RBI Grade B 2023 detailed notification was released some time back. There are 291 vacancies this year for which lakhs of aspirants will be competing. If you want to check your performance in this exam, you can take a mock test of RBI Grade B which is absolutely free of cost. Taking the mock test will provide you with an assessment so that you can improve upon your performance. This year’s notification has certain changes when compared with the previous year’s notification and we’re sure that aspirants must be having a number of doubts in their minds. In this article on RBI Grade B FAQs, we will try to address all the doubts/questions in the form of Frequently Answered Questions. Have a look:
No, There isn’t any major change this year.
Yes! Below are the changes:
1. If we refer to the last year’s syllabus, sub-topics under “Social Justice” have been omitted this time. However, social justice, in general, is an umbrella term for ensuring welfare in the health, education, and societal parameters such as the upliftment of the marginalized sections. So, covering these topics under social justice (taken from last year’s syllabus) is advisable.
2. Earlier, the scope of global financial markets in the RBI Grade B syllabus was limited to the financial crisis of 2008 and its aftermath. Now, the topic has become broader. We need to learn about the recent developments too.
3. In the last year’s syllabus, “FinTech” was a separate sub-topic. This time, we are required to inculcate a deeper understanding of what IT potentially does to make us adapt to the ever-changing banking and financial sector.
4. Earlier, we had “risk management in the banking sector” in the syllabus. This time we are required to learn about risk management in the whole financial sector.
5. New Addition: Basics of Accounting and Financial Statements – Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, Cash Flow Statements, Ratio Analysis (such as Debt to Equity, Debtor Days, Creditor Days, Inventory Turnover, Return on Assets, Return on Equity, etc.)
For both Economic & Social Issues and Finance & Management, there will be 30 questions and 50 marks for Objective questions (some questions carrying 2 marks each and some carrying 1 mark each). In case of Descriptive questions, 6 questions will be asked, of which candidates will be required to attempt 4 questions (2 of 15 marks each (with difficulty level) and 2 of 10 marks each). In case, the candidate answers more than 4 questions in descriptive, first 4 shall be evaluated.
Interview will be of 75 marks. Yes, Candidates will be required to undergo Personality Assessment Test conducted by the Bank before appearing for the Interview. No marks will be allotted for the same and this will not form part of the final selection criteria.
Yes! Since you have scored more than 55% in post-graduation, you are eligible to apply.
Yes! The details of which section gets how much time will be revealed in the information handout.
Yes! The minimum aggregate cut-off marks for being shortlisted for Phase-II of the examination will be decided by the Board in relation to the number of vacancies.
Candidates belonging to unreserved i.e. General Category, who have already appeared Six times for Phase-I Examination for this post/s in the past, are not eligible to apply. No such restriction applies to candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/EWSs.
In case University/Institute/Board defines criteria for conversion of Aggregate Grade Point into percentage of marks, the same will be accepted. However, where the University/Institute/ Board does not define criteria for conversion of Aggregate Grade Point into percentage of marks, in the degree/passing certificates, the undefined parameter(s) would be worked out as under:
6.75 CGPA/OGPA/CPI: 60% Aggregate Marks
6.25 CGPA/OGPA/CPI: 55% Aggregate Marks
5.75 CGPA/OGPA/CPI: 50% Aggregate Marks
This exam will be of 200 marks and the duration will be 120 minutes. The detailed information will be provided in the information handout which will be made available for the candidates to download along with the Admission letter for examination from the RBI website. To give you an idea, below is the exam pattern revealed in the information handout of last year.
RBI Grade B exam is a national-level competitive examination conducted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to recruit eligible candidates for filling Grade B Officers Posts in various departments of the central bank.
Candidates who have a bachelor’s degree with a minimum of 60% marks (50% for SC/ST/PwBD) or equivalent grade in any discipline from a recognized university or institute can apply for RBI Grade B exam. Candidates who have a master’s degree, doctorate degree, chartered accountant, company secretary or cost accountant qualification can also apply.
The RBI Grade B notification 2023 has released 291 vacancies for three posts: Officers in Grade ‘B’ (DR) – (General), Officers in Grade ‘B’ (DR) – DEPR and Officers in Grade ‘B’ (DR) – DSIM.
The selection process for RBI Grade B exam consists of three stages: Phase 1 (Preliminary), Phase 2 (Main) and Interview. The Phase 1 and Phase 2 exams are conducted online and consist of multiple-choice and descriptive questions. The Interview is conducted face-to-face by a panel of experts.
The exam pattern and syllabus for RBI Grade B exam vary according to the post applied for. The Phase 1 exam is common for all posts and consists of four sections: General Awareness, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning. The Phase 2 exam consists of three papers: Paper I (Economic and Social Issues), Paper II (English Writing Skills) and Paper III (Finance and Management/ Economics/ Statistics) for General post; Paper I (Economics), Paper II (English Writing Skills) and Paper III (Econometrics/ Quantitative Economics/ Statistics/ Mathematical Statistics/ Mathematical Economics) for DEPR post; Paper I (Statistics), Paper II (English Writing Skills) and Paper III (Statistical Methods/ Quantitative Techniques/ Survey Techniques/ Data Interpretation/ Computer Applications) for DSIM post. The syllabus for each paper covers various topics related to the respective subject.
Candidates can apply online for RBI Grade B exam by visiting the official website of RBI @ rbi.org.in and clicking on the link “Recruitment related Announcements”. Candidates have to register themselves by providing basic details and uploading scanned copies of photograph, signature, left thumb impression and handwritten declaration. Candidates have to pay an application fee of Rs. 850/- (Rs. 100/- for SC/ST/PwBD candidates) through online mode using debit card/credit card/net banking/mobile wallets.
The important dates for RBI Grade B exam are as follows:
Online Registration Start Date: 09th May 2023
Online Registration End Date: 09th June 2023
Phase 1 Exam Date: 09th July 2023
Phase 2 Exam Date: 30th July 2023 (General post), 02nd September 2023 (DEPR post), 19th August 2023 (DSIM post)
Interview Date: To be notified later
S. No. | Objective Type Test | No. of Questions | Marks | Time |
(i) | General Awareness | 80 | 80 | 25 mins |
(ii) | Reasoning | 60 | 60 | 45 mins |
(iii) | English Language | 30 | 30 | 25 mins |
(iv) | Quantitative Aptitude | 30 | 30 | 25 mins |
Total | 200 | 200 | 120 mins |
We hope that all of the above queries have been answered. Wishing you good luck with your preparation! Follow us on Instagram.
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