RRB PO English Preparation Tips 2024 7 Tips to Score 30+
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RRB PO English Preparation Tips 2024: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts the Regional Rural Banks (RRB) Preliminary Examination to recruit Officers (Scale I, II & III) in Regional Rural Banks across India. Clearing the Prelims is the first hurdle aspirants must cross to secure a coveted position in the RRB banks.


To ace the IBPS RRB PO exam, you must have strong English language proficiency. However, if you think you lack the knowledge and confidence to perform well in this section, don’t worry. You just need to strategize your preparation by practicing frequently and laying a strong foundation. 

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In this article, We’ll provide you with tips on how to improve your English language proficiency, so you can clear the IBPS RRB PO 2024 exam with certainty. 

IBPS RRB PO – Prelims Exam Pattern

You should be familiar with the IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam pattern before we go on to the IBPS RRB PO 2024 syllabus. The pre-exam pattern for the IBPS RRB PO will include the following:

IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam Pattern
S.No. Section Medium of Exam No.of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime Duration 
Composite time of 45 minutes
2.Numerical AbilityEnglish/Hindi4040

IBPS RRB PO – Mains Exam Pattern

The five sections of the IBPS RRB PO Mains 2024 are computer knowledge, general awareness, reasoning and quantitative aptitude, and English/Hindi language. Candidates have two hours to complete each section. There will be a 0.25 mark deduction for each wrong response.

IBPS RRB PO Mains Exam Pattern
S.No. Section Medium of ExamNo. of Questions Maximum Marks Time Duration
1.Reasoning 4050

    2 Hours
2.Computer Knowledge4020
3.General Awareness 4040
4.(a) English Language
(b) Hindi Language

5.Quantitative Aptitude4050

*Candidates must select one section from Hindi or English.

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IBPS RRB PO Mains Syllabus – English Language

This section consists of 35 questions that take 40 minutes to complete. Except a few minor question-type modifications here and there, the English syllabus for the IBPS RRB PO Mains is essentially the same as the conventional banking test material. The IBPS RRB PO English Language section can be broadly divided into:

1Reading Comprehension8 – 10 Qs
2Error Spotting & Phrase Replacement7 – 10 Qs
3Cloze Test5 – 10 Qs
4Para Jumbles/Sentence Jumble/Odd Sentence Out5 – 7 Qs
5Fill in the Blanks/Sentence Completion/Para Completion5 – 7 Qs
6Word Association Pair8 – 10 Qs

(1) Reading Comprehension

  • Weightage: 8-10 Qs (2 sets of Passage)
  • Time-consuming, Moderate to Difficult, Moderate Accuracy Possible.
  • Question Types: The passage will address a variety of subjects, including business, social issues, banking the economy, etc. Questions focused on facts and inferences, as well as vocabulary and themes.

(2) Error Spotting & Phrase Replacement

  • Weightage: 7-10 Qs
  • Moderate Accuracy Possible, Moderate Difficulty, and Less to Moderate Time Consumption.
  • Question Types: Error Five sentences will be provided, and your task is to identify whether any of them is grammatically correct. You can use phrase replacement or sentence correction to identify errors in one or more parts of the sentence.
  • Tenses, articles, prepositions, parallelism, degrees of comparison, subject-verb agreement, adverbs, phrasal verbs, pronouns, adverbs, non-finite verbs, common errors, etc. are among the topics covered.

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(3) Cloze Test

  • Weightage: 5-10 Qs
  • Moderate to High Accuracy achievable, Easy to Moderate Difficulty, Fast Solve based on Contextual Usage.
  • Question Types: One passage with five to ten blanks. Sometimes, a single word is provided as a recommendation in addition to the blanks enclosed in brackets.

(4) Para Jumbles/Sentence Jumble/Odd Sentence Out

  • Weightage: 5-7 Qs
  • Easy, Moderate Time Consuming, High Accuracy possible.
  • Question Types: Para Jumbles, Find the odd sentence.

(5) Fill in the Blanks/Sentence Completion/Para Completion

  • Weightage: 5-7 Qs
  • Easy to Moderate Difficulty, Quick Solve based on Contextual usage, Moderate to High Accuracy possible.
  • Question Types: A long sentence or paragraph will be given with one part of it missing, Double Filler.

(6) Word Association Pair

  • Weightage: 0-5 Qs
  • Question Types: You will be given four words, and you have to identify which two of them are synonyms or antonyms. This is a test of your vocabulary.

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IBPS RRB PO 2024 English Language section: 12-Week Study Plan for Complete Preparation

You can utilize the following 12-week study schedule to cover every important topic in the English Language syllabus for the IBPS RRB PO exam:

IBPS RRB Study Plan 
WeekEnglish Language section 
1Reading Comprehension 
2Take IBPS RRB PO 2024 Free Mock Test & Analyze your Performance
3Error Spotting & Phrase Replacement
Take IBPS RRB PO 2024 Mock Test 2 & Analyze your Performance
5Cloze Test + Revision of last topics 
6Take IBPS RRB PO 2024 Mock Test 3 & Analyze your Performance
7Para Jumbles/Sentence Jumble/Odd Sentence Out + Mock Tests
8Take IBPS RRB PO 2024 Mock Test 4 & Analyze your Performance
9Fill in the Blanks/Sentence Completion/Para Completion + Revision of all the topics 
10Take IBPS RRB PO 2024 Mock Test 5 & Analyze your Performance
11Word Association Pair + Mock test 
12Take IBPS RRB PO 2024 Prelims Mock Test 6 & Analyze your Performance

RRB PO English Preparation Tips 2024: 7 Score Booster Tips for Mains

Here are 7 effective tips to help you improve your English skills for the IBPS RRB PO exam:

  1. Read extensively 

Newspapers, magazines, novels, etc. This will help build your vocabulary and reading comprehension. Focus on business/financial publications to get familiar with language used in the IBPS RRB PO exam.

  1. Improve grammar 

Learn rules of grammar like tenses, clauses, and reported speech. Solve grammar exercises and take mini mock tests regularly. Mastering grammar is key to attempting questions correctly in the IBPS RRB PO exam.

  1. Build vocabulary 

Learn common banking terms and jargon. Make flashcards of new words. Read word lists for IBPS RRB PO exams. Having a robust vocabulary will help attempt all types of questions in the IBPS RRB PO exam.

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  1. Attempt mock tests 

Take mock tests for past IBPS RRB PO bank exam papers. Analyze where you need improvement. Work on those areas by solving more questions. Mocks are the best way to apply your skills and to clear the IBPS RRB PO exam.

  1. Give timed practice tests

 Practice solving questions against the clock. This will help improve your speed and efficiency. IBPS RRB PO exams have no sectional time limits but you will be only given a composite time of 45 minutes.

  1. Work on comprehension 

Read passages thoroughly. Understand the tone, intention, context, etc. Comprehension holds high weightage in IBPS RRB PO exams. 

  1. Revise rules 

Remember important rules for grammar or vocabulary. Revise them regularly. Having these on your fingertips will help in solving quickly and clearing the IBPS RRB PO exam.

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With regular and smart preparation over 3-6 months, you can definitely achieve mastery over English for IBPS RRB PO exams. Stay focused on your preparation until exam day. Focus to boost improve English scores. This section turns out to be a game changer to qualify for mains in 1st attempt. Signup to Grab 1st FREE RRB PO Mock Test to Assess Your Preparation levels. Best of luck!

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By Nikhil

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