RBI Assistant

Quant Income & Expenditure Practice Questions & Answers

Income & Expenditure questions are often asked in the banking and government examinations thus, it is quite an important concept in the quant syllabus. These kinds of questions are often asked in the exam as they test a candidate’s basic mathematical knowledge and concepts related to financial management and budgeting. Overall these kinds of questions are important and thus require a strong foundation in Mathematics and financial management etc. Below we are discussing this topic and here we have come up with Quant Income & Expenditure Practice Questions & Answers. 

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Income and Expenses:

Income = Expenditure + Savings

If income of ‘B’ is ‘x%’ more than that of ‘A’, then income of ‘B’ = Income of ‘A’ × {1 + (x/100)}

If income of ‘B’ is ‘x%’ less than that of ‘A’, then income of ‘B’ = Income of A × {1 – (x/100)}

If the price of a commodity increases by ‘x%’, then percentage reduction in consumption, so as not to increase the expenditure is: [{x/(100 + x)} × 100]%

Quant Income & Expenditure Practice Questions & Answers

Question 1: Devraj spends (x + 5)%, (x + 15)%, and (x – 5)% of his monthly income on rent, food, and entertainment, and thereby saves Rs. 8800 which accounts for 40% of his monthly income. Find his expenditure on food (in Rs.).

A) Rs. 4800

B) Rs. 5400

C) Rs. 6600

D) Rs. 7200

E) None of these

Question 2: Monthly income of Ankur is 37.5% less than the monthly income of Varun. What is ratio of the monthly expenditures of Ankur to Varun if the monthly savings of Varun is 60% more than the monthly savings of Ankur?

A) 3:1

B) 5:8

C) 7:5

D) 9:7

E) Cannot be determined

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Question 3: The ratio of income and expenditure of Shivam is 5:2, and his monthly savings is Rs. 13500. He spends (x + 5)% on food, (x + 10)% on entertainment, and remaining on education. If he spends Rs. 4050 on education, then find the value of x.

A) 25

B) None of these

C) 10

D) 15

E) 20

Question 4: Sujata invested 40% of her yearly income in fixed deposit, 25% and 15% of the remaining on house rent and food, and saved the rest i.e. saved Rs. 54000. Find his monthly income (in Rs.).

A) Rs. 10000

B) Rs. 12500

C) Rs. 15000

D) Rs. 17500

E) Rs. 20000

Question 5: Monthly income of Akash is 25% more than the monthly income of Itij. What is the ratio of the monthly savings of Akash to Itij if the monthly expenditure of Itij is 20% less than the monthly expenditure of Akash?

A) 3:2

B) 4:3

C) 2:3

D) 5:4

E) Cannot be determined

Question 6: The respective ratio of monthly income of Raman to monthly income of Raghav is 8:9, and Raman’s saving is (100/3)% more than Raghav’s saving. Find the expenditure of Raman, if the sum of monthly income of Raman and Raghav is Rs. 51000, and expenditure of Raghav is Rs. 12000.

A) Rs.12000

B) Rs. 3000

C) Rs. 4000

D) Rs. 6000

E) Rs. 8000

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Question 7: The monthly income of Tony was Rs. 10500. and his monthly expenditure was Rs. 8000. Next month, his income increased by 20%, and his expenditure increased by 25%. Find the percentage increase in his savings with respect to previous month.

A) 6%

B) 4%

C) 8%

D) 10%

E) 2%

Question 8: Monthly income of Manish is Rs. 12,800 and his monthly expenditure is Rs. 4,000. If his income is decreased by 25% and expenditure is decreased by Rs. 1,000, then find the change in his monthly savings?

A) Rs. 1,800

B) Rs. 1,600

C) Rs. 1,400

D) Rs. 2,200

E) None of these

Question 9: Monthly income of Arvind is Rs. 6000 and monthly income of Ashok is 25% less than monthly income of Arvind. Monthly expense of Arvind is half of his monthly income. If the ratio of savings of Arvind to Ashok is 5:4 then find monthly expense of Ashok.

A) Rs. 2400

B) Rs. 2100

C) Rs. 2800

D) Rs. 2500

E) None of these

Question 10: Virat spends 75% of his monthly income. Along with the salary he also gets an incentive every month which equal to 5% of his salary. If his annual saving is Rs. 126000, then find the incentive given to Virat every month. [Monthly income = salary + incentive]

A) Rs. 2000

B) Rs. 4000

C) Rs. 1500

D) Rs. 3500

E) Rs. 1200

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प्रश्न 1: Devraj किराये, भोजन और मनोरंजन पर अपनी मासिक आय का (x + 15)%, (x + 15)%, और (x – 5)% खर्च करता है, और इस तरह Rs. 8800 बचाता है जो उसकी मासिक आय का 40% है। भोजन पर उसका व्यय (in Rs.) ज्ञात करें?

A) Rs. 4800

B) Rs. 5400

C) Rs. 6600

D) Rs. 7200

E) इनमें से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 2: Ankur की मासिक आय Varun की मासिक आय से 37.5% कम है|Ankur और Varun की मासिक व्यय का अनुपात ज्ञात करें यदि Varun की मासिक बचत Ankur की मासिक बचत से 60% अधिक है?

A) 3:1

B) 5:8

C) 7:5

D) 9:7

E) निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता

प्रश्न 3: Shivam की आय और व्यय का अनुपात 5: 2 है, और उसकी मासिक बचत Rs. 13500 है | वह भोजन पर (x + 5)%, (x + 10) %, मनोरंजन पर और शेष शिक्षा पर खर्च करता है । यदि वह शिक्षा पर Rs. 4050 खर्च करता है। तो x का मान ज्ञात करें ?

A) 25

B) इनमें से कोई नहीं

C) 10

D) 15

E) 20

प्रश्न 4: सुजाता ने अपनी वार्षिक आय का 40% fixed deposit में, और शेष का 25% और 15% घर के किराये और भोजन पर लगाया, और शेष बचा लिया यानि Rs. 54000 को बचा लिया | उसकी मासिक आय (Rs. में) ज्ञात करें ?

A) Rs. 10000

B) Rs. 12500

C) Rs. 15000

D) Rs. 17500

E) Rs. 20000

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प्रश्न 5: Akash की मासिक आय, Itij की मासिक आय से 25% अधिक है। यदि Akash और Itij की मासिक बचत का अनुपात ज्ञात करें, यदि Itij का मासिक खर्च, Akash के मासिक खर्च से 20% कम है |

A) 3:2

B) 4:3

C) 2:3

D) 5:4

E) निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता

प्रश्न 6: Raman और Raghav की मासिक आय का अनुपात 8:9 है और Raman की बचत Raghav की बचत से (100/3)% अधिक है|Raman का व्यय ज्ञात करें, यदि Raman और Raghav की मासिक आय का योग 51000 है और Raghav का व्यय Rs 12000 है|

A) Rs.12000

B) Rs. 3000

C) Rs. 4000

D) Rs. 6000

E) Rs. 8000

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प्रश्न 7: Tony की मासिक आय Rs. 10500 थी और उसका मासिक खर्च Rs. 8000 था। 8000. अगले महीने, उसकी आय में 20% की वृद्धि हुई, और उसके खर्च में 25% की वृद्धि हुई। पिछले महीने के संबंध में उसकी बचत की प्रतिशत वृद्धि ज्ञात करें ?

A) 6%

B) 4%

C) 8%

D) 10%

E) 2%

प्रश्न 8: Manish की मासिक आय Rs. 12,800 और उसका मासिक खर्च Rs. 4,000 है | यदि उसकी आय में 25% की कमी हुई है और व्यय में Rs. 1,000 कम हुए है तो उसकी मासिक बचत में बदलाव को ज्ञात करें?

A) Rs. 1,800

B) Rs. 1,600

C) Rs. 1,400

D) Rs. 2,200

E) इनमें से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 9: Arvind की मासिक आय Rs. 6000 और Ashok की मासिक आय Arvind की मासिक आय से 25% कम है। Arvind का मासिक व्यय उनकी मासिक आय का आधा है। यदि Arvind और Ashok की बचत का अनुपात 5: 4 है, तो Ashok का मासिक व्यय ज्ञात करें?

A) Rs. 2400

B) Rs. 2100

C) Rs. 2800

D) Rs. 2500

E) इनमें से कोई नहीं

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प्रश्न 10: Virat अपनी मासिक आय का 75% खर्च करते हैं। वेतन के साथ उसे हर महीने एक incentive भी मिलता है जो उनके वेतन के 5% के बराबर होता है। यदि उसकी वार्षिक बचत Rs. 126000 है, फिर हर महीने Virat को दिया गया incentive ज्ञात करें [मासिक आय = वेतन + incentive]

A) Rs. 2000

B) Rs. 4000

C) Rs. 1500

D) Rs. 3500

E) Rs. 1200

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1) – C)2) – B)3) – E)4) – B)5) – D)6) – C)
7) – B)8) – D)9) – B)10) – A)

Solution 1: C)

Monthly income of Devraj = 8800/0.4 = Rs. 22000

So, (x + 5) + (x + 15) + (x – 5) = 100 – 40

3x + 15 = 60

3x = 45, x = 15

Therefore, his expenditure on Food = (15 + 15)% of 22000 = 0.3 × 22000 = Rs. 6600

Hence, option c.

Solution 2: B)

Let the monthly income of Varun = Rs. x

So the monthly income of Ankur = Rs. 0.625x

Let the monthly savings of Ankur = Rs. y

So the monthly savings of Varun = Rs. 1.6y

So the ratio of the monthly expenditures of Ankur to Varun = (0.625x – y): (x – 1.6y)

= 5(0.125x – 0.2y): 8(0.125x – 0.2y) = 5: 8

Hence, option b.

Solution 3: E)

Expenditure of Shivani = [2/(5 – 2)] × 13500 = Rs. 9000

According to question,

9000 × [100 – (x + 5) – (x + 10)]% = 4050

90 × (85 – 2x) = 4050

85 – 2x = 45

2x = 85 – 45

2x = 40

x = 20

Hence, option c.

Solution 4: B)

Let, total yearly income be Rs. 100x.

So, amount invested in FD = 0.4 × 100x = Rs. 40x

So, amount spent on rent and food = (25 + 15)% of (100x – 40x) = 0.4 × 60x = Rs. 24x

Therefore, amount saved = 100x – 40x – 24x = Rs. 36x

So, 36x = 54000

x = 54000/36 = 1500

Therefore, yearly income of Sujata = 100 × 1500 = Rs. 150000

So, monthly income = 150000/12 = Rs. 12500

Hence, option b.

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Solution 5: D)

Let the monthly income of Itij be Rs. ‘x’

So, the monthly income of Akash = Rs. 1.25x

Let the monthly expenditure of Akashbe Rs. ‘y’

So, the monthly expenditure of Itij = 0.8y

So, the ratio of the monthly incomes of Akash to Itij = (1.25x – y)/(x – 0.8y)

= 5(0.25x – 0.2y)/4(0.25x – 0.2y) = 5:4

Hence, option d.

Solution 6: C)

Let monthly income of Raman and Raghav be 8x and 9x, respectively.

Then, 8x + 9x = 51000

17x = 15000, x = 3000

Raman’s monthly income = 8x = Rs. 24000

Raghav’s monthly income = 9x = Rs. 27000

Given, expenditure of Raghav = Rs. 12000

So, Raghav’s saving = 27000 – 12000 = Rs. 15000

Then, Raman’s saving = 15000 + (1/3)×15000 = 15000 + 5000 = Rs. 20000

Raman’s expenditure = 24000 – 20000 = Rs. 4000

Hence, option c.

Solution 7: B)

Monthly income of Tony = Rs. 10500

Monthly income after increase = 1.2 × 10500 = Rs. 12600

Monthly expenditure of Tony = Rs. 8000

Monthly expenditure after increase = 1.25 × 8000 =Rs. 10000

Monthly savings = 10500 – 8000 = Rs. 2500

Monthly savings after increase = 12600 – 10000 = Rs. 2600

Required percentage increase = {(2600 – 2500)/2500} × 100 = 4%

Hence, option b.

Solution 8: D)

Monthly savings of Manish earlier = 12800 – 4000 = Rs. 8,800

Monthly income of Manish now = 0.75 × 12800 = Rs. 9,600

Monthly expenditure of Manish now = 4000 – 1000 = Rs. 3,000

Monthly savings of Manish now = 9600 – 3000 = Rs. 6,600

Desired change = 8800 – 6600 = Rs. 2,200

Hence, option d.

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Solution 9: B)

Monthly income of Ashok = 0.75 × 6000 = Rs. 4500

Monthly expense of Arvind = 0.5 × 6000 = Rs. 3000

Monthly savings of Arvind = 6000 – 3000 = Rs. 3000

Monthly Saving of Ashok = 4/5 × 3000 = Rs. 2400

Monthly expense of Ashok = 4500 – 2400 = Rs. 2100

Hence, option b.

Solution 10: A)

Let the salary of the Virat be Rs. x

Incentive received by him = Rs. 0.05x

Virat’s monthly income = (x + 0.05x) = Rs. 1.05x

His yearly income = 1.05x ×12 = Rs. 12.6x

According to the question,

0.25 × 12.6x = 126000

Or, x = 126000/3.15 = Rs. 40000

Incentive received by Virat every month = 0.05 × 40000 = Rs. 2000

Hence, option a.

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This brings us to the end of the article. It is important to study and revise this quant concept of Income and expenditure well and also practice few sample questio

Cheena Sawhney

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