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The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection, better known as IBPS, has officially announced the exam dates of Prelims & Mains for IBPS RRB respective posts. The Prelims of IBPS RRB Clerk 2021-22 will be conducted on August 28, 29, and September 4. So, the candidates who have already filled the application forms on the 12th or those who are planning to apply until the last date, which is August 1, must gear up for proper preparation through the updated IBPS RRB Clerk Exam 2021-22 Pattern and Syllabus.

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We are supplying you with the correct syllabus and pattern, so you don’t miss even a single topic while preparing for the Exam!

Read also: IBPS Clerk Exam 2021-22: Section-wise preparation, Plan & Strategies

IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims (Phase 1) Exam Pattern 2021-22

With the pattern given below, you need to keep in mind that you will be given a composite time of 45 minutes to complete 2 sections (Reasoning and Numerical Ability). You need to clear the cut-off of each section. The IBPS decides the cut-off on the basis of the level of difficulty of the Exam paper.

S. No.SectionQuestionMarksDuration
1Reasoning4040Composite Time of
45 minutes
2Numerical Ability4040

You may also like to read: 4 Ways to beat RRB Clerk 2021 via Mock Tests

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IBPS RRB Assistant Mains Exam Pattern

S. No.SectionQuestionMarksDuration
1Reasoning Paper4050Composite Time of
2 hours
2General Awareness Paper4040
3Numerical Ability Paper4050
4English/Hindi Language Paper*4040
5Computer Knowledge Syllabus Paper4020
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Penalty for Wrong Answers

Bear in mind, that there is a penalty for every wrong answer that you will attempt in both preliminary as well as Mains examinations. One-fourth of the mark will be deducted. But, there is no penalty assigned for the question left blank or unanswered.

Final Score Calculation for IBPS Clerk Exam 2021-22

The final score for the IBPS Clerk exam 2021-22 will be calculated keeping the following 4 points in mind:

  1. The marks obtained by you in the Prelims Exam (Phase-1) will not be considered for your final selection.
  2. You must qualify Phase-2 in order to be eligible for the final merit.
  3. The aggregate score out of 100 is used for the final merit list for each category.

The Candidates with top merit rank in each category will be finally selected.

You may also like to read: IBPS RRB Clerk 2021:30 Days Study and Revision Plan-Just do it!

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IBPS Clerk RRB Syllabus 2021-22

Now that we have discussed the SBI Clerk pattern in detail, let’s have a subject-wise look at the RRB Clerk Exam 2021-22 in the tables given below. However, the 7 subjects covered by the RRB Clerk syllabus are:

  1. Reasoning
  2. Quantitative Aptitude
  3. English Language
  4. Hindi Language
  5. Computer Knowledge
  6. General Awareness
  7. Financial Awareness
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IBPS RRB Clerk Syllabus: Reasoning Ability

The reasoning ability section consists of logical and verbal reasoning. The topics that you need to cover are as follows:

Odd man outAnalogySyllogism
Coding-DecodingBlood RelationAlphabet Test
Blood RelationSeries TestRanking and Time
Causes and EffectsDirection TestSitting Arrangements
Decision MakingStatement and AssumptionFigure Series
Assertion and ReasonStatement and ConclusionWord Formation
Statements and Action CoursesInequalitiesPuzzles
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IBPS RRB Clerk Syllabus: Quantitative Aptitude

The quantitative aptitude section is termed by many candidates as one of the toughest yet one of the most scoring sections. The detailed IBPS RRB syllabus for the quantitative aptitude section is as follows:

Number SystemHCF and LCMProfit and Loss
Decimal FractionsSimple InterestCompound Interest
Time and WorkTime and DistanceAverage
Age ProblemsSimplificationPartnership
PercentageRatio and ProportionData Interpretation
Permutation and CombinationProbabilityQuadratic Equations
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Read if you want to know: Ways to Master QA Section in RRB PO Exam 2021

IBPS RRB Clerk Syllabus: English/Hindi Language

Most students find the English section to be tougher than most of the sections. If you are one of them, you better prepare all the basic grammatical concepts and rules to grab maximum marks in this section.

The table below gives a list of the topics relevant to the IBPS RRB Syllabus for verbal ability:

Reading ComprehensionError DetectionFill in the blanks
Rearrangement of SentencesCloze TestJumbled Words
IdiomsOne word substitutionPhrase Substitution
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This section also has an option of attempting questions in Hindi. So, if you want to choose Hindi instead of English, you can also choose Hindi and master the topics in Hindi given below

VyakaranError Spotting
ParagraphsReading Comprehension
Fill in the blanksAntonyms and Synonyms
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IBPS RRB Clerk Syllabus: Computer Knowledge

If you are good at computers and have a good knowledge of their concepts, you can score full marks in this section. Here are the topics you must focus on to cater to the demands of this section:

Computer FundamentalsComputer Abbreviations
Software and Hardware FundamentalsShortcut Keys
NetworkingBasic Knowledge of the Internet
MS OfficeDatabase
History of ComputerSecurity Tools
Number System and ConversionsComputer Languages
InternetInput and Output Devices
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IBPS RRB Syllabus: General Awareness

The GA section is also a scoring section of the RRB Clerk Exam 2021, as it requires no mathematical calculations. To master this section, you should go through newspapers and magazines and prepare the topics given below:

India and International Current AffairsBanking Awareness
Countries and CurrenciesNational Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries
Banking Terms and AbbreviationsBanking History
Books ad AuthorsAgriculture
Fiscal PoliciesBudget
Government schemesGovernment policies
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IBPS RRB Syllabus: Financial Awareness

The financial section is one of the most important sections of this exam. You need to prepare the following topics to cover this section:

Latest Topics in News in Financial World Monetary PolicyBudget and Economic Survey
Overview of Banking and Banking Reforms in IndiaBank Accounts and Special Individuals
Organizations Deposits CreditLoans
Advanced Non Performing AssetsAsset Reconstruction Companies
NPAsRestructuring of Loans
Bad LoansRisk Management
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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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