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RRB Group D Study Plan 2025 for 3 Months, Check Strategy & Tips

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RRB Group D Study Plan 2025 for 3 Months: The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has released the RRB Group D Notification 2025 on its official website to recruit candidates for the various Group D positions in the Railway. It is hard to cover the complete syllabus and prepare for the exam if candidates do not follow a study plan. To help such candidates we have provided a detailed RRB Group D Study Plan 2025 for 3 Months that is divided into days and task-wise covering the complete syllabus, time to practice mock tests, revision, and much more. Candidates are advised to stick with the plan and follow it very carefully and seriously.

RRB Group D Study Plan 2025 for 3 Months

Below we have provided the day-wise RRB Group D Study Plan 2025 for 3 Months that covers the complete syllabus. This is the proven study plan that is provided by the experts. Candidates have to just follow it seriously and it will help them in boosting their preparation.

DayMathematicsGeneral Intelligence & ReasoningGeneral ScienceGeneral Awareness & Current Affairs
1Simplification (BODMAS, Square Root, Percentage, Fractions)Analogy (Letter/Number/Image-based)Work & Motion, LensCurrent Affairs (National Affairs)
2Simplification (Decimals, Surds, Indices)Series (Alphabetic & Number)Work Energy, ElectricityCurrent Affairs (People in News, Sports)
3Data Interpretation (Tabular Graph, Pie Chart)Coding-Decoding (Shifting, Letter/Word)Physics (Basics of Energy)Geography (Indian Geography: National Parks)
4Algebra (Identities, Linear Equation 1 Variable)Puzzles (Logical & Quant-based, Seating Arrangements)Chemistry (Basic Reactions, Acids, Bases & Salts)History (Indian Freedom Struggle)
5Algebra (Quadratic Equations, Linear Equation 2 Variables)Direction & Distance, Blood RelationChemistry (Periodic Table)Polity (Constitution of India)
6Percentages (Basic calculations)Alphabet & Word Test (Sequence, Jumble, Word Formation)Chemistry (Reactions in Everyday Life)Economics (Indian Economy Overview)
7Mock Test (Cover all subjects)Mock Test (Cover all subjects)Mock Test (Cover all subjects)Mock Test (Cover all subjects)
8Number System (LCM, HCF, Divisibility)Venn Diagram, SyllogismsLife Sciences (Plant & Human Anatomy)Current Affairs (Appointments, Sports, Government Schemes)
9Number System (Rational/Irrational Numbers, Remainder)Missing Number, Matrix ProblemsLife Sciences (Plant & Human Anatomy)History (Ancient & Medieval India)
10Averages (Weight, Height, Age, Marks)Non-Verbal Reasoning (Mirror Image, Image Assembly, Dice)General Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)Geography (Indian Geography: Wildlife)
11Ratio & Proportion (Simple, Compound, Direct/Indirect Proportion)Series (General Knowledge, Mixed Series)General Science RevisionEconomics (Economic Organizations)
12Mixture Problems (Two or more entities)Statement-Conclusion, AssumptionsEarth & Environmental SciencesGeography (Capitals & Currencies)
13Mensuration (Square, Rectangle, Circle, Triangle)Analytical Reasoning, Word FormationGeneral Science (Astronomy & Space Technology)History (Post-Independence History)
14Previous Year Question PapersPrevious Year Question PapersPrevious Year Question PapersPrevious Year Question Papers
15Mensuration (Rhombus, Parallelogram, Cone, Cylinder)Puzzle (Clock, Calendar, Coded Logic)General Science (Chemistry: Acids, Bases & Salts)General Awareness (National Events, People in News)
16Time and Work (Efficiency, Work and Wages, Pipes & Cistern)Puzzles (Logical, Equation Insert)General Science (Physics: Work and Energy)Economics (Indian Economy, Reforms)
17Time and Work (Pipes & Cisterns)Coding-Decoding (Fictitious Language, Operation-based)General Science (Chemistry: Reactions, Organic Chem)Current Affairs (Books, Authors, Days and Events)
18Mock Test (Cover all subjects)Mock Test (Cover all subjects)Mock Test (Cover all subjects)Mock Test (Cover all subjects)
19Speed, Time, and Distance (Relative Speed, Average Speed)Direction & Distance, Blood Relation (Coded Relations)General Science (Life Sciences: Diseases, Inventions)Polity (Government Portfolios)
20Speed, Time, and Distance (Boat and River Problems)Alphabetical Series (Missing terms, Order-based)General Science (Earth Sciences)General Awareness (Art & Culture, Awards and Honors)
21Interest (Simple & Compound Interest, Problems on SI & CI)Verbal Reasoning (Statements & Assumptions)General Science (Environmental Science, Nutrition)Geography (National Parks & Wildlife)
22Profit & Loss (Dishonest Dealings, Successive Selling)Puzzle (Seating Arrangement, Logical Puzzle)General Science (Life Sciences: Diseases, Nutrition)History (Medieval India)
23Profit & Loss (Partnership, Discount, Marked Price)Logical Venn Diagram, SyllogismsGeneral Science (Physics, Chemistry Revision)Current Affairs (National & International News)
24Geometry (Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Congruence)Number Series (Completing, Missing terms)General Science (Life Sciences: Inventions and Discoveries)Economics (World Economy)
25Trigonometry (Identities, Heights and Distances)Non-Verbal Reasoning (Cubes, Paper Folding)General Science (Physics: Motion, Energy)Polity (Constitution, Government Policies)
26Trigonometry (Circular Measure, Max/Min value)Puzzles (Logical, Coding-Decoding)General Science (Chemistry: Acids, Bases)General Awareness (Government Policies and Schemes)
27Probability (Basic Problems)Verbal Reasoning (Statements & Conclusions, Assertions)General Science (Earth Science, Environmental Science)Current Affairs (International Relations)
28Mock Test (Cover all subjects)Mock Test (Cover all subjects)Mock Test (Cover all subjects)Mock Test (Cover all subjects)
29Algebra (Linear Inequalities, Functions)Logical Venn Diagram, PuzzlesGeneral Science (Life Sciences: Anatomy)History (Freedom Struggle)
30Algebra (Unit Digit, Polynomials, Functions)Number Series (Mixed, Missing terms)General Science (Physics: Work and Energy)Geography (Indian Geography, National Parks)
31Algebra (Linear Equations, Quadratic Equations)Statement-Argument & Assumptions, Assumption AnalysisGeneral Science (Physics, Chemistry)Polity (Constitution of India)
32Geometry (Basic Theorems, Tangents, Chords)Syllogism, Conclusion, Analytical ReasoningGeneral Science (Environmental Science)Economics (Economic Organizations)
33Geometry (Coordinate Geometry, Quadrilaterals)Venn Diagram, Missing Number ProblemsGeneral Science (Chemistry: Organic Chemistry)History (Post-Independence)
34Mensuration (Cube, Cuboid, Sphere, Prism)Analytical Reasoning, Word TestGeneral Science (Biology: Plant Anatomy, Zoology)Current Affairs (Days & Events, Sports)
35Mensuration (Cone, Tetrahedron, Pyramid)Coding-Decoding, Analytical ReasoningGeneral Science (Astronomy, Space Tech)Geography (Indian Wildlife, National Parks)
36Previous Year Question PapersPrevious Year Question PapersPrevious Year Question PapersPrevious Year Question Papers
37Probability (Basic Problems, Applications)Non-Verbal Reasoning (Missing Image, Counting Figures)General Science (Life Science: Diseases, Inventions)Economics (Economic Reforms, World Economy)
38Time & Work (Work Efficiency, Wages)Puzzle (Double Line-up, Scheduling)General Science (Physics: Mechanics)Polity (Constitution of India, Govt. Portfolios)
39Time & Work (Pipes & Cisterns)Analytical Reasoning, SyllogismGeneral Science (Chemistry: Reactions)History (Ancient & Medieval)
40Time & Work (Work & Wages Problems)Blood Relations (Family Tree, Coded Relations)General Science (Biology: Human Anatomy)Current Affairs (Appointments & Sports)
41Interest (SI, CI, Combined Problems)Direction & Distance, Analytical ReasoningGeneral Science (Environmental Science)Economics (Business & Economy)
42Profit & Loss (Partnership, Discount)Analytical Reasoning, SyllogismsGeneral Science (Physics: Work & Energy)General Awareness (Government Schemes, Polity)
43Profit & Loss (Successive Selling)Puzzle (Coded Logic, Logic-Based)General Science (Astronomy & Space)General Awareness (National and International News)
44Mock Test (Cover all subjects)Mock Test (Cover all subjects)Mock Test (Cover all subjects)Mock Test (Cover all subjects)
45Geometry (Congruence & Similarity, Quadrilaterals)Puzzles (Logical, Quantitative)General Science (Life Science, Anatomy)Economics (Indian Economy)
46Trigonometry (Heights & Distances, Identities)Coding-Decoding, PuzzleGeneral Science (Physics: Work Energy)Geography (Indian Parks)
47Trigonometry (Circular Measure, Max & Min Value)Analytical Reasoning, SyllogismGeneral Science (Life Sciences: Diseases)General Awareness (Sports, Appointments)
48Algebra (Linear Equation, Quadratic Equation)Blood Relations (Coded Blood Relations)General Science (Astronomy)Polity (Constitution of India)
49Algebra (Unit Digit, Polynomials)Analytical Reasoning, Venn DiagramGeneral Science (Chemistry: Organic Chemistry)Economics (Indian Economy, Reforms)
50Algebra (Inequalities, Functions)Logical Venn Diagram, PuzzlesGeneral Science (Physics: Mechanics)Current Affairs (Art, Culture, and Economy)
51Mock Test (Mathematics: Algebra, Number System)Mock Test (Reasoning: Analogy, Coding-Decoding)Mock Test (General Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology)Mock Test (General Awareness: National Affairs, Sports)
52Revision (Simplification, BODMAS)Revision (Blood Relations, Direction & Distance)Revision (Physics: Work, Energy, Motion)Revision (History: Indian Freedom Struggle, Ancient India)
53Revision (Mensuration: Areas & Volumes)Revision (Puzzles: Seating Arrangement, Logical Puzzle)Revision (Chemistry: Periodic Table, Acids, Bases)Revision (Geography: National Parks, Centuries, Wildlife)
54Revision (Algebra: Linear & Quadratic Equations)Revision (Series: Alphabet, Number Series, Mixed Series)Revision (Life Sciences: Plant Anatomy, Human Anatomy)Revision (Polity: Constitution of India, Government Portfolios)
55Revision (Ratio & Proportion, Mixture Problems)Revision (Verbal Reasoning: Statements & Assumptions)Revision (Chemistry: Organic Chemistry, Reactions)Revision (Economics: Indian Economy, Reforms)
56Mock Test (Mensuration, Algebra)Mock Test (Blood Relations, Puzzle, Number Series)Mock Test (General Science: Life Sciences, Earth Science)Mock Test (Current Affairs: Government Policies, Appointments)
57Revision (Speed, Time & Distance: Relative Speed, Average Speed)Revision (Non-Verbal Reasoning: Image Assembly, Missing Term)Revision (Physics: Work, Energy, Electricity)Revision (History: Medieval History, Post-Independence History)
58Revision (Profit & Loss, Interest: SI & CI)Revision (Coding-Decoding, Logical Reasoning)Revision (Environmental Science, Nutrition)Revision (Geography: Capitals, Currencies, Indian Geography)
59Revision (Time & Work: Pipes & Cistern)Revision (Venn Diagram, Syllogism)Revision (Physics: Mechanics)Current Affairs (Sports, Events, National News)
60Mock Test (Speed, Time & Distance, Profit & Loss)Mock Test (Reasoning: Analytical Reasoning, Number Series)Mock Test (General Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology)Mock Test (General Awareness: Art & Culture, Awards)
61Revision (Trigonometry: Identities, Heights & Distances)Revision (Direction & Distance, Analytical Reasoning)Revision (Chemistry: Acids, Bases, Reactions)Revision (Economics: Economic Organizations, World Economy)
62Revision (Geometry: Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles)Revision (Syllogisms, Statements & Conclusions)Revision (Life Science: Diseases, Inventions, Human Anatomy)Revision (Current Affairs: National News, Political Updates)
63Revision (Averages, Percentages)Revision (Logical Venn Diagram, Missing Number)Revision (Astronomy & Space Science)Revision (History: Freedom Struggle, Post-Independence)
64Revision (Number Series, Missing Term)Revision (Alphabetical Series, Coding-Decoding)Revision (Environmental Science, Earth Science)General Awareness (Science & Technology, Economy)
65Mock Test (Trigonometry, Geometry)Mock Test (Reasoning: Blood Relations, Puzzles)Mock Test (General Science: Physics, Chemistry)Mock Test (Current Affairs: National and International)
66Revision (Profit & Loss, Mixture Problems)Revision (Puzzles, Number Series)Revision (Life Science: Plant Anatomy)Revision (Geography: National Parks, Centuries, Environmental Issues)
67Revision (Time & Work, Pipes & Cisterns)Revision (Verbal Reasoning, Statements & Assumptions)Revision (Chemistry: Reactions, Acids, Bases)Revision (Economics: Economic Reforms, Banking)
68Revision (Mensuration: 3D Shapes, Areas, Volumes)Revision (Non-Verbal Reasoning: Cubes, Mirror Image)Revision (General Science: Earth Science, Astronomy)Current Affairs (Appointments, Defense News, National Policies)
69Revision (Algebra: Linear Equations, Polynomials)Revision (Analytical Reasoning, Word Formation)Revision (Physics: Electricity, Work, Motion)General Awareness (Science, Technology, Environment)
70Mock Test (Mensuration, Trigonometry, Algebra)Mock Test (Reasoning: Puzzles, Blood Relations)Mock Test (General Science: Life Science, Earth Science)Mock Test (General Awareness: Sports, People in News)
71Revision (Speed, Time & Distance, Boat Problems)Revision (Venn Diagram, Syllogisms)Revision (Physics: Mechanics, Energy)Revision (Geography: Capitals, Currencies, Parks)
72Revision (Interest, SI & CI, Profit & Loss)Revision (Analytical Reasoning, Series)Revision (Chemistry: Organic, Inorganic Chemistry)General Awareness (Economics, Art & Culture)
73Revision (Geometry: Coordinate Geometry, Basic Theorems)Revision (Syllogisms, Missing Numbers)Revision (Life Science: Diseases, Nutrition)Revision (Polity: Constitution, Government)
74Revision (Trigonometry: Heights & Distances, Circular Measure)Revision (Non-Verbal Reasoning, Logical Puzzles)Revision (Environmental Science, Chemistry)Current Affairs (National, International Affairs)
75Mock Test (Speed, Time & Distance, Profit & Loss)Mock Test (Reasoning: Syllogisms, Blood Relations)Mock Test (General Science: Physics, Chemistry)Mock Test (General Awareness: National Events)
76Mock Test (Geometry, Algebra)Mock Test (Reasoning: Venn Diagram, Word Formation)Mock Test (General Science: Life Science, Earth Science)Mock Test (General Awareness: Economy, Current Affairs)
77Revision (Number System, Percentages)Revision (Coding-Decoding, Direction & Distance)Revision (Physics: Energy, Work, Electricity)Revision (History: Ancient & Medieval India)
78Revision (Mensuration: 2D & 3D, Surface Area)Revision (Analytical Reasoning, Missing Terms)Revision (Chemistry: Organic Chemistry, Acids, Bases)General Awareness (Geography, Sports, Politics)
79Revision (Interest, Profit & Loss, Mixture Problems)Revision (Puzzles: Logic-based, Scheduling)Revision (Life Science: Human Anatomy, Diseases)Revision (Economics: Business, Reforms)
80Revision (Time & Work, Pipes & Cisterns)Revision (Series: Alphabetical, Number Series)Revision (General Science: Earth Science, Space Technology)Revision (Geography: Parks, National Events)
81Mock Test (Mensuration, Time & Work, Speed & Distance)Mock Test (Reasoning: Analytical, Verbal)Mock Test (General Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology)Mock Test (General Awareness: Current Affairs, Economy)
82Revision (Algebra, Quadratic Equations)Revision (Syllogisms, Puzzles)Revision (Life Science: Inventions, Nutrition)Revision (Polity, Constitution)
83Revision (Profit & Loss, Simple Interest)Revision (Coding-Decoding, Logical Reasoning)Revision (Environmental Science, Chemistry)General Awareness (Art, Culture, Economy)
84Revision (Mensuration, Geometry)Revision (Verbal Reasoning, Series, Statements)Revision (Physics: Work, Energy, Motion)General Awareness (History: Freedom Struggle, Post-Independence)
85Mock Test (Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry)Mock Test (Reasoning: Non-Verbal, Blood Relations)Mock Test (General Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology)Mock Test (General Awareness: International Affairs, Sports)
86Revision (Speed, Time, Distance, Interest)Revision (Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning)Revision (General Science: Life Science, Environmental Science)Current Affairs (Appointments, National & International News)
87Revision (Trigonometry, Geometry)Revision (Number Series, Missing Term)Revision (Life Science: Diseases, Inventions)General Awareness (Economics, Business, Finance)
88Mock Test (Time & Work, Profit & Loss, Trigonometry)Mock Test (Reasoning: Venn Diagram, Coding-Decoding)Mock Test (General Science: General Science)Mock Test (General Awareness: Economy, Current Affairs)
89Revision (Final Revision: All Mathematics Topics)Final Revision (All Reasoning Topics)Final Revision (All General Science Topics)Final Revision (All General Awareness Topics)
90Full Mock Test (All Topics: Mathematics)Full Mock Test (All Topics: Reasoning)Full Mock Test (All Topics: General Science)Full Mock Test (All Topics: General Awareness)

RRB Group D Study Plan 2025 for 3 Months, Tips

Below we have provided the tips related to the RRB Group D Study Plan 2025 for 3 Months that will help you in how to follow the study plan and complete all topics carefully.

1. Get Familiar with the Exam Pattern and Syllabus

To begin with the preparation make sure you are clear with the RRB Group D exam pattern and the syllabus. The exam consists of 4 sections: Mathematics, General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Science, General Awareness, and Current Affairs. It will enable you to know all the topics that can be asked in the exam. You can divide your time accordingly.

2. Subdivide the 3-Month Plan into the following phases:

Break the 3 months into 3 phases to complete the syllabus more easily.

Phase 1 (1st Month): Stability comes first hence core ideas should be taught in every section. So, try to understand the basics, and clear the base of the topics.

Phase 2 (2nd Month): Proceed to the intermediate level of difficulty and the amount of practice tests should be increased. Basically, in the second month, your focus should be moving on to the basic to medium level of the study and trying to analyze your preparation by taking mock tests timely.

Phase 3 (3rd Month): Select the higher level of difficulty, time, and precision. Practice Concepts and try out sample examinations quite often.

3. Create a Daily Study Routine

After accepting a particular timetable for preparing for exams. You should try and dedicate between 6-8 hours to study each day. Divide your study time into sessions for each subject:

  • Mathematics (2 hours)
  • Reasoning (1.5 hours)
  • General Science (1.5 hours)
  • General Awareness (1 hour)

4. Focus on High-Weightage Topics

Prioritize high-weightage topics for each section:

  • Mathematics: Simplification, Number Series, Data Analysis and Arithmetic Ability and Data Interpretation.
  • Reasoning: Analogy, blood relationships, direction sense test, arrangement of visuals, numerical/ alphabetical/ diagrammatic sequences.
  • General Science: Science, Social Science (Major focus on NCERT books).
  • General Awareness: Today’s Events, History of India, World Geography, World Economy.

As much as possible cover all topics that are mentioned in the syllabus but spend most of your precious time on topics that might be asked most. You can find the most asked questions by analyzing the RRB Group D previous year question papers.

5. Solve Mock Tests as much as possible

Practice mock tests as this will provide you something like the actual examination environment to complete and thus check your preparedness. During the first phases try taking one mock test per week and in the later phases try to take 2-3 tests per week. Review each of the tests you took after they have been completed, to be able to find areas where you need to study harder.

6. Revise Weekly

As we all know revision is the key to success. Just studying the new topics and not revising them will tend to forget about the topics easily. One, set aside one day of the week to revise. In the revising sessions, go over all the topics you have covered for the week, all the formulas, concepts, and shortcuts.

7. Improve Speed and Accuracy

In the last one, try to enhance your time efficiency and accuracy in solving the questions. RRB Group D exam has a time limit hence one needs to practice under time constraints. Do not spend too much time on questions, so as to develop an efficient method for answering the questions.

Other Blogs Related to RRB Group D 2025
RRB Group D SyllabusRRB Group D Study Plan for 1 Month
RRB Group D Previous Year Question PapersRRB Group D Selection Process
RRB Group D Exam PatternRRB Group D Cut Off
RRB Group D VacancyRRB Group D Salary

RRB Group D Study Plan 2025 for 3 Months FAQs

How many hours should I study daily for RRB Group D?

Aim for 6-8 hours of study each day, breaking it into sessions for each subject.

What is the best way to start preparing for RRB Group D?

Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and syllabus before starting your preparation.

How can I manage my time during the 3-month study plan?

Divide the 3 months into three phases: basic, intermediate, and advanced levels of study.

How many mock tests should I take?

Start with 1 mock test per week in the first phase, and increase to 2-3 mock tests per week in the final phase.

What are the high-weightage topics for Mathematics?

Focus on Simplification, Number Series, Data Interpretation, and Arithmetic Ability.

Abhishek Jatariya

I help candidates prepare for SSC, Banking and Regulatory exams by covering topics ranging from exam patterns to syllabus to study techniques and more.

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