RBI Grade B Cut Off 2023-Previous Year Cut Off Marks

RBI Grade B Cut Off 2023: How to Ace the Exam

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) sets the RBI Grade B Cut Off marks 2023 based on the exam performance of the candidates. You can find the cut-off marks on the official website i.e.rbi.org.in. To qualify for the selection process, you need to score above the cut-off marks in both Phase-I and Phase II of the exam. Then, you will be invited for the final interview round. Knowing the previous year’s cut-off marks can help you estimate the expected cut-off and plan your preparation accordingly.

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Read this article to get all the latest updates on RBI Grade B Cut Off 2023.

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RBI Grade B Previous Year Cut Off

The RBI Grade B 2023 Phase 1 Exam will be held on 9th July 2023. If you are preparing for the exam, you should check the Previous Year’s Cut-off to understand the difficulty level and competition. The cut-off marks depend on various factors such as the number of candidates, the difficulty level, and others. The previous year’s cut-off marks can also show you the trend and changes in the exam pattern over the years. You can use this information to predict the possible variation in the current/ expected cut-off and set your target score accordingly.

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RBI Grade B Cut Off 2022- Phase 1

You can now see the RBI Grade B Cut Off marks for each section and category along with the RBI Grade B Score Card 2022. The cut-off is for the Phase I exam for the Grade B Officer General. It is available on the official website. See the table below for the RBI Grade B Prelims Cut-Off marks for each category and section.

General Awareness
(Maximum Marks = 80)
(Maximum Marks = 60)
English Language
(Maximum Marks = 30)
Quantitative Aptitude
(Maximum Marks = 30)
TOTAL SCORE/ Aggregate
(Maximum Marks = 200)

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RBI Grade B Mains Cut-Off 2022

In the table below we have accumulated the RBI Grade B Mains cut-off 2022 for the RBI Grade B. The candidates can check the cut-off marks from here. The category-wise cut-off marks have been released by the officials.


RBI Grade B Cut Off 2021

RBI Cut-Off for Grade B 2021 has been released after the Phase I exam result on 31st March 2021. The candidates can check the cut-off marks from here. The section-wise and category-wise cut-off marks have been released by the officials.

General Awareness16.0016.0012.0010.2510.2510.25
English Language6.006.004.503.753.753.75
Quantitative Aptitude6.006.004.503.753.753.75
Total Score/ Aggregate66.7566.7563.7553.5052.7552.75

RBI Grade B Cut Off 2021- Phase II & Final

Phase II (Out of 300 marks)187.75187.75167.5166.75187.75166.75 (HI, LD, MD)
169.75 (VI)
Phase II and interview (Out of a total of 375 Marks)252.25241.25212.25205.25218.25Gen-226
Exam Stage
Aggregate cutoff marks in Paper-I (Objective Test of Economics) of the written exam for candidates whose Paper-II (Descriptive Type Test) were used (Out of 100 marks)47.8342.8340.8340.8347.8340.83 (LD)
47.83 (HI, VI, MD)
Aggregate cutoff marks in Paper I, II, and III taken together in a written exam for shortlisting the candidates for interview (Out of 300 marks)183.17172.83162.17162.17183.17162.17 (No candidates shortlisted for interview phase)
Aggregate cutoff marks in the written exam (Paper I, II, and III) and interview taken together (out of 375 marks) obtained by the last recommended candidate249.83220.83186.34No candidate shortlisted for the interview phase208.01No candidate shortlisted for the interview phase

RBI Grade B 2021 Final Cutoff for DEPR

Aggregate cutoff marks in Paper I (Objective type test on Statistics) of written exam for candidates whose Paper II (Descriptive type test) were assessed (Out of 100 marks)46.6746.6739.6739.6746.6739.67 (HI,MD)
46.67 (LD, VI)-As no vacancy is reserved
Aggregate cutoff marks in Paper-I, II and III taken together in a written exam for shortlisting candidates for interview (out of a total of 300 marks)164.67157.33143.67143.67164.67143.67 (No candidate shortlisted for interview phase)
Aggregate cutoff marks in written exam (Paper-I, II and III) and interview taken together (Out of 375 marks) obtained by the last recommended candidate236195.75169.67181.33219.33No candidate shortlisted for the interview phase

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RBI Grade B Cut Off 2019-20

RBI Grade ‘B’ (DR) General 2019-20

Paper I, II & III Aggregate Cut Off193.25188172.25172.25193.25172.25 ( HI, LD, MD) 176.75 (VI)
Written Exams (All Papers) + Interview Aggregate Cut off238.25215.5206.5194197Gen 215.75 OBC 194.75

RBI Grade ‘B’ (DR)-DEPR – 2019-20

Aggregate cut-off marks for Paper 152.6747.6745.6745.6752.67HI- 45.67 LD/MD/VI -52.67 ( As No vacancy )
Aggregate cut-off marks for Paper 1,2 & 3182.84173.67161.84169.5182.84182.84 (No candidate shortlisted for the interview phase)
Aggregate cut-off marks in written examination (All Papers) + Interview229.17203.17195.67189.34204.17(No candidate shortlisted for the interview phase)

RBI GRADE ‘B’ (DR) DSIM 2019-20

Paper I cut off marks38.3338.3331.3331.3338.3331.33
Aggregate cut-off marks for Paper 1,2 & 3160160142.33139160139
Aggregate cut-off marks for written exam (All Papers) + Interview212196.17186.5No candidate Shortlisted for the interview phase188.33No candidate shortlisted for the interview phase

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RBI Grade B Cut Off for Prelims 2019-20

General Awareness (Maximum Marks = 80)20.0020.0016.0014.2514.2514.25
Reasoning (Maximum Marks = 60)15.0015.0012.0010.7510.7510.75
English Language (Maximum Marks = 30)7.507.506.
Quantitative Aptitude (Maximum Marks = 30)7.507.506.
Total Score/Aggregate (Maximum Marks = 200)122.00122.00115.50108.00108.00108.00

RBI Grade B Cut Off for Prelims 2019

General Awareness16.5012.50111111
English Language6.755.254.754.754.75
Quantitative Aptitude42.50222
Total Score/Aggregate786891.756464

RBI Grade B Cut off for Mains 2019

Cut off Marks For Paper I, II, and III(Out of a total of 300 marks)201.25186.25180.25180.25180.25
Cut off Marks for Paper I, II, II, and Interview (Out of a total of 350 Marks)248.50235.50221.25219.50GEN-235.50 OBC-223.00

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RBI Grade B Cut-Off 2018

RBI Grade B Cut off General Awareness

CategoryGeneral Awareness

RBI Grade B Cut-off Reasoning


RBI Grade B Cut off English


RBI Grade B Cut off Quantitative Aptitude

CategoryQuantitative Aptitude

RBI Grade B Overall Cut-Off 2018

The following is the overall cut-off for all categories for the year 2018.

CategoryGeneral Awareness

RBI Grade B Mains Cut-Off 2018

Category-wise cut-off marks for 2018 have been tabulated. The aggregate of paper-I, paper- II, And Paper III have been provided for each category:
General Category Cut Off

Aggregate Cut-Off Marks in paper-I, paper- II, And Paper-III (Out of 300 marks)194.34
Aggregate Cut-Off marks of written examination + interview taken together (out of 350 marks)241.66

OBC Category Cut Off

Aggregate Cut-Off Marks in paper-I, paper- II, And Paper-III (Out of 300 marks)179.34
Aggregate Cut-Off marks of written examination + interview taken together (out of 350 marks)207.33

ST Category Cut Off

Aggregate Cut-Off Marks in paper-I, paper- II, And Paper-III (Out of 300 marks)173.34
Aggregate Cut-Off marks of written examination + interview taken together (out of 350 marks)220.17

SC Category Cut Off

Aggregate Cut-Off Marks in paper-I, paper- II, And Paper-III (Out of 300 marks)173.34
Aggregate Cut-Off marks of written examination + interview taken together (out of 350 marks)220.17

Factors affecting the RBI Grade B Cut off

The cut-off list is prepared by keeping the following points into consideration, which are as follows:

  • Number of vacancies
  • Number of candidates who appeared in the exam
  • The difficulty level of the exam
  • Trends of last year’s cut-off
  • Marking scheme of the exam
  • Norms of Reservation
  • The details of the previous year’s RBI Grade B Cut Off are given below in the tabulated form.

RBI Grade B Cut Off: How to Use It

Want to know your chances of qualifying for the next round? Check out the RBI Grade B Cut Off from the previous year above. You can compare your scores with the cut-off for each subject and category. This will help you along with the RBI Grade B Result to see if you made it to the final selection. Use The RBI Grade B Cut Off to estimate the expected cut-off for this year.

The RBI Officer cutoff Grade B has two parts:

  1. Sectional Cut off for RBI Officer Grade B – You have to clear each section of the Phase-I exam. If you miss the cut-off for any section, you are out.
  2. Overall Cutoff of RBI Officer Grade B – You also have to clear the overall cutoff. If you clear each section but not the overall cut-off, you are still out.

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RBI Grade B Cut Off 2023 – FAQs

Q1. When will be the RBI Grade B Cut off 2023 released?

Ans. RBI will release the RBI Grade B Cut Off 2023 with the result.

Q2. How to check the RBI Grade B Cut Off 2023?

Ans. Candidates can click on the link mentioned in the article to check their Cut off for the RBI Grade B exam.

Q3. Is there any sectional cut-off for RBI Grade B Mains Cut Off 2023?

Ans. Yes, there is a sectional cut-off for RBI Grade B Mains Cut Off 2023.

Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleep lover, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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