RBI Grade B Phase 2 2023 Tips to Score 85+ in English
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English Writing is among the important papers in the RBI Grade B Phase 2 exam. If candidates apply the right strategy with a dedicated approach can easily score 85+ marks in English. This section holds equal importance as compared to Finance & Management and Economic & Social Issues. The score of the English section is added to the marking for determining the final ranking. You can get an idea of how scoring this section is improving your score and performance.

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RBI Grade B Phase 2: Exam Pattern 2023

SectionsQuestionsMax. MarksTime Allotted
Paper I: Economic and Social Issues: 50% Objective+50% Descriptive30 Objective Questions6 Descriptive (4 Needs to be Answered)100120 Mins
Paper II: English Writing Skills3 Questions10090 Mins
Paper III: Finance & Management50% Objective+50% Descriptive30 Objective Questions6 Descriptive (4 Needs to be Answered)100120 Mins

Three types of questions are asked in English Writing Section:

  • Precis Writing
  • Essay Writing
  • Comprehension

Let us move ahead to get an idea of the questions type and attempt strategy for English.

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How to attempt Precis Writing Question in RBI Grade B Phase 2?

Precis Writing involves summarizing information given in a passage. While writing a Precis add a suitable title and meaningful summary indicating key points of the passage. Your goal should be to cover the key pointers. Practice 2-3 Precis questions daily.

  • Carefully read the passage to get a gist of the passage.
  • Make a rough draft covering points to follow.
  • You don’t surpass the word limit i.e. 100-200 words.
  • When you are done with drafting points then, start writing Precis.
  • Write in your own words covering factual information.
  •  Proofread the Precis to avoid any grammatical mistakes.

Also, Read 10 Booster Tips for Precis Writing!!

How to Answer Essay Writing in RBI Grade B Phase 2?

The word limit for Essay Writing is 300-400 words. In order to prepare for the Essay Writing topic, you should read editorial essays from prominent newspapers The Hindu and The Business Standard and The Economic Times. Prepare a list of contemporary topics and write notes for an essay covering essential information. Supplement your essay content using factual information references from reputed sources Kurukshetra and Yojna. Keep revising and going through editorial essays.

  • Prepare a rough draft covering exact factual information.
  • Form the introduction, middle body, and conclusion covering essential information that you want to supply through your essay content.
  • Keep in mind word count is 300-400 words.
  • Strengthen your essay quality by adding quotes.
  • Don’t use any complex sentences.
  • Keep your language simple and easy to understand.
  • Proofread your essay content once you are done with it to avoid any grammatical mistakes.

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How to Answer Comprehension Question asked in RBI Grade B Phase 2?

Comprehension Passage is given in Phase 2 and you have to answer questions based on it. Typing objective and subjective questions via keyboard. Write answers to all questions in your words and in simple language. Give leverage to attempt easy questions first then, move to tricky ones.

  • Read the passage carefully to get through the ideas indicated.
  • Read all questions in one go to identify answers in the passage.
  • Again read the passage to mark answers to questions.
  • Frame answers in your words but don’t copy exact lines from the passage.
  • You can proofread answers once you have completed them to check for any grammatical mistakes. 

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The English Language section holds an equal weightage of 100 marks as compared to the other two subject-centric papers Finance & Management and Economic & Social Issues. Take English Writing seriously to improve your scores and performance in the Phase 2 examination. This section can be a turning point for you to easily score 85+ marks and qualify for Phase 2 of RBI Grade B. 

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By Divya Sharma

My Role as a Content Writer in PracticeMock is to craft research based blogs. I ensure that aspirants get accurate information on government exams through blogs.

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