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The Railway Recruitment Board Probationary Officer (RRB PO) exam is a highly competitive and sought-after examination for individuals aspiring to build a career in the banking sector. To secure a good score in the RRB PO exam, it is crucial to have a well-structured study plan and adopt effective strategies. In this blog, we will discuss five essential tips that can help you increase your score in the RRB PO 2023 exam.


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  • Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus:
    To excel in any examination, it is vital to understand the exam pattern and syllabus thoroughly. The RRB PO exam consists of multiple sections, including Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, General Awareness, and Computer Knowledge. Obtain the latest syllabus and exam pattern, and create a study plan accordingly. Devote sufficient time to each section based on your strengths and weaknesses.
Name of the testMedium of ExamNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
ReasoningHindi/English/Regional Language*4040Composite time of 45 minutes
Quantitative AptitudeHindi/English/Regional Language*4040
Total 8080 

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  • Create a Study Schedule:
    A well-structured study schedule can significantly enhance your preparation and productivity. Allocate dedicated time slots for each section and topic within the syllabus. Set achievable targets for each study session and ensure consistency. Regular revision of previously covered topics is equally important. Break down the syllabus into smaller, manageable parts, and create a timetable that suits your daily routine.
DayReasoning AbilityQuantitative AptitudeMock Test
1Coding-DecodingSimplification/ApproximationMock Test 1
2SyllogismNumber Series
3InequalityQuadratic Equations
4Revision DayRevision Day
5Puzzles (Linear/Circular Arrangement)Data Interpretation (Table/Bar/Line/Pie)
6Seating Arrangement (Square/Rectangular/Parallel Rows)Data Sufficiency
7Blood RelationsArithmetic Problems (Percentage/Profit & Loss/Ratio & Proportion/Average/Mixtures & Alligations)
8Revision DayRevision DayRevision Day
9Direction SenseArithmetic Problems (Time & Work/Time & Distance/Pipes & Cisterns/Boats & Streams)Mock Test 2
10Order & RankingArithmetic Problems (Simple & Compound Interest/Problems on Ages/Mensuration)
11Alphanumeric SeriesArithmetic Problems (Permutation & Combination/Probability)
12Revision DayRevision DayRevision Day
13Logical Reasoning (Statement & Assumption/Statement & Conclusion/Course of Action/Cause & Effect)Data Interpretation (Caselet/Missing)
14Input-OutputQuadratic Equations/Data Sufficiency (Mixed)
15Puzzles & Seating Arrangement (Mixed)Data Interpretation (Mixed)
16Revision DayRevision DayMock Test 3
17General Awareness (Static GK/Banking Awareness/Current Affairs)English/Hindi Language (Reading Comprehension/Cloze Test/Error Spotting/Fill in the Blanks/Para Jumbles)
18General Awareness (Static GK/Banking Awareness/Current Affairs)English/Hindi Language (Reading Comprehension/Cloze Test/Error Spotting/Fill in the Blanks/Para Jumbles)
19General Awareness (Static GK/Banking Awareness/Current Affairs)English/Hindi Language (Reading Comprehension/Cloze Test/Error Spotting/Fill in the Blanks/Para Jumbles)
20Revision DayRevision Day
21Computer Knowledge (Fundamentals/MS Office/Internet/Networking/Security/Hardware/Software)Reasoning Ability (Puzzles & Seating Arrangement/Logical Reasoning/Input-Output/Coding-Decoding/Syllogism/Inequality/Blood Relations/Direction Sense/Order & Ranking/Alphanumeric Series)
22Computer Knowledge (Fundamentals/MS Office/Internet/Networking/Security/Hardware/Software)Quantitative Aptitude (Data Interpretation/Simplification/Approximation/Number Series/Quadratic Equations/Data Sufficiency/Arithmetic Problems)Mock Test 4
23Computer Knowledge (Fundamentals/MS Office/Internet/Networking/Security/Hardware/Software)General Awareness (Static GK/Banking Awareness/Current Affairs)
24Revision DayRevision DayRevision Day
25Revision DayRevision Day
26Revision DayRevision DayFull-Length Mock Test (Clerk Prelims)
27Revision DayRevision Day
28Revision DayRevision DayFull-Length Mock Test (Clerk Mains)
29Revision DayRevision DayRevision Day
30Final Mock Test for Complete Revision

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  • Practice Mock Tests and Previous Year Question Papers:
    One of the most effective ways to boost your score is by practicing mock tests and solving previous year question papers. Mock tests help you familiarize yourself with the exam format, improve time management skills, and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Analyze your performance in each mock test, identify areas that require improvement, and focus on enhancing your weak areas. Solve previous year question papers to understand the exam trends and types of questions asked in the RRB PO exam.
  • Strengthen Conceptual Knowledge:
    Building a strong conceptual foundation is crucial for excelling in the RRB PO exam. Understand the underlying concepts and principles of each topic in the syllabus. Focus on understanding the logic and reasoning behind different problem-solving techniques. Practice a wide variety of questions to gain familiarity with different patterns and approaches. Regularly review the basic mathematical formulas, grammar rules, and banking-related concepts.
  • Stay Updated with Current Affairs:
    General Awareness plays a significant role in the RRB PO exam. Stay updated with the latest current affairs, especially in the banking and financial sectors. Read newspapers, magazines, and online sources to enhance your knowledge of national and international events, government schemes, economic updates, and banking-related news. Make concise notes on important current affairs topics and revise them regularly.

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Preparing for the RRB PO 2023 exam requires dedication, consistency, and a well-defined strategy. By understanding the exam pattern, creating a study schedule, practicing mock tests, strengthening conceptual knowledge, and staying updated with current affairs, you can increase your score and enhance your chances of success. Remember to stay focused, maintain a positive attitude, and believe in your abilities. With the right approach and diligent effort, you can achieve your goal of becoming an RRB Probationary Officer. Good luck!

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