RBI Grade B 2020 Phase I II Study Plan Start Now
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Where to Start Preparations?

Get clarity on the examination of RBI Grade B. Once you know the exam pattern and process then, you can easily figure out the study plan and preparation strategy for Phases 1, 2, and the Interview. Cover Phase 1 and 2 exam preparations together. You don’t have much time in hand hardly 10-15 days left in hand in Phase 1 and 2.

Exam Prep Sale

  • Work on basic concepts to cover Quant, Reasoning, and English.
  • For General Awareness, read newspapers Business Standard, Economic Times, Live Mint, and online compilers.
  • Practice mock tests and previous year’s papers for practice.
  • Solve maximum questions for descriptive and objective writing for ESI, F&M and English sections.
  • Use PM’s online resources for Sampoorna, Descriptive+Objective Mocks, Schemes Chronicle, and PIB for ESI and F&M.

When to Start Current Affairs?

In RBI Grade B, financial and banking-related news are covered in current affairs. The exam is in July 2024. Follow the last 6 current affairs starting from December 2023. We provide current affairs complied PDF Bazooka updated monthly. Moreover, follow PracticeMock Regulatory YouTube to get the latest content on current affairs preparation. Solve Mock tests to improve your performance and test-taking skills. 

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Will I be able to crack RBI Grade B?

A common question that may come to your mind. Will I be able to crack the RBI Grade B exam? Such a question may stuck in your mind due to the following reasons.

  • Is it your last attempt for RBI Grade B?
  • Do you find the exam highly competitive?
  • Fresher in Government exam preparation?
  • No trust in your skills and knowledge?
  • Finds ESI & ARD Difficult?

These are just myths to low your confidence and morale. If you have the willpower and dedication in yourself then, no one can stop to become a Grade B Officer in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Chase your dream to turn them only by giving sincere efforts in strengthening your conceptual knowledge and attempting mock tests online. Gurumantra to qualify for these challenging government exams are speed, accuracy and solving maximum mock tests online.

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By Sweta Singh

I pen/write blogs to help aspirants prepare for SSC, Banking, and Engineering exams. These blogs turn out to be a one-stop destination for comprehensive information on some of the biggest competitive exams. My ultimate goal is to provide accurate and easy-to-understand information, covering topics like exam patterns, syllabus, study techniques, and more. Join me on this journey of knowledge!

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