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The IBPS RRB PO Exam is coming up soon because the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection issued the exam dates alongside the IBPS Calendar. Every person must be familiar with the IBPS RRB PO Syllabus 2023 and Exam pattern before beginning their preparation in order to practice strategically. A thorough understanding of the IBPS RRB PO exam syllabus is necessary for successful preparation.

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IBPS RRB PO Syllabus 2023 Reasoning Ability

Alphabet/ Number/ Symbol Series:Inequality:
SyllogismOrder & Ranking
Blood-RelationCircular/ Triangular/ Rectangular/ Square Seating Arrangement
Linear Seating ArrangementBox Based Puzzle
Floor or Floor-Flat Based PuzzlesDay/ Month/ Year-Based Puzzle

Comparison/ Categorized/ Uncertain Puzzles Miscellaneous

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IBPS RRB PO Syllabus 2023 Quantitative Aptitude

Simplification & Approximation:BODMAS, Square & Cube, Square & cube root, Indices, fraction, percentage etc.
Number Series: Missing Number series, Wrong number series
Inequality:Linear equation, Quadratic equationQuantity comparison
Data Interpretation:Table DI, Missing Table DI, Pie chart DI, Line chart DI, Bar chart DI, Mixed DI, Caselet
Data Sufficiency:Two Statement
Arithmetic:Compound Interest, Time and Work, Pipe and Cistern, Profit & Loss and Discount, Speed Time Distance, Boat And stream, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Number System and HCF and LCM, Average, Age, Partnership, Mixture and Alligation, Simple Interest, Train, Mensuration 2D and 3D, Probability, Permutation and combination etc.

IBPS RRB PO Mains Syllabus 2023

IBPS RRB PO Mains Syllabus for Reasoning Ability

Circular/ Triangular/ Rectangular/ Square Seating ArrangementDirection / Coded-Direction
Box Based Puzzles (Certain + Uncertain)Linear Seating Arrangement (Single, Double, or Uncertain) + With Direction & Distance
Blood Relation / Coded-Blood-RelationInequality / Coded Inequality
Resultant (Miscellaneous)Coding-Decoding (General + Coded)
Data-Sufficiency (Two or Three statements)Syllogism (General +Coded)
Floor or Floor-Flat Based PuzzlesCoded Series
Comparison/ Categorized/ Order Ranking-Based PuzzleInput-Output (Word or Number Based)
Day/ Month/ Year/Age-Based PuzzleBlood-Relation-based Puzzles
Logical Reasoning: Statement and Assumptions, Statement and Inference, Cause and Effect, Course of Action, Strength of Argument, and Statement and Conclusion

IBPS RRB PO Mains Syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude

Arithmetic:Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Time and Work, Pipe and Cistern, Profit & Loss and Discount, Speed Time Distance, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Number System and HCF and LCM, Basic of Algebra Average, Age, Partnership, Mixture and Alligation,Boat And stream, Train, Mensuration 2D and 3D, Probability, Permutation and combination etc.
Approximation:BODMAS, Square & Cube, Square & Cube root, Indices, fraction, percentage etc.
Number Series: Missing Number series, Wrong number series, Double Pattern series, Statement based series
Inequality:Quadratic equationQuantity comparison, Statement based Quadratic equation
Data Interpretation:Table DI, Missing Table DI, Pie chart DI, Line chart DI, Bar chart DI, Mixed DI, Caselet, Radar DI, Arithmetic DI
Data Sufficiency:Two Statement and Three statements

IBPS RRB PO Mains Syllabus for General Awareness

Current AffairsSports News
State Current AffairsInternational Current Affairs
Banking AwarenessObituaries
Defence News
Science News
EconomyGovt. Schemes
Financial AwarenessRanks and Reports
Static Awareness

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IBPS RRB PO Mains Syllabus for English Language

Reading Comprehension: Conventional and comprehensiveWord usage
Fillers: Double Sentence Blanks, Single Blanks, Double BlanksSentence-based Error: find the correct one, find the incorrect one
Word swap: 3 words swap, 4 words swapPhrase replacement
Word rearrangementPhrase rearrangement
StartersError correction
Idioms and phrases: Idioms and phrases usage, Idioms and phrases fillersMatch the column: 2 columns, 3columns
Cloze test: Fillers, ReplacementConnectors
One-word inferenceSentence Rearrangement: One fixed, Conventional

IBPS RRB PO Mains Syllabus for Hindi

  1. गद्यांश में रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति
  2. वाक्य में त्रुटि
  3. शब्द त्रुटी या वर्तनी त्रुटी
  4. वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द
  5. विलोम शब्द
  6. मुहावरे -लोकोक्तियाँ
  7. अपठित गद्यांश
  8. समानार्थक और विलोम शब्द
  9. रिक्त स्थान

IBPS RRB PO Mains Syllabus for Computer Knowledge

  • Memory
  • Number System [Binary Number, Conversion, etc.]
  • Computer Language – Generation & its Type
  • DBMS – Basic Introduction & Software
  • Computer Network [TCP & OSI Model, Protocol, Topology, Methods of Communication, Networking Device and Components]
  • Fundamentals of Computer [History, Types, etc.]
  • Generation of Computer
  • Hardware & Software [Operating System, Types of Software, Compiler, Interpreter, etc.]
  • Input & Output Device
  • Introduction of Internet
  • Internet’s Keywords
  • Use of Internet [Internet Protocol, E-mail, Chatting, E-Commerce, Internet Browser & its shortcut key, etc.]
  • Network & Data Security [Firewall, Virus, Warm, Malware, Trojan Horse, Key logger, Spyware, Hacking, Phishing, Sniffing, Internet Security, Antivirus, User: Identification, Authentication, Biometric, etc.]
  • MS Office & its application [MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel – Uses & Shortcut keys]
  • Computer Shortcut keys
  • Computer Abbreviations
  • Cyber Crime & Cyber Security
  • Multimedia- its component & Uses [Audio, Video, Streaming, Animation, Adobe Flash, etc.]
  • Introduction of MS Window

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