Revision Tips to Crack NIACL AO Exam 2023
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NIACL AO 2023 examination is about to commence as it is scheduled for Sep 9, 2023 thereby leaving just 12 days for the exam preparation or rather revision. Here in this article we will be guiding the aspirants for some quick revision Tips to Crack NIACL AO Exam 2023 as we are assuming that by now candidates must have started or about to start with their revision for the exam. Revision is basically just to strengthen your topics or concepts what all you have studied till now for the exam and its important to do so, else you will lack focus and will not be able to crack the examination. If we talk about the selection process of NIACL AO, it starts with prelims, followed by mains and then Interview which is the final stage of the selection process. The NIACL AO prelims is going to happen on 9th Sep, 2023 for which the candidates must prepare themselves well. 

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NIACL AO Prelims 2023 Free Mock Test

NIACL AO Prelims 2023 Exam Pattern

S. No.Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDurationLanguage
1.English Language303020 minutesEnglish
2.Reasoning Ability353520 minutesEnglish/Hindi
3.Numerical Ability353520 minutesEnglish/Hindi
Total10010060 minutes 

NIACL AO Prelims Syllabus

NIACL AO Prelims English Syllabus

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Cloze Test
  3. Fill in the blanks
  4. Multiple Meaning / Error Spotting
  5. Paragraph Complete / Sentence Correction
  6. Para jumbles etc…

NIACL AO Prelims 2023 Free Mock Test

NIACL AO prelims Reasoning Syllabus

  1. Data Sufficiency
  2. Syllogism
  3. Blood Relations
  4. Input-Output
  5. Coding-Decoding
  6. Alphanumeric Series
  7. Coded Inequalities
  8. Seating Arrangement
  9. Puzzle Tabulation
  10. Logical Reasoning
  11. Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test

NIACL AO Prelims 2023 Free Mock Test

NIACL AO prelims Quant Syllabus

  1. Mixtures & Allegations
  2. Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices
  3. Time & Distance
  4. Simplification
  5. Ratio & Proportion, Percentage
  6. Sequence & Series
  7. Permutation, Combination & Probability
  8. Data Interpretation
  9. Profit & Loss
  10. Work & Time
  11. Number Systems

NIACL AO Prelims 2023 Free Mock Test

Revision Tips to Crack NIACL AO Exam 2023

Mentioned above is the NIACL AO prelims syllabus and keeping this syllabus in mind we will be starting with a few revision tips to crack NIACL AO exam 2023.

Revision Tips to Crack NIACL AO English Section

  • Read english newspaper and magazines
  • Prepare and revise all basic english grammar rules
  • Revise all synonyms/antonyms done till now along with verbs, prepositions etc.
  • Practice as many reading comprehension passages as possible
  • Attempt english topic wise quizzes and try to practice new types of questions
  • Keep on practicing mock tests

Revision Tips to Crack NIACL AO Quantitative Aptitude Section

Revision Tips to Crack NIACL AO Reasoning Section

  • Practice to answer one question in several ways and then devise your own shortcut way in which you are able to consume less time and are getting the accuracy as well
  • Keep on revising important topics including Coding Decoding, Order & Ranking, Seating Arrangement and Inequalities etc.
  • Practice more and more questions on these important topics
  • Solve easy questions first and then gradually move onto the difficult ones

General Tips to Crack NIACL AO Exam 2023

  • Follow a proper revision schedule – Just like you create a study plan for yourself, similarly create a revision plan and include all important topics of all the sections for revision
  • Revise basic fundamentals including shortcuts, formulas, basic grammar rules etc.
  • Solve previous year NIACL AO paper. Here is the previous year paper which you can solve to know what kinds of questions have been asked previously
  • Keep practicing mock tests and don’t forget to analyze the same
  • Time management is important. Divide your time wisely and accordingly keep revising
  • Make a list of easy and difficult topics/concepts and keep revising them as per the plan 
  • Maintain a calm and consistent attitude while preparing for the exam as well as while giving the NIACL AO examination
  • Keep a positive attitude towards your preparation and revision
  • If a single question is taking too much time then skip the same for the time being and move on to the next one. Come back later to it when you have time in hand
  • Stay confident and maintain your calm at all times

NIACL AO Prelims 2023 Free Mock Test

This brings us to the end of the article. Make sure that you revise for the upcoming NIACL AO Prelims exam well.

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