SBI Apprentice 2021 Cut-Off Complete Analysis
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SBI Apprentice 2021 Exam: A sudden demand for SBI Apprentice exam news is on the rise since the notification released. A total of 6,100 tentative vacancies along with state-wise vacancy list is released. Many other details such as selection process, marking scheme, eligibility criteria, are also given in the official notification.  

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Read the article for SBI Apprentice: Total Seats, Reservation, Selection Process, Disclaimers 

SBI Apprentice 2021 Cut-Off 

The State bank of India will release both category wise and state wise cut-offs for this exam, as mentioned in their new notification. The right of deciding the cut-off marks which is basically the minimum number of marks required to clear the exam will only be decided by the discretionary decision of the State Bank of India.  

It’s better to study the 2019-year cut-off for some good insights for 2021. The 2020 exam got cancelled anyway, so we will have to look at the 2019 cut-off list.  

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The 2019 SBI Apprentice Cut-off List 

The cut-off for 2019 came to be around 70-75. However, it will be unique state wise and category wise.  

Section Total Number of Questions Total Marks SBI Apprentice Cut-off 
General English 25 25 16-18 
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude 25 25 18-20 
Quantitative Aptitude 25 25 15-20 
General and Financial Awareness 25 25 18-21 
Total 100 100 70-75 

SBI Apprentice 2021 Cut-off Analysis 

SBI Apprentice 2021 Cut-off Date 

Only tentative exam date is out yet. Candidates can check the time difference between last year’s exam and cut-off announcement dates. This can give a fair idea as to when can we expect the cut-off list for SBI Apprentice 2021.  

Events Dates 
Registration Process 06th July -26th July 2021 
SBI Apprentice 2021 Online Exam August 2021 (Tentative) 
Cut off Marks Release Date Yet to be notified 
Result – 
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SBI Apprentice 2021 Exam Pattern 

Subject Number of Questions Maximum Marks Duration 
Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude 25 25 15 Minutes 
Quantitative Aptitude 25 25 15 Minutes 
General English 25 25 15 Minutes 
General / Financial Awareness 25 25 15 Minutes 
Total 100 100 1 Hour 

SBI Apprentice 2021 Exam Syllabus  

Subjects Syllabus 
General/ Financial Awareness Financial Awareness Capital and Currency GK and Current Affairs Updates Development and Banking Sectors Budget Government Scheme and Policies Factual Economics 
General English Reading Comprehension Antonyms and Synonyms Cloze test Fill in the blanks Error Detection Sentence Rearrangement Spelling Errors 
Quantitative Aptitude Distance- Time Time- Work Percentage Average Data Interpretation Number Series Number System Interest Profit and Loss Mensuration Simplification 
Reasoning Ability   Coding-Decoding Blood Relations Syllogism Analogy Alphabets Order & Word Formation Seating Arrangement Input & Output Puzzles Inequalities 
Computer Aptitude MS Excel MS PowerPoint MS Word RAM/ ROM Keyword Shortcuts Computer Hardware & Software Operating System Computer Fundamentals/ Abbreviation/ Terminologies Networking 
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How to calculate marks for SBI Apprentice Exam 2021? 

The following information below can be of some help: 

  • A total of one hundred questions will be asked in the exam 
  • Each question will carry a single mark 
  • Negative marking will be there for each wrong answer given – 0.25 marks 

3 Defining Factors for SBI Apprentice 2021: 

The following factors mentioned below can possibly affect the cut-off for SBI Apprentice 2021: 

  • The number of applicants received this year with comparison of last year applications 
  • The difficulty level maintained by the examiner which is the State Bank of India.  
  • The total number of vacancies

Note: The SBI Apprentice Cut-off analysis for 2021 will always be tentative. It should never be considered as a final number. Many factors as mentioned can influence the cut-off and is highly unpredictable. The best way to cope up with any cut-off is by preparing well for the exam. Moreover, mock tests will be key to crack SBI Apprentice 2021 as the time left for the exam is not much. 

Sign-up for the free upcoming SBI Apprentice 2021 Mock Test series 

SBI Apprentice Stage-2 Pattern 

A local language test will also be conducted for candidates who are able to clear the written test as per the cut-off list. The following languages state-wise are duly mentioned in the table below.  

State / UT Language 
Gujarat Gujarati 
Andhra Pradesh Telugu/Urdu 
Karnataka Kannada 
Madhya Pradesh Hindi 
Chhattisgarh Hindi 
West Bengal Bengali/Nepali 
Andaman & Nicobar Islands Hindi/English 
Sikkim Nepali/English 
Odisha Odia 
Himachal Pradesh Hindi 
Haryana Hindi/Punjabi 
Jammu & Kashmir Urdu/Hindi 
UT Chandigarh Hindi/Punjabi 
Ladakh Ladakhi/Urdu/Bhoti 
Punjab Punjabi/Hindi 
Tamil Nadu Tamil 
Pondicherry Tamil 
Goa Konkani 
Uttarakhand Hindi 
Telangana Telugu/Urdu 
Rajasthan Hindi 
Kerala Malayalam 
Uttar Pradesh Hindi/Urdu 
Maharashtra Marathi 
Arunachal Pradesh English 
Assam Assamese/Bengali/ Bodo 
Manipur Manipuri 
Meghalaya English/Garo/Khasi 
Mizoram Mizo 
Nagaland English 
Tripura Bengali/Kokborok 
Bihar Hindi/Urdu 
Jharkhand Hindi/Santhali 

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