RBI Assistant Vs SBI Clerk – Which One to Choose?

The RBI Assistant 2021 recruitment notification is not out yet, however candidates can expect it to come soon. Last year in 2020 RBI Assistant announced a total of 926 vacancies. Also, if we talk about the SBI Clerk exam is already over now, so for those who are a kind of confused to take up any of these two we are here with this blog. Though, the RBI Assistant notification is expected soon now, so it is the time when the aspirants should start preparing for this exam in full throttle. Sometimes with so many exams lined up, aspirants generally get confused as which exam they should choose. This article is about giving an insightful information regarding both RBI Assistant and SBI Clerk. So, if you are confused between the two then by going through this blog you may get a clarity as RBI Assistant vs SBI Clerk.

RBI Assistant Vs SBI Clerk Which One to Choose?

Let’s start the comparison of the two by mentioning that both RBI Assistant and SBI Clerk is a clerical cadre exam, however both of these exams are equally popular and important. Mentioned below is the comparison of the overall view of these two exams.

ExamRBI AssistantSBI Clerk
Conducting BodyIBPS (Reserve Bank of India)IBPS (State Bank of India)
PositionAssistant (Clerical Level)Junior Associates (Clerical Level)
Selection ProcedureThree Stages including: RBI Assistant, Prelims RBI Assistant Mains & Language Proficiency TestThree Stages including: SBI Clerk Prelims SBI, Clerk Mains & Test of specified opted local language

RBI Assistant Vs SBI Clerk – Exam Pattern

As far as the exam pattern of the two is concerned, the RBI Assistant and SBI Clerk Prelims 2021 exam pattern is the same. If we talk about exam pattern of the two, they are different in Mains. The Mains exam pattern of the two is defined below:

RBI Assistant Mains Exam PatternSBI Clerk Mains Exam Pattern
The Mains of RBI Assistant comprises of 5 sections including test of Reasoning, test of English language, test of Numerical Ability, test of General Awareness & test of Computer KnowledgeThe Mains of SBI Clerk comprises of 4 sections including General English, General/Financial Awareness, Quantitative aptitude and Reasoning ability & Computer aptitude
The total time duration of RBI Assistant Mains is 2 hours & 15 minsThe total time duration of SBI Clerk Mains is 2 hours & 40 mins

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RBI Assistant & SBI Clerk – Salary

RBI Assistant SalarySBI Clerk Salary
As far as the basic pay of an RBI Assistant goes is Rs 13150/-The starting Basic Pay is Rs.13075/- (Rs11765/- plus two advance increments admissible to graduates)
Gross Salary – Rs 32528/-Gross Salary – Rs 11765 + two advance increments admissible to graduates
Pay Scale of RBI Assistant – 13150-750(3)-15400-900(4)-19000-1200(6)-26200-1300(2)-28800-1480(3)-33240-1750(1)-34990(20 years)Pay Scale of SBI Clerk – Rs.11765-655/ 3-13730-815/ 3-16175-980/ 4-20095-1145/ 7-28110-2120/ 1-30230-1310/1-31450

By looking at the above table it can be clearly seen that the Gross salary of an RBI Assistant is much higher than that of an SBI Clerk. However, here if we talk about a comparison between the two on the basis of salary then it is very apparent that RBI Assistant falls under the winning category.

RBI Assistant & SBI Clerk – Other Perks and Allowances

Other than salaries, RBI Assistant and SBI Clerk get several perks and allowances. These are defined in the table below:

RBI Assistant Other Perks & AllowancesSBI Clerk Other Perks & Allowances
Housing AccommodationHouse Rent allowance
Leave travel concessions for employee’s family once every two yearsMedical facilities
Book grant, briefcase and newspaperEncashment of Privilege leaves
Interest free festival advanceLeave fare subsidy
Reimbursement of vehicle maintenance expenseDearness allowance
Reimbursement of medical expense for OPD treatments and hospitalizationConveyance allowance
Loans at concessional rates for housing, car, education, consumer articles and for personal computer etc.Loans for car, housing, and for other personal consumables at concessional rates

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RBI Assistant & SBI Clerk Job Profile

RBI Assistant Job ProfileSBI Clerk Job Profile
Verification of both Banking & Non-Banking documentsSBI Clerk will be on a probation period of minimum 6 months.
Maintaining filesDealing with customers and their queries.
Respond to RTI queriesClarifying customer’s doubts and provide them proper guidance
Job profile includes data entryHandling activities at the deposit counter related to cash withdrawal.
Replying and maintaining email logsTaking care of customer’s accounts by signing and verifying documents, countersigning and clearing drafts, cheques etc.
Initiation of Office Notes belonging to various centresBack-office work such as balance tallying, ledger maintenance and data entry etc.
Responsible for marketing financial products including schemes, loans, deposits and funds to potential customers
Scrutiny of applications for their completeness and authenticity
To sell bank services and other advisory services by calling up customers

NOTE: RBI Assistant’s job profile depends upon the department with which they are attached to.

Career Growth of RBI Assistant & SBI Clerk

RBI Assistant Career GrowthSBI Clerk Career Growth
Grade A Officer (Assistant Manager)After completion of 3 years of service, a clerk can become a trainee officer. A written test and an interview are to be cleared
Grade B Officer (Managerial Level)After completion of probation, the trainee officer will either be recruited into Middle Management Grade Scale-II (MMGS-II) cadre or will be sent back to clerical cadre. It completely depends upon the performance.
Grade C (Assistant General Manager)After completing six years of service under fast track promotion or completing 12 years of service under normal promotion channel, a clerk can be promoted to Junior Manager Grade Scale (JMGS-I) officer.
Grade D (Deputy General Manager)
Grade E (General Manager)
Grade F (Deputy Governor)

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This is all from us related to these two job profiles. Those aspirants who have this confusion in mind as which out of the two you should choose then you can clearly figure out the difference and can take a wise decision yourself. Though, these both exams are important, however you will have to make a choice among the two depending upon the job profile, salary, career growth and perks and other allowances. RBI Assistant out of the two has better prospects though considering the work pressure and the salary.

So, don’t wait anymore and start preparing for RBI Assistant 2021 by taking a free mock test.

Cheena Sawhney

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