Which is better RBI Grade B vs NABARD Grade A?
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It’s always been a heavy debate between the two exams. Both the entry level jobs have good things to offer from multiple perspectives. Be it salary, or career growth. But let’s see how relevant or desirable these jobs really are if we look at them from the 2021 perspective.  Let’s find out the winner of RBI Grade B vs NABARD. Both jobs can provide stable careers but other parameters do matter as well.

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RBI Grade B vs NABARD Grade A

Parameters  RBI Grade B NABARD Grade A 
Post Offered Manager Assistant Manager 
Organization Reserve Bank of India National Bank for Rural & Agriculture Development 
Mode of Examination Online Online 
Selection Procedure Three-stage process I. Phase 1 II. Phase 2– Paper 1, Paper 2 & Paper 3 III. Interview Three-stage process I. Phase 1 II. Phase 2 – Paper 1 & Paper 2 III. Interview 
Eligibility Criteria Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline. Bachelor’s Degree in any subject with a minimum of 60% marks. 
Salary Offered Gross monthly emoluments are Rs 83,254/-approx. Gross monthly gross emoluments are Rs.70000/- approx. 
Probation Period There is probation for 2 years from the time of joining. There is probation for 2 years from the time of joining. 
Job Responsibilities The very first department you shall be given would be “The Issues and Banking Department.” Such a department will primarily focus on making you learn basic banking, know-hows, etc.    2. Grade B officers are posted across various departments and the work profile varies as per the department they are posted in. 1. Work on various policies and programs mandated by Central/State Governments related to Agricultural & Rural Development. 
Career Prospects The career progression is as follows:  Manager ↓ Asst. General Manager ↓ Deputy General Manager ↓ Chief General Manager ↓ Principal Chief Manager ↓ Executive Director ↓ Deputy Governor The career progression is as follows: Assistant Manager ↓ Manager ↓ Assistant General manager ↓ Deputy General Manager ↓ General Manager ↓ Chief General Manager ↓ Executive Director  

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Employee Transfer Policy 

You can get transferred at the interval of every three years depending upon the requirements at different offices. However, it’s not a thumb rule to transfer every employee after a three-year period.   They don’t have any specific transfer policy. You might work at a particular office for 5-6 years.  

Exam Pattern Compared  

NABARD Grade A Prelims Exam Pattern  

S. No.  Subjects  Maximum Marks  
1.  Test of Reasoning  20 Marks  
2.  English Language  30 Marks  
3.  Computer Knowledge  20 Marks  
4.  General Awareness  20 Marks  
5.  Quantitative Aptitude  20 Marks  
6.  Decision Making  10 Marks  
7.  Economic & Social Issues (with focus on Rural India)  40 Marks  
8.  Agriculture & Rural Development (with focus on Rural India)  40 Marks  
Total Marks  200 Marks   

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern Prelims 

Serial Number Section Asked No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration 
1. General Awareness 200 200 Composite time of 2 hours 
2. Quantitative Aptitude 
3. English Language 
4. Reasoning 

NABARD Grade A Mains Exam Pattern (General)  

Subjects  No. of Questions  Maximum Marks  Duration  
Paper-I (Descriptive Test)  3  100 Marks  90 Minutes  
Paper-II: Objective  30  50 Marks  30 Minutes  
Descriptive (6 questions will be asked, of which candidates will be required to attempt 4 questions [2 of 15 marks each (with difficulty level) and 2 of 10 marks each]  4  50 Marks  90 Minutes  
Total  37  200 marks  3 hours 30 min 

RBI Grade B Mains Exam Pattern 

Name of the Paper Type of the Paper Duration  Marks 
Paper I Economic & Social Issues 50% Objective + 50% Descriptive  30 Minutes + 90 Minutes = 120 minutes 50+ 50=100 
Paper-II English (Writing Skills) Descriptive Type 90 minutes 100 
Paper III Finance & Management 50% Objective + 50% Descriptive  30 Minutes + 90 Minutes = 120 minutes 50+50=100 

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Recent changes in NABARD makes it less attractive – RBI Grade B vs NABARD

Changes made in the exam pattern by NABARD for the 2021 exam 

  • A decision-making section has been introduced for the very first time in the phase-1 paper.   
  • Qualifying and merit sections concept is also being introduced this year. The candidate will be shortlisted on the marks scored in the sections (GA, ESI, and ARD.)   
  • A descriptive section will also be added for the phase-2 paper of ESI and ARD.  
  • The interview round would now carry 50 marks.   
  • The calling ratio to qualify for the mains examination and interview would be a maximum of 1:25 and 1:3, respectively. The ratio may be suitably reduced at the discretion of the bank. 

The attraction towards NABARD did decline this year. The exam has become too unique which asks for too much dedication and focus only on just NABARD exam. One might find it hard to prepare for any other exam simultaneously. However, RBI exam still has relevance if we look at common elements with other banking exams. So, in that scenario RBI does get more points than NABARD.

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RBI Grade B 2022 notification: Exam Dates, Vacancy, Cut-Off

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