IBPS has released 2024 exam calendar thereby mentioning the tentative exam dates for the RRB Clerk 2024 examination. As per the calendar, the RRB Clerk 2024 tentative exam date is starting from August 3rd, 2024, so here we are providing RRB Clerk Previous Year Paper PDF with Solution for the candidates to start preparing for the same. If your goal is to crack the RRB Clerk 2024 examination this time, then this is the right time to start your exam prepartion. Below are few questions
RRB Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern
Name of the Test | Medium of Exam | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks |
Reasoning | Hindi/English/Regional Language* | 40 | 40 |
Quantitative Aptitude | Hindi/English/Regional Language* | 40 | 40 |
Total | 80 | 80 |
RRB Clerk Previous Year Paper PDF with Solution
RRB Clerk Previous Year Paper PDF – Reasoning Section
Question 1: In the question, relationship between some elements is shown in the statements (s). These statements are followed by two conclusions. Read the statements and give answer.
Statements: B < D = E > F; A = E ≥ C
I. B < C
II. A = F
A) Only conclusion I is true
B) Only conclusion II is true
C) Either conclusion I or II is true
D) Neither conclusion I nor II is true
E) Both conclusions I and II are true
Question 2: In the question, relationship between some elements is shown in the statements (s). These statements are followed by two conclusions. Read the statements and give answer.
Statements: P ≤ Q ≥ R > S; T > U ≥ V ≥ Q
I. U ≥ R
II. T > S
A) Only conclusion I is true
B) Only conclusion II is true
C) Either conclusion I or II is true
D) Neither conclusion I nor II is true
E) Both conclusions I and II are true
Question 3: In the question, relationship between some elements is shown in the statements (s). These statements are followed by two conclusions. Read the statements and give answer.
Statements: A < B ≥ C > D; E ≥ F = B > G
I. E ≥ C
II. D < G
A) Only conclusion I is true
B) Only conclusion II is true
C) Either conclusion I or II is true
D) Neither conclusion I nor II is true
E) Both conclusions I and II are true
Question 4: In the question, relationship between some elements is shown in the statements (s). These statements are followed by two conclusions. Read the statements and give answer.
Statements: P≤Q < R > S; T > U < V ≤ P
I. R > U
II. Q ≥ V
A) Only conclusion I is true
B) Only conclusion II is true
C) Either conclusion I or II is true
D) Neither conclusion I nor II is true
E) Both conclusions I and II are true
RRB Clerk prelims free mock test 2024
Question 5: In the question, relationship between some elements is shown in the statements (s). These statements are followed by two conclusions. Read the statements and give answer.
Statements: H ≤ J ≥ K > L; M = L > N ≥ O
I. J > O
II. K > M
A) Only conclusion I is true
B) Only conclusion II is true
C) Either conclusion I or II is true
D) Neither conclusion I nor II is true
E) Both conclusions I and II are true
Question 6: In the question below there are three statements followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to take the three given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the three statements disregarding commonly known facts.
A few trade is tax
At least some tax is duty
No duty is cess
I. Some trade can be cess
II. Some duty is trade
A) Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow
B) Only conclusion II follows
C) Only conclusion I follows
D) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
E) None of the above
Question 7: In the question below there are three statements followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to take the three given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the three statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Only a few start is end
Some end is begin
Few begin is close
I. All start being end is a possibility
II. Some close being end is a possibility
A) Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow
B) Only conclusion II follows
C) Only conclusion I follows
D) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
E) None of the above
Question 8: In the question below there are three statements followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to take the three given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the three statements disregarding commonly known facts.
All movie is waste
Only a few album is mine
Some mine is waste
I. Some movie can be mine
II. Some album can be waste
A) Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow
B) Only conclusion II follows
C) Only conclusion I follows
D) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
E) None of the above
Question 9: In the question below there are three statements followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to take the three given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the three statements disregarding commonly known facts.
All number is digit
No digit is letter
Every letter is symbol
I. A few number is symbol
II. Some symbol being digit is a possibility
A) Only conclusion II follows
B) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
C) Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow.
D) Only conclusion I follows
E) Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
Directions: Answer the questions based on the information given below.
Certain number of persons sit in a linear row facing towards north direction. Odd number of persons sit in the row.
At most two persons sit to the right of P. Five persons sit between P and Q. M sits 4th to the right of Q. Prime number of persons sit to the right of M. Seven persons sit between M and N. Two persons sit between N and W, who sits to the left of N. As many persons sit between N and Q as to the left of W.
Question 10: How many persons sit in the row?
A) 15
B) 13
C) 19
D) 17
E) None of the above
Question 11: N sits _____ from extreme left end of row.
A) 6th
B) 5th
C) 4th
D) 7th
E) None of the above
RRB Clerk Prelims 2024 Free Mock Test
Question 12: ______ persons sit between W and Q.
A) Five
B) Four
C) Six
D) Seven
E) None of the above
Question 13: If O sits immediate left of M, then, what is the position of O from extreme right end of row?
A) 4th
B) 6th
C) 5th
D) 8th
E) None of the above
Question 14: If K sits in the middle of the row, then, who sits 2nd to the right of K?
A) Q
B) N
C) W
D) Cannot be determined
E) Either (b) or (c)
Directions: Answer the questions based on the information given below.
There are eight members (A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H) in a family, which consists of three generations. No single person in the family is a parent. There are four married couples in the family.
C is sister of A, who is son of F. D is only grandson of B. Both H and E are in the same generation. H doesn’t have any child. B, E and G are of same gender.
Question 15: A is _____ of H.
A) Sister-in-law
B) Brother-in-law
C) Father-in-law
D) Mother-in-law
E) None of the above
Question 16: How is B related to C?
A) Mother
B) Father
C) Daughter
D) Son
E) None of the above
Question 17: How is G related to E?
A) Mother-in-law
B) Son-in-law
C) Father-in-law
D) Daughter-in-law
E) None of the above
Directions: Answer the questions based on the information given below:
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, work in a bank on different designations. The order (from senior to junior) is CEO, ED, CGM, GM, DGM, Manager, AM and Clerk, such that CEO is the senior most designation and Clerk is the junior most designation.
A is four designations junior to F. D is one designation junior to A. D is not designated as clerk. E is two designations junior to G. G is not designated as CEO. C is senior to H, who is not junior to B. H is not designated as GM.
Question 18: Who among the following is designated as AM?
A) B
B) D
C) C
D) H
E) Cannot be determined
Question 19: Who is one designation senior to DGM?
A) H
B) E
C) B
D) C
E) None of the above
Question 20: What is the designation of H?
D) Clerk
E) None of the above.
Download RRB Clerk Previous Year Paper PDF with Solution
RRB Clerk Previous Year Paper PDF – Quant Section
Directions: Answer the questions based on the information given below.
The table given below shows the number of students of five different coaching classes, and the percentage of the students who attend the online test from each coaching class.
Total Students = Students who attend the online test + Students who attend the offline test
Coaching class | Total Students | Percentage of the students who attend the online test |
A | 400 | 60% |
B | 600 | 45% |
C | 540 | 40% |
D | 450 | 50% |
E | 360 | 75% |
Question 1: The number of students who attend the online test in coaching B is how much percent more than the number of students who attend the offline test in coaching E?
A) 200%
B) 100%
C) 250%
D) 150%
E) 50%
Question 2: What is the difference between the number of students who attend the offline test and the number of students who attend the online test in coaching C?
A) 90
B) 108
C) 102
D) 88
E) 128
Question 3: If 40% of the number of students who attend online test in coaching D, are females, then find the number of the male students who attend the online test in coaching D.
A) 120
B) 108
C) 90
D) 135
E) None of these
Question 4: Find the ratio of the number of students who attend offline test to that of the number of students who attend online test in coaching A.
A) 5:3
B) 2:3
C) 2:5
D) 4:5
E) None of these
RRB Clerk Prelims 2024 Free Mock Test
Question 5: Find the average number of the students who attend online test in coaching A and C.
A) 228
B) 224
C) 238
D) 218
E) 204
Directions: Answer the questions based on the information given below.
The given line graph shows the number of courses (tablet + pen drive) sold and number of tablet courses sold, by five different institutions. Sum of the number of courses sold by given five institutions is 3200.

Question 6: Total number of courses sold by institution ‘B’ is how much percent more/less than the number of pen drive courses sold by institution ‘D’?
A) 275%
B) 120%
C) 250%
D) 320%
E) 180%
Question 7: Find the difference between number of tablet courses sold by institutions ‘A’ and ‘D’, together and number of pen drive courses sold by institution ‘B’.
A) 360
B) 480
C) 540
D) 420
E) 400
Question 8: Institution ‘C’ sold each tablet course for Rs. 5000 and each pen drive course for Rs. 2500. Find the total amount earned by institution ‘C’ by selling all the courses.
A) Rs. 32 lacs
B) Rs. 24.5 lacs
C) Rs. 30 lacs
D) Rs. 20 lacs
E) None of these
Question 9: Find the average of number of pen drive courses sold by institutions ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘D’.
A) 150
B) 130
C) 135
D) 140
E) 145
Question 10: Total number of courses sold by institution ‘F’ is 400 more than that by institutions ‘A’ and ‘E’, together out of which 40% were tablet courses. Find the number of tablet courses sold by institution ‘F’.
A) 560
B) 840
C) 800
D) 640
E) 720
Question 11: Find the ratio of number of tablet courses and pen drive courses, respectively sold by institution ‘E’.
A) 32:13
B) 24:17
C) 20:11
D) 25:14
E) None of these
Question 12: What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series?
12, 16, 21, 27, ?, 42
A) 37
B) 35
C) 34
D) 38
E) 36
Question 13: What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series?
21, 63, 105, ?, 189, 231
A) 125
B) 147
C) 126
D) 140
E) 163
Question 14: What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series?
50, 48, 45, ?, 33, 22
A) 42
B) 38
C) 36
D) 41
E) 40
Question 15: What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series?
17, 18, 22, ?, 47, 72
A) 28
B) 43
C) 36
D) 31
E) 37
Question 16: What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series?
64, 96, 144, ?, 324, 486
A) 216
B) 196
C) 256
D) 289
E) 225
Question 17: What will come in the place of question mark (?) in the given expression?
15% of 40 + 318 = ?2 + 35
A) 14
B) 11
C) 16
D) 18
E) 17
Question 18: A mixture contains only milk and water in the ratio 1:2, respectively with quantity of milk being 28-litres less than quantity of water. If 16-litres of water is added to the mixture, then what would be the percentage (out of total quantity of mixture) of quantity milk in the resultant mixture?
A) 28%
B) 72%
C) 44%
D) 64%
E) 78%
Question 19: Pipe ‘A’ is 20% more efficient than pipe ‘B’. If pipe ‘B’ takes 3 hours to fill a tank, then find the time taken by pipe ‘A’ to fill the same tank.
A) 2.5 hours
B) 2.75 hours
C) 3.25 hours
D) 2 hours
E) 1.8 hours
Question 20: ‘A’ and ‘B’ started a business together by investing a total of Rs. 20,000. ‘A’ withdrew his investment after 6 months. If at the end of the year, the total profit was shared between ‘A’ and ‘B’ in ratio of 3:4, respectively, then find the amount invested by ‘A’ initially.
A) Rs. 10,000
B) Rs. 12,000
C) Rs. 8,000
D) Rs. 15,000 E) Rs. 5,000
This brings us to the end of the article. For more questions and detailed solutions, Download RRB Clerk Previous Year Paper PDF with Solution
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