RRB JE CBT 2 Exam Date 2025
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RRB JE CBT 2 Exam Date 2025 Out: The Railway Recruitment Board conducts the RRB JE exam to recruit 7951 candidates for Junior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent, Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant, Chemical Supervisor (Research), and Metallurgical Supervisor (Research) posts. As per the latest updates, the RRB has postponed the RRB JE CBT 2 exam date to conduct the RRB JE CBT 2 exam. Read this blog carefully to know all the important information related to the RRB JE CBT 2 Exam Date 2025, admit card, city intimation slip, and other details.

RRB JE CBT 2 Exam Date 2025: Summary

The RRB JE CBT 2 exam was scheduled to be conducted on 19th and 20th March 2025, but now the RRB has rescheduled the exam date. Candidates who pass the CBT 1 exam will be eligible to appear in the CBT 2 exam. Below, we have provided a detailed summary of the RRB Junior Engineer CBT 2 exam date 2025. Read the information carefully.

RRB JE CBT 2 Exam Date 2025 Summary
Name of an OrganizationRailway Recruitment Boards (RRB)
PostsJunior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent, Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant, Chemical Supervisor/ Research and Metallurgical Supervisor/ Research
RRB JE CBT 2 Exam DateTo Be Notified
Job LocationAround India
Selection ProcessCBT 1
Document Verification
Medical Examination
RRB JE SalaryLevel 6th CPC Pay Matrix with initial pay of Rs.35,400/- plus other allowances as admissible
Official websitehttps://rrbcdg.gov.in/

RRB JE CBT 2 Admit Card 2025

Candidates who are eligible or appearing in the RRB JE CBT 2 exam are informed that they must download the RRB JE CBT 2 admit card 2025. The admit card is the mandatory document to carry to the examination center hall. The RRB JE CBT 2 admit card 2025 will be available before 4 days of the exam. Candidates are advised to bookmark our website for the latest updates.

RRB JE CBT 2 Exam City Intimation Slip 2025

Before releasing the admit card, the RRB provides the RRB JE CBT 2 exam city intimation slip. The intimation slip is a document that provides details such as exam city and date on its official website. With the help of it, candidates can prepare to appear in the exam accordingly.

NOTE: No changes will be allowed in the exam city, date, or center after releasing the RRB JE CBT 2 Exam City Intimation Slip 2025.

RRB JE CBT 2 Civil Previous Year Question Papers, Download For Free

Here we have provided the RRB JE CBT 2 previous year question paper for Civil. Candidates who are going to appear for the CBT 2 Civil Engineer in railway must solve the RRB JE CBT 2 Civil previous year question papers.

  1. In which year was the Battle of Panipat fought?
    A) 1526
    B) 1761
    C) 1504
    D) 1556
  2. Which instrument is used to measure viscosity?
    A) Penetrometer
    B) Tachometer
    C) Pycnometer
    D) Graphometer
  3. What is the SI unit of force?
    A) Joule
    B) Watt
    C) Newton
    D) Pascal
  4. Which of the following is a type of canal?
    A) Ditch canal
    B) Continuous canal
    C) Perennial canal
    D) Seasonal canal
  5. Which of the following is a celestial body?
    A) Satellite
    B) Planet
    C) Meteor
    D) Star
  6. What is the unit of pressure?
    A) Pascal
    B) Joule
    C) Newton
    D) Watt
  7. Which of the following is a phase of the moon?
    A) Sizes of the moon
    B) Shapes of the moon
    C) Phases of the moon
    D) Patterns of the moon
  8. Which instrument is used to measure angles?
    A) Protractor
    B) Vernier Caliper
    C) Micrometer
    D) Dial Gauge
  9. Which of the following is an example of renewable energy?
    A) Coal
    B) Natural Gas
    C) Solar Energy
    D) Petroleum
  10. Which of the following is a primary component of cement?
    A) Lime
    B) Silica
    C) Iron oxide
    D) Alumina

RRB JE CBT 2 Mechanical Previous Year Question Papers, Download For Free

Here we have provided the RRB JE CBT 2 previous year question paper for Mechanical. Candidates who are going to appear for the CBT 2 Mechanical Engineer in Railway must solve the RRB JE CBT 2 Mechanical previous year question papers.

  1. Which of the following is a sport?
    A) Cricket
    B) Hockey
    C) Golf
    D) Table Tennis
  2. Which of the following is a welding process?
    A) Pre Weld Heating Torch
    B) Post Weld Heating Torch
    C) Postal Weld Horizontal Treatment
    D) Post Weld Heat Treatment
  3. Which of the following is a unit of pressure?
    A) Kelvin
    B) Newton
    C) Kilogram
    D) Pascal
  4. Which formula represents the continuity equation in fluid mechanics?
    A) P₁A₁V₁ = P₂A₂V₂
    B) ρ₁A₁ = ρ₂A₂
    C) A₁V₁ = A₂V₂
    D) P₁V₁ = P₂V₂
  5. Which of the following is a material property?
    A) Brittleness
    B) Strength
    C) Toughness
    D) Stiffness
  6. Which of the following is an energy source?
    A) Water
    B) Firewood
    C) Air
    D) Sun
  7. Which of the following is an example of fluid flow?
    A) Laminar flow
    B) Turbulent flow
    C) Inviscid flow
    D) Fluid at rest
  8. Which of the following is used for measuring angles?
    A) Protractor
    B) Vernier Caliper
    C) Micrometer
    D) Dial Gauge
  9. Which of the following is a type of beam?
    A) Propped Cantilever Beam
    B) Fixed Beam
    C) Continuous Beam
    D) Overhanging Beam
  10. Which of the following is an engineering alloy?
    A) Cast Iron
    B) High Carbon Steel
    C) High Alloy Steel
    D) Mild Steel

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RRB JE CBT 2 Exam Date: FAQs

What is the RRB JE CBT 2 exam date 2025?

The RRB has reschulded the RRB Junior Engineer CBT 2 exam date 2025.

When will the RRB JE CBT 2 admit card be available?

The RRB JE CBT 2 admit card will be available 4 days before the exam date.

When will the RRB JE CBT 2 city intimation slip be available?

The RRB JE CBT 2 city intimation slip will be available 10 days before the exam date.

Where can I get the RRB JE CBT 2 previous year question papers?

You can get the RRB JE CBT 2 previous year question papers in this blog.

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By Abhishek Jatariya

Hello Guys, I am Abhishek Jatariya (B.Tech (IT), HBTU Kanpur). At Practicemock I am a dedicated Government Job aspirant turned passionate Content writer & Content creator. My blogs are a one-stop destination for accurate and comprehensive information on exams like SSC, Railways, and Other PSU Jobs. I am on a mission to provide you with all the details about these exams you need, conveniently in one place. I hope you will like my writing.

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