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The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Grade B Officer Exam 2023  is planned to be conducted in July 2023. Prelims is scheduled on 9th July 2023 while Mains will be held on 30 July. On one hand it’s one of the most difficult exams in the banking sector. On the other hand, we have less than a month to prepare. On top of that, the gap between Prelims and Mains is less than a month. Hence, it’s  time to psyche yourself for combat. Let us have a look at the plan of the RBI Grade B Officer Exam. 

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RBI Grade B Officer Exam Pattern

The exam is conducted in three phases namely, prelims, mains and an interview. Prelims comprises one paper of objective type questions while Mains consists of 3 papers , mix of both objective and descriptive kind of questions.


SectionsTotal No. of QuestionsMarksExam Duration
Reasoning606045 minutes
General Awareness808025 minutes
English Language303025 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude303025 minutes
Total2002002 hours

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S No.Sections / SubjectsPaper TypeMaximum MarksDuration (minutes)
1.Paper I: Economics and Social Issues50% Objective Type, 50% Descriptive (to be typed with the help of the keyboard)50
3090 Total-120
2.Paper-II: English (Writing Skills)Descriptive (3 questions)10090 minutes
3.Paper III: Finance and Management50% Objective Type and 50% Descriptive50 + 50 Total-10030 + 90 Total-120

Last Month Preparation

  • Focus mainly on revision and practicing. Make a checklist of the topics in the syllabus. Avoid cramming more information in your memory.
  • Practice Writing Everyday. It will not only help you retain information, but will also enhance your writing skills. When you put your vocabulary to use, it also improves your linguistic skills.
  • It’s time to brush up your knowledge and assess your preparation. It’s crucial to take as many Mock Tests as you can on a regular basis. They will considerably speed up your preparation, enhance time management skills and help you develop exam stamina.
  • You have very little time at your disposal for Mains preparation which is even less than a month. Hence, prepare for both Prelims and Mains together. As you go on swotting up, include all the subjects in the revision every week.
  • Read Newspaper Daily. Keep up with the news regarding trade and finance, banking, government economic policies etc. and their impact on the society. 
  • Learn anxiety management tools like breathing exercises, yoga etc. A positive frame of mind keeps you in the running.
  • Keep yourself examination dates, and notifications regarding examination, admit card etc. Missing out on them will cost you more than you can bargain for.


The RBI Grade B Officer exam is just round the corner. At this point, polishing, retaining the knowledge, assessing your preparation and overall psyching yourself up is more important. This is the time when Mock Tests make a world of difference. We offer plenty of FREE Quizzes and mock tests on the PracticMock website. Make the most out of them. All the best!

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