RBI Grade B is one of the most sought-after banking exams in the country. Candidates must have a holistic preparation to crack the exam. All aspirants must have a properly designed study plan that focuses on strong willpower and a systematic approach. Besides, candidates should not forget to give time to their physical and mental rejuvenation. Check below RBI Grade Read below for RBI Grade B 2022 preparation tips.
Understand exam syllabus and difficulty level:-Candidates need to identify the subjects through the RBI Grade B syllabus that they need to prepare for the exam. They must also go through the exam analysis of previous years’ exam analysis to understand the difficulty level.
Segregate topics:-After going through the syllabus, candidates must proceed to separate topics based on the difficulty level. Candidates must make a list that includes strong and weak topics separately.
Pick the strong topics first:-Candidates must choose strong topics first as they take less time. Brush up the formulas and basic concepts for all the topics:
Previous years’ question papers:- Solve previous years’ question papers, as it will help you to understand the level of preparation. Moreover, it will help in building confidence and enthusiasm.
Practice mock tests:-Practicing mock tests will improve speed and accuracy. It also helps to know where your preparation is lacking.
Revise, rework, and recover: These are the best mantra to improvise and perform well. The revision will help candidates to know their weak points and motivate them to rework on the same topic. This ultimately enables candidates to recover from the weak points.
Read the weak areas:- After identifying the weak areas, select the topics based on their weightage and device preparation strategy. Follow this with concept building, brush up the basics first, and then move to the deeper concepts. Practice relevant questions to improve speed and accuracy.
Read newspapers: Candidates must read newspapers and magazines daily to be acquainted with the latest updates.
Reasoning: The trickiest questions in this section might be Puzzles, Sitting Arrangement (Both Linear and Circular), Ranking, Coding-Decoding, Syllogisms, Blood Relation, Alphabetic Coding. Make sure candidates practice these topics each and every day.
English Language: This is the easiest section of the exam. Brush up your basic grammar and vocabulary skills. Read newspapers or magazines to increase the reading and grasping speed. Questions are usually asked from Comprehension, Error Spotting, Antonyms & Synonyms, and para jumbles.
Quantitative Aptitude: Candidates will get questions from topics such as Percentage, Average, Ratio & Proportion, Simplification, Quadratic Equation, Time & Work, Pipe & Cisterns, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Mensuration. Try to learn shortcuts of solving questions as it will help in saving time during the exam.
General Awareness: Candidates must keep a tab on the recent developments of both national and international. Prepare at least six to eight months of current affairs for General Awareness section. Candidates will get questions from Government Schemes & Initiatives, Sports Tournaments, Books & Authors, Banking and Financial terms, International Organizations, Monetary and Fiscal Policies, etc.
English Language
Quantitative Aptitude
Logical Reasoning
Banking Awareness
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