 minutes for the Descriptive Paper. You will be asked 170 questions and each question will carry 1 mark. The Objective paper will have 4 sections of 120 marks and the Descriptive Paper will invite 2 questions of 50 marks. The Merit List will be drawn State wise and Category wise based on the aggregate marks scored in the Online Written Test. There will be no sectional qualifying marks and no penalty for wrong answers marked in the Objective Tests. Sectional Marks will not be maintained for Online Written examinations.

Take the best SBI CBO 2022 Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam with style!

SBI CBO 2021 Online Written Tests

Test A: Objective Test (Online)

Name of TestNo of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
English Language303030 mins
Banking Knowledge404040 mins
General Awareness/Economy303030 mins
Computer Aptitude 202020 mins
Total1201202 hours

Take the best SBI CBO 2022 Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam with style! 

B. Name of Test (Descriptive Test)No of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
Letter Writing12530 mins
Total25030 mins

Take the best SBI CBO 2022 Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam with style! 

SBI CBO 2022 Test B: Descriptive Test (Online)

SBI CBO Syllabus 2021 – Topic wise

English LanguageBanking AwarenessGeneral Awareness/EconomyComputer Knowledge
-Cloze Test
-Reading Comprehension
-Spotting Errors
-Para Jumbles
-Fill in the Blanks
-Para/Sentence Completion
-Sentence Improvement
-Sentence Correction

*Take SBI CBO 2021-22 Mock Tests to cover all the topics from the English Section!
-Banking Terminologies
– Knowledge on financial institutions of importance
-Principles of Insurance Money and Banking

*Take SBI CBO 2021-22 Mock Tests to cover all the topics from Banking Awareness Section!
-Current Affairs
-General Knowledge Updates
-Prime Minister
-Important Days
-Important Places
-Books and Authors

* Take SBI CBO 2021-22 Mock Tests to cover all the topics from General Awareness Section!
-History and Generation of Computers
-Introduction to Computer Computer Hardware and I/O Devices
-Computer Software
-Computer Languages
-Operating System
-Computer Network Organisation
-Computer Memory
-Computer and Network Security

*Take SBI CBO 2021-22 Mock Tests to cover all the topics from Computer Knowledge!

 Quickly take the best SBI CBO 2022 Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam with style! 

SBI CBO 2022-Important topics you need to revise in General Awareness/Economy section?

  1. In General Awareness/Economy, you should focus on:
  2. Monthly GK and Current Affairs
  3. Government schemes
  4. India’s rank in surveys
  5. International reports
  6. Important days
  7. Important appointments
  8. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of India
  9. Awards & Honours
  10. Banks-related products
  11. Summits & Conferences
  12. Banking terms
  13. States & capitals
  14. Joint Military Exercises
  15. Cabinet Ministers
  16. Obituaries, Sports events
  17. Brand Ambassadors
  18. International organizations

Quickly take the best SBI CBO 2022 Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam with style! 

SBI CBO 2022 Exam General Awareness/Economy Section Revision Tips

Here are 9 very useful tips to speed up your General Awareness/Economy revision to fetch full marks in the actual SBI CBO 2022 Exam coupled with the last of the Best SBI CBO 2022 Mock Tests:

  1. Keep in mind the exam pattern and General Awareness/Economy syllabus thoroughly.
  2. Reive from what you have read from important books and study materials from the last of the Best SBI CBO Mock 2022 Tests.
  3. As you have only 2 days, left for revisiting whatever you have prepared test your knowledge and skills (speed and accuracy) by solving the sample papers and via Mock Tests.
  4. Go through short and summarised notes, that you may have prepared before, while Revising via the last of the best SBI CBO 2022 Mock Tests to avoid spending too much time in revision.
  5. Solve as many questions as possible with speed and accuracy.
  6. Solve as many questions as possible. It helps in retention in the actual exam.
  7. Avoid spending too much time on a single question while revising to practice it for the actual SBI CBO 2022 exam.
  8. Revise all the tables, shortcuts, and important points and go through them regularly. The best method to remember all that is by attempting as many Mock Tests as you can and apply them while answering questions.
  9. Recognize your weak areas after analysing your Mock Tests analysis and work on them to avoid mistakes in the actual exam.

How to make the best exam strategy for General Awareness/Economy section?

Given below are two tips that toppers have used throughout the years to make a perfect exam strategy:

1.    Do practice last of the Mock Tests

The aspirants of the examination need to practice the mock tests during the preparation phase to keep the pace along with witnessing or assessing the level of preparation. It gives a check to your progress and shows your strengths and weaknesses which are extremely important to know to get high scores. You can ace your exam by taking free mock tests online. You must practice mock tests.

Revise every topic from the General Awareness/Economy section, test your Banking Knowledge via the latest & the best SBI CBO 2021-22 Mock Tests & make quick improvements & clear the actual exam.

2.    Do check last year’s exam analysis

Go through the last SBI CBO Exam section-wise analysis Exam analysis to know the types of questions asked and the difficulty level of the exam better. It will also help you to understand the exam pattern and important topics from the syllabus. The last exam’s analysis tells that the overall level of the exam was moderate to difficult including some lengthy and time taking questions. And the good thing about this analysis is that this analysis is based on the feedback received by the students who appeared for the exam.

Revise every topic from the General Awareness/Economy section, test your Banking Knowledge via the latest & the best SBI CBO 2021-22 Mock Tests & make quick improvements & clear the actual exam.

SBI CBO 2022 Mock tests are the key to quick revision & ultimate success

If you want to score full or maximum marks in the upcoming SBI CBO 2022 Exam General Awareness/Economy section? Then you must Attempt the best SBI CBO 2022 Mock tests regularly. These latest, perfectly designed SBI CBO 2022 Mains Mock Tests will quickly help you revise the syllabus and check your level of preparation. It will help you know where you went wrong and guide you for quick improvement. The best SBI CBO 2022 Mock tests not only help you to learn to manage time during the actual SBI CBO 2022 exam but also help you to maintain both speed and accuracy while giving answers to questions.

Grab Quick Benefits of the last SBI CBO 2022 Mock Tests

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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