RBI Grade B Reasoning Preparation Strategy 2025
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RBI Grade B Reasoning Preparation Strategy 2025: Reasoning section carries 60 marks in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam. Candidates should know that questions come from Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning topics. You have 120 minutes to manage the questions from Reasoning with Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, and English. Tackling the Reasoning could be messy at times. You may expect confusing moderate to difficult questions asked in RBI Grade B Phase 1. Try to look for the important topics to cover from the exam perspective. The main focus should know the question pattern. Then, you can take time to achieve speed and accuracy by attempting Reasoning questions. It can be done only by consistent practice and revision.


List Of RBI Grade B Phase 1 Reasoning Topics For Exam Preparation

We have listed the Reasoning topics to prepare for the RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam. It is easy for you to know the syllabus topics. Give your time to understand the topics properly, make a schedule, and start your preparation for Phase 1. We provided the Reasoning topics along with the expected questions asked in the last years in RBI Grade B Phase 1.

Reasoning TopicsExpected Questions
Linear Seating Arrangement5-10
Circular Seating Arrangement5-10
Data Sufficiency5
Blood Relations1-3
Direction & Distance1-3

RBI Grade B Reasoning Preparation Strategy 2025, Best Tips

In the beginning, you may find difficulty in knowing Reasoning concepts. Start your RBI Grade B Reasoning Preparation with simple topics. Revise the concepts and follow the videos. You know the level of questions. Solve our free topic-wise questions that cover easy to difficult levels. We provided RBI Grade B Reasoning Preparation Strategy 2025. It is helpful for you to align your Reasoning preparation in the right direction to achieve a score in the real exam.

Reasoning Syllabus Topics

Candidates should start preparing for Reasoning after knowing the topics asked in the paper. So that, you can get reliable study material for preparation. Make a schedule to start studying Reasoning with a fresh mindset. You have the energy in you to manage the complex problems asked in the paper.

Prepare Notes

Still, you are newly introduced to the Reasoning section in RBI Grade B. Apply the note-making strategy to write down important tricks and formulas. It could be a handy tool to memorize things in the preparation journey. Make the proper handwritten chapter-wise notes for the Reasoning preparation.

Solve Topic-Wise Questions

Begin your Reasoning preparation by knowing the topics and the concepts associated with it. Then, solve topic-wise questions. We provide free topic-wise Reasoning questions for practice. On the other hand, you want a dedicated question bank for practice. Get our RBI Grade B Phase 1 PDF course. It is a complete question bank designed for Phase 1. You can get multiple questions for practice in the Reasoning, English, and Quantitative Aptitude sections for the exam.

Focus On Analytical & Critical Reasoning Skills

You can solve Reasoning questions only with a focus on critical and analytical skills. Apply logic to know the actual base of the question. Then, you can achieve speed and accuracy by attempting the Reasoning section questions in the exam.

Solve Questions Systematically

You should apply a system in managing the Reasoning questions asked in the paper. Give time to solve only those questions for which you are sure about. You attempt guesswork in the exam. It may cause losing marks in negative marking.

Practice RBI Grade B Mock Test

RBI Grade B Mock Test is a preparation tool to evaluate your performance before the actual exam. Complete your Reasoning syllabus topics on time. You can give time to practice attempting mock tests. The initial low scores in the mock tests may demotivate you. Still, track your performance in mocks regularly eliminating the mistakes in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam.


We come to an end in our blog titled RBI Grade B Preparation Strategy 2025. We hope that our preparation tips and tricks can help to face the questions properly in Reasoning. The paper is expected to be of moderate to difficult level of questions. You should focus only on practice. It is to achieve speed and accuracy in solving questions in the actual exam.

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By Divya Sharma

My Role as a Content Writer in PracticeMock is to craft research based blogs. I ensure that aspirants get accurate information on government exams through blogs.

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