Quickly Build Vocabulary for all Bank Exams

Want to enhance your vocabulary power quickly for the upcoming Bank Exam you are aiming at?

If your answer is yes, you are at the right place.

Having a good vocabulary is essential for your writing, speaking, and communicating with other people. But, on any given day, it can also become a nightmare for most of the candidates, which is a crucial part of the English Section. English section, as you might be knowing is the must-ask section in all the major banking exams like SBI Clerk/PO, IBPS Clerk, PO, IBPS RRB Clerk, RBI Grade A, B, NABARD Grade A&B, LIC, AAO, etc. You need to have a sound knowledge of language and vocabulary to beat these Exams.

You may also like to read, How to Answer Reading Comprehension Answers in SBI Clerk Exam 2021?

This article will guide you on how you can start at the beginning and enhance your vocabulary by reading, looking up words, and committing to use those words in writing and your normal speech to become a word bank.

But before launching that mini-vocab guide let’s first take a look at some important Vocabulary topics for all the bank exams mentioned above.

Also read, Secrets of scoring 25+ Marks in English Section of SBI Clerk Prelims 2021

Vocabulary related Important Topics in Bank Exams

Here are the 3 toughest English topics that are directly related to vocabulary building:

Topics directly related to VocabularyHow does vocabulary play an important part in it?
Reading comprehensionRC is an essential topic in the bank exam. Without having a Good Vocabulary, you will not be able to understand the comprehension completely. Attempt a Mock Test to see where you are and how much effort you needed to reach where you want to be to beat the aimed Exam.
Error spotting Error spotting becomes hard if you don’t have sufficient knowledge of words needed for a particular bank Exam. Give Mock Tests to test your error spotting skills and improve them.
Cloze testThe Cloze test will not only check your grammar skills but also your ability to understand words. Give a Mock Test to fine-tune your Cloze Test solving skills.

Also read, 6 Benefits of Taking Regular Mock Tests for SBI Clerk Pre/Mains Exam 2021 for Best Results

Quick and Easy Ways to Build Vocabulary for Bank Exams

1.    Read voraciously

Make a daily habit of reading a newspaper. You can also try to read one new book a week. Develop a daily reading routine that fits into your schedule. By this, just in a few days, you will observe that you have started naturalizing all the words you have read automatically.

2.    Memorize New Words daily

Set a target of learning 10 new words every day. Learn through root words. This will not only help you in maintaining your daily study schedule but will also enhance your focus on your preparation and boost your vocabulary power in just a few days. 

3.    Use a Dictionary & Thesaurus while reading

 It is quite natural that you would come across some new words you’d not be aware of while reading. And you might also like to know the antonyms and synonyms of the word to further enhance your knowledge of the word and the exact idea behind it. And that’s where a dictionary and thesaurus come in handy. That is how you can understand these words and boost your vocabulary.

4.    Read Articles on Various Subjects

Read articles on various subjects like science, religion, philosophy, etc. An easy alternative can be reading Wikipedia articles on different subjects and noting loan new words from it for memorization. Don’t skip unknown or unfamiliar words: Whenever you come across an unfamiliar word, do not skip it or leave them. Pay attention to how it is being used in the context of the sentence or entire paragraph. Look it up in the dictionary and note it down in a notebook devoted to vocabulary building for SBI Clerk Exam 2021. You should quickly keep jotting down all the new words in the notebook for checking them later.

3. Take Vocabulary quizzes

You can also take vocabulary quizzes to test your present vocabulary. Always keep track of your progress and keep increasing the speed of your progress for better results in the Exam. 

Recommended Books for Vocabulary for Banking Exams

Apart from all the tips mentioned above, you can buy a good English vocabulary book to achieve your aim in a short time. It will help you understand the meaning of words coupled with their synonyms and antonyms, homophones, idiomatic expressions, proverbs, and more. It will also guide you in simplifying and using words through sentences easily.

Here are 6 most useful English Grammar and vocabulary books that you can choose from:

  • Oxford Learner’s Pocket Word Skills by Redman Stuart: This book is easy to read and covers over 3500 words, expressions, and phrases along with the context of use. Reading it regularly can supply you with better vocabulary at a swift pace. Grab this book!
  • Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis: This is termed as a classic for vocabulary building.
  • The Vocabulary Builder Workbook by Chris Lele: The book covers more than 1400 essential words for any competitive exam.
  • The Black Book of English Vocabulary by Nikhil Gupta: It contains over 6600 words with Hindi and English explanations. This is a must-buy book!


You need to comply with the above-mentioned points to experience quick and regular improvement. A good vocabulary will ease your attempt at the Reading Comprehension portion. Your vocabulary power will also help you in tackling the multiple meaning portion of the English test successfully. In addition, it will also help you in acing the interview part.

Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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