RBI Grade B 2023 recruitment notification has just been released featuring a total of 291 vacancies. The online registration has been started and as far as the last date for filling up the online application is concerned it is on Jun 9, 2023. Few days are still left for the aspirants to complete the online registration, however we would advise the aspirants to do not wait for the last date of filling the online application and do it as soon as possible. PracticeMock offers complete RBI Grade B Phase 1 + Phase 2 Objective + Descriptive Tests with Expert Review the details for which are given at the end of the article. Attempt a free RBI Grade B mock test and know your weak areas so that you can improve upon that by preparing well and can ace the actual exam that will probably be held on July 9, 2023. In this blog we will talk about RBI Grade B 2023 Phase I General Awareness Preparation Strategy that will help you to get exam ready for the General Awareness section.
Candidates can practice free topic wise quizzes and mini mocks in order to master each and every topic and to top it all we provide mock tests on latest pattern. So, those who haven’t taken it yet must take the test and know their preparation level before the notification comes. General Awareness as we all know is quite an important section and if prepared well can fetch you a good score. In this article we are specifically targeting this section and giving tips as how to approach General Awareness section for RBI Grade B Phase I exam.
Candidates can subsequently increase their chances of clearing the cutoff marks of Phase I and Phase II. Without any iota of doubt current affairs forms an integral part of whether it is RBI Grade B Phase I or Phase II. Keeping this in mind let us first make you go through the exam pattern.
RBI Grade B Phase I 2023 Exam Pattern
S. No. | Objective Type Test | No. of Questions | Marks | Time |
(i) | General Awareness | 80 | 80 | 25 mins |
(ii) | Reasoning | 60 | 60 | 45 mins |
(iii) | English Language | 30 | 30 | 25 mins |
(iv) | Quantitative Aptitude | 30 | 30 | 25 mins |
Total | 200 | 200 | 120 mins |
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RBI Grade B 2023 Phase I General Awareness Preparation Strategy
The most important tip we would like to give to our aspirants would be to keep preparing for RBI Grade B phase I and phase II side by side. We have launched RBI Grade B Phase 1 + Phase 2 Objective + Descriptive Tests with Expert Review (2023) for a comprehensive preparation.
RBI Grade B Phase 1 + Phase 2 Objective + Descriptive Tests with Expert Review (2023)
Coming back to the current affairs preparation, keep preparing for the two phases simultaneously as preparing for current affairs needs consistent time and energy. Current Affairs usually include the following:
- Daily events news
- Static GK
- Economic Survey
- Union Budget
- Census 2011
- SECC 2011
- Government Schemes (Union & State Govt. Schemes)
- Important RBI notifications, circulars and reports etc.
RBI Grade B Phase I Current Affairs to be Covered
Here are few areas or topics which needs to be covered as far as RBI Grade B Phase I current affairs preparation is concerned:
- Obituaries
- Banking Terminology
- Union Budget
- Economic Survey
- Appointments/Committees/Constituencies
- Awards/Film Festivals
- Schemes/Campaigns/Portals
- International News/India’s initiatives with other countries
- Meeting/Summits
- Banks & their Headquarters
- Census Data
- Banking, Economy & Finance News
- Ports, Industrial parks, museums, Power plants, nuclear plants, missile launches, etc.
- Abbreviations
- Festivals
- Books
- Sports
- National Parks/Sanctuaries
- Headquarters of various organizations
- National & International Days/Themes
- Dams
- Capitals & Currencies
- Airports
- Stadiums
- Biography/Autobiography
RBI Grade B 2023 Free Mock Test
RBI Grade B Phase I General Awareness
- Scoring good in GA will help you achieve success in clearing the overall cutoff in RBI Grade B Phase I.
- Static GK questions would be related to current affairs.
- When it comes to current affairs usually current affairs from past 6 to 7 moths are asked in the examination. So, be prepared with past current affairs thoroughly.
RBI Grade B Phase II General Awareness
- If we talk about current affairs most of the ESI paper comprises of current affairs.
- We have released Economic & Social Issue (ESI)+Finance & Management-Study & Revision Notes+Chapter Wise Quizzes. Sart preparing for RBI Grade B phase II side by side.
- Prepare for atleast 6 months of current affairs prior to the examination.
- As far as other important schemes, indices and reports are concerned these are to be prepared of past 8 months roughly.
- All government schemes are to be covered thoroughly including both the latest and the old ones.
RBI Grade B Phase 1 + Phase 2 Objective + Descriptive Tests with Expert Review (2023)
We have launched complete RBI Grade B Phase 1 + Phase 2 Objective + Descriptive Tests with Expert Review (2023) which includes the following:
- 10 Complete Mock Tests for Phase 1 Exam
- 15 Sectional Tests for Phase 1 (5 each for Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning and English)
- 30 Mock Tests for Phase 2 (15 each for ESI & FM) (10 Objective + 5 Descriptive with Expert Review)
RBI Grade B Non Video Course + Phase 1 + Phase 2 Objective + Descriptive Tests with Expert Review (2023)
- Economic & Social Issue (ESI)+Finance & Management-Study & Revision Notes+Chapter Wise Quizzes.
- 10 Complete Mock Tests for Phase 1 Exam
- 15 Sectional Test (5 each for Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning and English)
- 30 Mock Tests for Phase 2 (15 each for ESI & FM) (10 Objective + 5 Descriptive)
RBI Grade B 2023 Free Mock Test
RBI Grade B Phase 1 Tests
- 10 Complete Mock Tests for Phase 1 Exam
- 15 Sectional Tests for Phase 1 (5 each for Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning and English)
How to Prepare for Current Affairs
You can never be too prepared as far as the General Awareness section is concerned and it is not even a one day or a one week job. Preparing GA means you have to be consistent in your preparation. Current affairs requires regular reading of the newspapers and some GK magazines can be an add on.
- Keep on preparing notes while you are reading newspaper by highlighting all important pointers.
- Keep a tab on the categories including: International news, Sports, Economics & Business news, Science/Technology and National/International News.
- Focus on these above topics well.
- Keep your notes handy so that you can pick them whenever you are start revising the current affairs section.
- As mentioned above current affairs preparation has to be consistent, thus you need to revise every week in order to keep your memory fresh regarding these events etc.
Keep reading more RBI Grade B 2023 preparation articles and stay updated.
RBI Grade B 2023 Recruitment Notification- All Details
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