RRB PO – Different Types of DI Questions to Practice

Quantitative Aptitude section forms an integral part of almost every banking exam. Also, it requires rigorous practice as it involves lot of calculations thus, this makes it quite an important topic. This section carries good weightage and can fetch you good marks easily. In this article we are guiding the aspirants about different types of Data Interpretation questions that all candidates preparing for the upcoming IBPS RRB Prelims 2023 exams must practice. For those who have difficulty in quant section, we have free topic wise quant quizzes available for the candidates to practice. Aspirants those who have quant as their weak section must take up these quizzes and mini mocks and practice these regularly. Before, moving onto the types of questions let us first have a look at the IBPS RRB PO and IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims exam patterns and also the latest IBPS RRB PO and IBPS RRB Clerk 2023 exam dates.

Exam Prep Sale  Exam Prep Sale

IBPS RRB 2023 official notification has now been released and also tge exam dates are out. The RRB PO 2023 exam is scheduled on 7th August, 2023.

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RRB PO 2023 Important Dates

IBPS RRB NotificationTo be Notified
Online Application Starts onTo be Notified
Online Application Ends onTo be Notified
Pre-Exam Training ScheduleTo be Notified
IBPS RRB Preliminary Examination
(Officer Scale-I & Office Assistant)
05.08.2023, 06.08.2023, 12.08.2023, 13.08.2023 and19.08.2023.
Online Examination – Main / Single Officers (II & III)10.09.2023
Officer Scale I Mains ExamTo be Notified
Office Assistant Mains Exam10.09.2023
IBPS RRB Final Result 2023To be Notified

IBPS RRB PO 2023 Prelims free mock test – Attempt Now

IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2023 Exam Pattern

S. No.SectionLanguageNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1ReasoningHindi/English4040Composite Time of 45 minutes
2Quantitataive AptitudeHindi/English4040
Total 808045 minutes

NOTE: The RRB PO 2023 Notification is not out yet, therefore this exam pattern is based on previous year’s notification.

Types of DI

There are different types of DI which a candidate may encounter in the RRB PO and RRB Clerk exams. Some of these types are mentioned below:

Line Graphs

This is the type which candidates usually find confusing and requires lot of attention in order to understand the data given. The data is usually given in the form of slope which is formed by joining the two dots on the line graph that either indicates decline or growth.

Bar Graphs

It is a form of DI in which typically different size of bars are used to represent the data.

Tabular DI

Pie Charts

This one type can be time consuming and in order to solve this type of DI a candidate have to be really good at degree and percentage. Quaick calculations are required in this.

Mixed Graphs


Data Sufficiency

IBPS RRB PO 2023 Prelims free mock test – Attempt Now

Tips to Solve DI Questions for RRB PO & RRB Clerk Prelims 2023

Data Interpretation questions needs lot of concentration to solve. Candidates must practice as many mock tests and Quant sectional tests as possible in order to get hands on with all the important concepts of DI so that they will be able to solve any type of question related to DI. Mentioned below are some basic tips that are required to solve Data Interpretation questions:

Calculation Speed

It is very much important when it comes to solving DI questions. Data Interpretation is one such topic that needs accuracy and speed both and for those who wish to get a good score in this must master both. Try and practice doing calculations mentally without using any pen and paper. 

Analysis of Data Given

Analysis of the given data is very important. You need to look at the questions carefully and need to understand the data well. Some questions are usually framed in a way that if you will look at the data carefully, you will get the answer. Moreover, try and read the data from the correct spot. While taking down any data from the graph, chart or table etc one must be extremely careful so that numbers are noted down correctly. In order to avoid that pay very close attention to the units given.

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Accuracy is Important

While solving DI questions both speed and accuracy matters. Attempt those DI questions first which are you are 100% sure of. Try and avoid any negative marking. Practice free topic wise quant quizzes and mini mocks.

Familiarity with All Types of Data

Different types of formats of DI are to be known well and this is only possible if you will practice more. Take RRB PO and RRB Clerk memory based tests that will surely give you an idea as what kinds of questions are likely to be asked this time. Practice is the only key to score good in this section.

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Types of DI Questions to Practice

Mentioned below are the different types of DI questions which candidates must practice for the upcoming RRB PO Prelims an RRB Clerk Prelims 2020 exams.

Directions: Answer the questions based on the information given below.

Sapna buys five articles. The quantity (in kg) of each article and the rate per kg (in Rs.) of each article has been given in the line chart.

1. The amount incurred for buying article C is how much less or more than the amount incurred for buying article D?  

a.Rs. 3978

b.Rs. 4386

c.Rs. 4182

d.Rs. 4080

e.Rs. 4284

Ans: e


Total amount incurred for buying article C = 164 × 179 = Rs. 29356

Total amount incurred for buying article D = 145 × 232 = Rs. 33640

So, the amount incurred for buying article C is Rs. (33640 – 29356) = Rs. 4284 less than the amount incurred for buying article D.   

Hence, option e.

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2. Sapna sold 30% of article E at the rate of Rs. 264 per kg. He sold (4/7)th of the rest at Rs. 273 per kg. If he sold the remaining article E at 252 per kg, then how much profit is earned by Sapna?  

a.Rs. 550

b.Rs. 570

c.Rs. 610

d.Rs. 560

e.Rs. 520

Ans: d


The amount of article E sold at Rs. 264 per kg = 30% of 140 = 42 kg

The amount of article E sold at Rs. 273 per kg = 4/7 × 98 = 56 kg

The amount of article E sold at Rs. 252 per kg = (140 – 56 – 42) = 42 kg

Total amount earned by Sapna after selling 140 kg of article E = 42 × 264 + 56 × 273 + 42 × 252

= 11088 + 15288 + 10584 = Rs. 36960

Total amount incurred for buying 140 kg of article E = 260 × 140 = Rs. 36400

Required profit = 36960 – 36400 = Rs. 560  

Hence, option d.

3. What is the ratio of the amount incurred for buying article A to the amount incurred for buying article B?






Ans: a


Total amount incurred for buying article A = 98 × 150 = Rs. 14700

Total amount incurred for buying article B = 84 × 270 = Rs. 22680

Required ratio = 14700:22680 = 35:54

Hence, option a.

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4. What is the total quantity of articles bought by Sapna?

a.984 kg

b.927 kg

c.906 kg

d.971 kg

e.932 kg

Ans: d


The total quantity of articles bought by Sapna = 150 + 270 + 179 + 232 + 140 = 971 kg

Hence, option d.

5. Price per kg of article F is 25% more than the price per kg of article B, and the quantity of article F bought by Sapna is 30% more than quantity of article E bought by Sapna. Find the cost incurred for buying article F by Sapna.

a.Rs. 18470

b.Rs. 19870

c.Rs. 18760

d.Rs. 19110

e.Rs. 21540

Ans: d


Required cost incurred = 84 × 1.25 × 140 × 1.3 = Rs. 19110

Hence, option d.

Attempt RRB PO Prelims free mock test 2023

These are few practice questions as far as DI is concerned for the upcoming RRB PO 2023 exam. Attempt RRB PO Prelims free mock test 2023 and free topic wise quant quizzes to get your hands onto more such different types of questions.

Cheena Sawhney

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