RRB ALP Vacancy 2025-26 Out
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The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has announced the RRB ALP Vacancy 2025-26 on its official website. A total of 9970 vacancies have been released for various railways divisions to recruit candidates for Assistant Loco Pilot posts. The official notification has not been released yet but it can be released soon. Candidates who want to appear in the upcoming RRB ALP exam are advised to read this blog and they must start their preparation for the exam as soon as possible. This blog has provided the details related to the RRB ALP Vacancy 2025-26 with the distribution of vacancies among the divisions. Also, candidates are advised to bookmark our website to get the latest updates related to the RRB ALP exam.

RRB ALP Vacancy 2025-26: Overview

The RRB has not released the RRB ALP 2025-26 notification yet but it can be expected soon. As per the latest updates the RRB has released a total of 9970 posts to recruit candidates for Assistant Loco Pilot posts. The duties of an ALP include managing train operations, ensuring safety protocols are followed, monitoring train speed, and assisting with the overall maintenance of the locomotive. Below, we have provided a detailed overview related to the RRB ALP Vacancy 2025-26.

RRB ALP Vacancy 2025-26: Overview
Organization NameRailway Recruitment Board (RRB)
Name of ExamRRB ALP
RRB ALP Vacancy 2025-269970
Online Application Start DateTo Be Notified
Last Date to ApplyTo Be Notified
SalaryRs. 19,900/-
Age Limit18-30 years
Selection ProcessCBT 1, CBT 2, CBAT & Document Verification
RRB Official Website Linkwww.indianrailways.gov.in

RRB ALP Vacancy 2025-26: Division-Wise Distribution

The RRB ALP vacancies 2025-26 released by the RRB have been distributed among the different Zonal Railways in India. A detailed breakdown of the vacancies has been provided below. Check vacancy distribution and details as per your zone.

RRB ALP 2025-26 Vacancy Distribution
DivisionVacancies Approved
Central Railway376
East Central Railway700
East Coast Railway1461
Eastern Railway768
North Central Railway508
North Eastern Railway100
Northeast Frontier Railway125
Northern Railway521
North Western Railway679
South Central Railway989
South East Central Railway568
South Eastern Railway796
Southern Railway510
West Central Railway759
Western Railway885
Metro Railway Kolkata225

How to Apply for RRB ALP 2025-26

Here we have provided a step-by-step process to apply for RRB ALP Vacancy 2025-26. Go through the steps carefully to avoid any mistakes.

The notification and application form have not been released yet. But it can expected soon. Before that you are advised to check these details so that you become ready to apply for the RRB ALP exam.

  1. Check Your Eligibility: Eligibility is one of the most important factors that every candidate must check before applying for the exam. Eligibility explains whether you are eligible to apply for the exam or not.
    • Age Limit: Candidates must be between 18 to 30 years of age. However, age relaxations are provided for certain categories (check for the age relaxation details in the notification).
    • Educational Qualification: A candidate should have completed at least 10th class with a diploma in engineering or ITI from a recognized institution.
    • Physical Fitness: As the job requires physical exertion, candidates must meet certain medical standards (check detailed physical fitness details in the notification).
  2. Registration: If you are applying for the first time, then you need to register first on its official website. After registration you will get your login credentials such as registration number and password.
  3. Fill out the Application Form: Once you get your login credentials, use those credentials and get login to the website, and fill out the form by filling in the details and uploading your documents (as per the requirement).
  4. Payment of Application Fee: Form submission will be successful only by submission of the fees.
    • General (Male): Rs. 500
    • OBC, ST, SC/Ex-Serviceman/PWD (Male): Rs. 250
    • OBC, ST, General, SC/Ex-Serviceman/PWD (Female/Transgender): Rs. 250
  5. Download the Application Form: After successfully submitting the form, make sure you have downloaded the application form for future reference.

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RRB ALP Vacancy 2025-26: FAQs

How many RRB ALP Vacancy 2025-26 announced?

A total of 9970 vacancies have been announced for the Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) posts.

What is the age limit for applying to RRB ALP 2025-26?

Candidates must be between 18 to 30 years of age, with age relaxations applicable for certain categories.

Is the RRB ALP vacancy 2025-26 released zone-wise?

Yes, the RRB ALP vacancy 2025-26 is released zone-wise, with a total of 9970 vacancies distributed across various Zonal Railways.

How many vacancies are available in East Coast Railway?

1461 vacancies are available in East Coast Railway.

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By Abhishek Jatariya

Hello Guys, I am Abhishek Jatariya (B.Tech (IT), HBTU Kanpur). At Practicemock I am a dedicated Government Job aspirant turned passionate Content writer & Content creator. My blogs are a one-stop destination for accurate and comprehensive information on exams like SSC, Railways, and Other PSU Jobs. I am on a mission to provide you with all the details about these exams you need, conveniently in one place. I hope you will like my writing.

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