RBI Grade B 2023 Preparation: Toppers' Subject-wise Strategy for Phase I & II Exam
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If you’re dedicated to cracking the RBI Grade B Exam in first attempt, you must know how the toppers prepared and attempted the RBI Grade B Phase 1 & 2 Exams. RBI Grade B exam consists of Phase 1, Phase 2, and an Interview round. As the exam is tough and the vacancies limited, you must craft a result-oriented and proven exam preparation strategy to fetch maximum marks in the upcoming RBI Grade B 2023 exam.

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Today, we will concisely discuss all you need to do to make the best subject-wise preparation plan and the practice that is required with it in the shape of RBI Garde B Phase 1 & 2 Mock Tests.

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RBI Grade B Exam Pattern 2023

RBI Grade B exam is conducted in 3 stages-phase 1, 2, and interview. Phase 1 is an objective test and phase 2 tests a candidate’s skills with both objective and descriptive type questions. A final Merit List will be created after the RBI Grade B Mains exam and Interview.

Structure of Phase I exam
SectionsNumber of questionsMarks
General Awareness8080
English Language3030
Quantitative Aptitude3030
Structure of Phase II exam
Name of the PaperType of PaperDurationMarks
Paper-I: Economic and Social Issues50% Objective Type 50% Descriptive, answers to be typed with the help of the keyboard120 Minutes
Objective: 30
Descriptive: 90
Total: 100 Marks
Objective: 50
Descriptive: 50
Paper-II: English (Writing Skills)Descriptive answers to be typed with the help of the keyboard. Candidates opting to type the answers in Hindi may do so with the help of either Inscript or Remington (GAIL) keyboards layout.90 Minutes100
Paper-III: Finance and Management50% Objective Type and 50% Descriptive, answers to be typed with the help of the keyboard. Candidates opting to type the answers in Hindi may do so with the help of either Inscript or Remington (GAIL) keyboards layout.120 minutes
Objective: 30
Descriptive: 90
Total: 100 Marks
Objective: 50
Descriptive: 50

RBI Grade B Toppers Preparation Strategy 2023

Though the exam pattern of RBI Grade B 2023 has been revised, however, the aspirants will get a basic idea of preparing for the exam.

RBI Grade B Phase I Strategy 2023

Try to attempt 60+ questions in the General Awareness Section in 10 minutes, and 20+ questions in the English section in another 10 minutes. Solve the Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning sections, in the remaining time.

Here are the tips to prepare this section smartly:

  • Read newspapers daily (like Economic Times, The Telegraph, Mint Business Newspaper, etc).
  • Since the General Awareness section carries a maximum number of Phase I exams, hence, he suggested reading the maximum time of the day. It in turn leads to getting a high score in this section.
  • Practice English questions, as it is one of the most scoring sections in the exam if you’ve prepared all the basics of Grammar well and built a Vocabulary powerhouse by learning 8-10 new words every day.
  • The remaining time should be utilized to prepare for Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude.
  • Try to attempt at least 2 standard mock tests every day before the exam. It will help you become confident of clearing the exam.

Best Books to Refer to for RBI Grade B 2023 Preparation

Refer below-mentioned books for preparing RBI Grade B Phase I exam:

  • Quantitative Aptitude: How to prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CA and Teach Yourself Quantitative Aptitud by Shri Arun Sharma
  • Reasoning: Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by R S Aggarwal and Analytical Reasoning by M K Pandey and other online platforms for mastering basics and more.
  • English: How to prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT by Arun Sharma & Meenakshi Upadhyay
  • General Knowledge: Economic Times, The Telegraph (Calcutta), and Mint Business Newspaper

Topper’s Tips for RBI Grade B Phase II 2023 Preparation

Don’t forget, the Phase I exam is only an eliminator round and you should not worry about the score. Therefore, focus more on the Phase II exam preparation by investing in it extra time and effort, as the score of this phase will help you in the final selection process. You need to practice the basic concept of Finance, Economics, and Management before moving on to tough questions.

  1. After mastering the basic concepts of the subjects, you should start taking 1-2 mock tests.
  2. Try to solve the full-length mock test within the given time period to develop a habit of completing the exam within the scheduled time.
  3. Pay attention to the Mock Tests analysis and analyze your strength and weakness and try to improve as much as you can. It is only after identifying your weakness, that you can work over it and improve.
  4. You should read the newspaper carefully, especially the editorial section and note down all the difficult words with examples to revise and memorize. Focus on reading while preparing for Economics and Social Issues.

Study materials for the RBI Grade B phase II exam Preparation

Here is the study material that you should follow to master the following areas in the Phase 2 exam:

Economics & Social Issues

Though Newspapers are a good source for the latest news and updates or CA (current affairs), the static concepts are not covered. Therefore, you should read the following books thoroughly:

  • Day to Day Economics by Satish Deodhar (IIM-A Publication)
  • Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
  • Indian Economy by Mishra and Puri

Financial Management

Here are a few very good books toppers consult for Financial Management preparation:

  • Financial Management by Prasanna Chandra
  • Financial Management by I M Pandey
  • Finance for Non-finance by Vishal Thakker
  • How to Read Balance Sheet by McGraw Hill Publication
  • How to Read Cash Flow by McGraw Hill Publication
  • How to Analyze Financial Statements by McGraw Hill Publication
  • To practice MCQs on Finance & Management by Arihant Publication

RBI Grade B Interview Strategy 2023 by Toppers

It is mandatory to follow the basic interview norms plus the RBI website thoroughly to excel in the Interview round. Here are a few important points to keep in mind while you sit for the interview preparation:

  • Read Newspapers every day, like The Hindi and Mint to keep yourself updated with daily Current Affairs
  • Watch Business News channels and Business magazines
  • Read the best books on Finance, Economy, and Banking
  • Go through websites such as ICRA, CRISIL, and multiple rating agencies.
  • Listen to the speeches given by the Governor on major economic decisions.
  • Carefully go through the RBI annual reports.

Best of luck with your preparation!

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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