RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 Target 40+ in Reasoning
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Logical Reasoning is one of the most important sections in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 examination. 60 questions of 1 mark each are covered in Logical Reasoning. Additionally, it is among the most scoring questions to cover in Phase 1 for success.


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If you are able to maintain a good understanding and analytical skills then, it takes only 30 minutes to finish easy sections. The overall difficulty level of Logical Reasoning is moderate to difficult. Only proper practice of different questions can help you to get meaningful outcomes.

Strengthen your conceptual knowledge by solving maximum questions covering free puzzles, quizzes, topic tests and mini mocks. 

RBI Grade B Phase 1 Important Logical Reasoning Topics to Cover 

In Phase 1, the Logical Reasoning section is divided into two parts Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. 

  • Verbal Reasoning: Understand and solve questions in Verbal Reasoning is based on analytical and understanding skills with conceptual knowledge.
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning: Non-Verbal Reasoning covers the topics such as deduction and induction of logical information and induction.

Most Important Topics of Logical Reasoning

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RBI Grade B Phase 1 Logical Reasoning: Topic-Wise Weightage

Topics to CoverWeightageDifficulty Level of Questions
Inequalities5 QuestionsModerate
Alphabetic Arrangement0-5 QuestionsEasy to Moderate
Coding-Decoding2-6 QuestionsModerate
Blood Relations1-3 QuestionsModerate
Distance & Direction Test1-3 QuestionsEasy
Circular Sitting Arrangement5-10 QuestionsModerate to Difficult
Linear Sitting Arrangement5-10 QuestionsModerate to Difficult
Scheduling5-7 QuestionsModerate to Difficult
Syllogism5-7 QuestionsEasy to Moderate
Double Line Up 5-7 QuestionsModerate to Difficult
Data Sufficiency5 QuestionsEasy to Moderate
Machine Input-Output5-6 QuestionsEasy to Moderate
Puzzle5 QuestionsModerate
Ranking2-3 QuestionsEasy to Moderate

Tips to Follow to Improve Scores in Logical Reasoning!!!!

  • Revise logical reasoning concepts well to solve questions correctly in less time.
  • Give one to two hours daily for logical reasoning conceptual understanding and attempting free topic tests and mini mocks.
  • Cover basic concepts as discussed above after analyzing topic-wise weightage and difficulty levels.
  • Assign topics to yourself and solve questions related to these topics daily.
  • Try to solve 50 questions of logical reasoning daily to improve speed and accuracy for score improvement.
  • Assess your conceptual understanding by attempting RBI Grade B Phase 1 Sectional Mock Tests Online.

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Final Words

We provided a detailed overview of preparation tips and important topics to study in the Logical Reasoning section. Cover all basic concepts and then, focus on solving maximum questions on verbal and non-verbal reasoning topics to get clarity on conceptual understanding and improve speed on solving questions.

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By Divya Sharma

My Role as a Content Writer in PracticeMock is to craft research based blogs. I ensure that aspirants get accurate information on government exams through blogs.

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